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Everything posted by littlecat

  1. will attempt to add photos properly tommorrow , been hectic at work .. heres a link for now , if it works http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 1a50c9a8b5
  2. home, un packed and the bike safely away in the garage. Thanks for a brilliant weekend guys ... random and bizarre pics to follow when i find the camera lol
  3. that was a brilliant rideout... i did less than a quarter of a mile, saw a few spots of rain, and spent the rest of the afternoon in the pub with my friend mr strongbow
  4. and are you thinking of doing that on the sunday mega??? if its fine count me in
  5. thnx ..sounds like a good run
  6. how many miles is that route mega?? and just how tight and mountainous and twisty is it ???
  7. inthought the invite was for midday on saturday onwards, so will pootle down saturdxay morning
  8. sue is the parking hardstanding ????
  9. megawatt, im up for a decent rideout at least one day , if the weathers not too pooh...R6 needs to strecth her legs
  10. its also about the size or level of adjustment in the calf /ankle area... some cheaper boots dont have any adjustment, and are too slim fitting to go over trousers.
  11. anyone else heading down via derby..ish area ??
  12. me and a mate are already booked for the whole weekend, fancy a meet up and camping in the same vicinity ??? hoping it'll be a good weekend, will be going on the bike , my camping gear doesnt take up too much room
  13. what time can we actually arrive, as ive got the friday off and wouldnt mind setting up camp and then mooching off on the bike for a bit
  14. yay, something for megawatt to tinker with !!!
  15. and heres some i did earlier ( last weekend ....) the miners standard http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/bikemarch2012007.jpg fishponds carpark..matlock http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/bikemarch2012005.jpg and the royal oak pub at watnall http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/bikemarch2012001.jpg thats another 30 points.. making me a total of 120 ... and i have all week off work to add to that
  16. right heres todays... donington http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/eastersunday001.jpg the biker pub at coalville ( is it the vic???) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/eastersunday003.jpg the crazy fox at rutland http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/eastersunday013.jpg MFN http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/eastersunday015.jpg thats a total of 40 points for these , plus the 50 i already had = 90 points.....a few more to come when i find the pics.
  17. 10 o'clock Cat 11 -30 Melton mowbrey for Rach Going to get some tags on the way Cat so bring your number will do TC.. just fixing the exhaust...pretty sure illl get it done before bedtime
  18. ok....maybe its me being thick, but i still cant see what time to meet at derby
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