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Everything posted by mattycoops43

  1. The way they are laid out is abysmal and very dangerous. if I did still cycle, I wouldn't be using them!
  2. Yup! When I used to cycle a lot I would always filter, but I would always overtake on the correct side. When I am in the van and I see someone coming up on the inside, squeezing past people on the left, I tend to move over to the kerb to stop them doing it. I get nasty looks, but I genuinely think it's safer for them to not do it or come round on the correct side. I always let bikes come past on my right, no problem with being overtaken in traffic by a bike whatsoever.
  3. I was always taught to give a cycle the same space as a small car, so how can two or three small cars drive abreast? I don't see how it can be legal?? please clarify. I came round a bend in a national speed limit yesterday (road up towards Tintern abbey at St Arwens), blind bend with double whites in the middle and I came across 2 bikes doing 15mph spread out across the road. No, I didn't nearly hit them, because I was driving sensibly, but I had to sit behind them for a while as there was not room to go past. The road was clear, and if they had been over I could have gone past as if something had come from opposite I would have had a safety margin, but where they were positioned it wasn't safe. legal? possibly, annoying? yes!
  4. I had conti go on my Xj, they grip quite well but wear out fast. Don't skimp on tyres, they are the only thing really in between you and hospital time! I have michelin Pilot road3's and love them.
  5. Find out the sizes of the rims on earlier and later models, if they have the same size rims (width) then I don't see how it is different from a later model then?
  6. How do you mean? I think we are allowed to incriminate ourselves by mistake, that's how the police catch the baddies, but I don't think we should be required to incriminate ourselves by law.
  7. Thank you sensei! SO, The previous owner has fitted tyres from the wrong year then!
  8. Depends on year, a 96-2000 is showing as 120/150 as being correct anyway. It could just be a wrong year manual, or tyres for wrong year bike fitted. What year bike is it?
  9. Techno, I kind of agree with you, despite what I have said to the contrary. I suppose my thinking is if I saw someone like you I would want to warn you, but I don't want to warn the complete cocks out there that deserve to get caught cos they are driving like numpties! The problem is, how do you tell? So I suppose it is an easy way out to think that if someone is not driving like a numpty they won't need warning as they will be able to see the camera or not going too fast. Actually my biggest bugbear is the whole 'prosecuting for warning drivers' thing. I would go mental if they tried that one with me! Why were you flashing your lights?, well Hofficer, I was warning the other driver of my presence as he appeared to be driving a bit fast and I as worried he was going to hit me! I think you were warning him about the camera! yeah? prove it in court! I have issues with the way the legal system is going in this country, too many knee jerk reactions making it into law, pushed through by ministers that have no idea what they are talking about.. Good example? I get a ticket in the post, I am meant to admit who was driving the vehicle at the time. Why? I am innocent until proven otherwise by the legal system, and that is the fundamental basis of how our system works. You can now be legally prosecuted for 'not admitting to a crime' which is way more of a change to our legal system than any of the terrorism stuff people are annoyed about. That is another one I would fight all the way in court!
  10. As a GENERAL rule (don't flame me) Bikes are designed to handle right with the size tyre they left the factory with. You can change them a bit, but you need to either get proper advice or know what you are doing, I would not just go changing size for the price.
  11. I am not arguing that speed limits are the right ones, I am saying if you don't like them, that's fine, but you can't complain if you get caught, you would be better off getting involved in politics and trying to change them.
  12. That is the whole point, if I am driving at the speed limit, I don't care if they are hanging out of a tree in camo, they are not going to catch me as I am not doing anything wrong. I get sick of people bleating about speed traps as if they have some legitimate reason to break the speed limit. Most of us like to get a bit 'fresh' with the limit as bikers, I am not saying don't do it, I am just saying don't complain about getting caught!
  13. Well put! If I see a biker, I will give a slow down wave out of courtesy, BUT if they are riding like a complete noob, (50 in a 30 springs to mind) they can stroll on!
  14. Not double standards. I drive all day and stick to the limit rigidly in a 20/30, or just under in a national. The standard of driving is SO bad everywhere, and when you see it all day long it just annoys you how ignorant people can be. Sorry, but I don't get the 'sneaky' argument? If you are worried about sneaky road traps, don't speed. Simple. I don't claim to never speed, and I am not being hypocritical, if I am out on the bike for a bit of fun, I will ride to what I feel safe, BUT I take full responsibility for getting a ticket, it's no one else's fault. If I can't see round a corner, I shouldn't be going fast round it should I? I am not going to moan about it if I get a ticket, as I could have avoided it by not speeding. it is MY choice. All the comments about good drivers/riders going at what is a 'safe' speed, are true, but good drivers/riders are in a vast minority! I think the need for enforcement of the complete cocks probably outweighs our need for a bit of fun. If the mental cripples slow down a bit, it makes it safer for us when we do go out for a responsible ride.
  15. Add an option mate, warn bikers, but not cars!
  16. I would be swilling it out with some oil and letting it run out the plug hole a couple of times after drilling.
  17. yes, should do, on prime, will do it without turning engine over, although that will probably speed it up.
  18. You don't bleed carbs. They have floats that should make sure the correct level of fuel is in there. Did you check the float height while the bottoms were off? They should be within 0.5mm of each other. Diaphrams will have cracks that are visible to the eye if knackered, if they look ok they are.
  19. Bottoms of carbs need taking off and the tops (don't split the carbs apart from each other) and a thorough cleaning, it will not run right without. I have had cracked diaphrams on a suzuki and it would not rev past about 6k but would tickover and pull fine, it just stops the slides lifting properly at the top end.
  20. Welcome aboard mate. Good luck with the resto. Be prepared, you can get them running and roadworthy for a pittance, but putting back to original can cost a lot of money, there's always some widget that you can only get from suzuki that cost body parts! Pics please!
  21. Er.. Joint Christmas party and Matts Birthday party I think!
  22. Can you not just buy a 6 sied long socket an angle grind it thinner? I have done this with success in the past.
  23. Is it a trustworthy garage? I would be going straight in to get them to show me the damage! So sick of stories of people getting ripped off by garages! We MAY well be wrong, but I also agree with the above diagnosis, if it seized it would have thrown you off! It may have partially seize after you stopped, if it was running mega hot, but that's not really the same thing.
  24. I have one of the plug wrenches that's like a t bar with a springy bit in the middle, it's way thinner than a normal socket. Used to do my CX500 ok which had very narrow tubes. OH! You haven't got a special tool stashed under the tail unit somewhere have you???? I did on my Fazer AFTER I had struggled for an hour with a normal wrench.
  25. That stuff is LETHAL! after a few doses, you're knackered.
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