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Everything posted by mattycoops43

  1. No such thing as luck! it's going to be an awesome weekend, I reckon the weathers going to be great, but even if it's not, it'll still be an awesome weekend so who cares! As for camping in the rain, it's just about being prepared!
  2. lol. Got to be honest, it's the most reliable bike I have ever had, done 4k miles in the last 4 months in all weathers, it lives outside and it has never missed a beat, even after sitting out in the snow for over a month. got over 45k on the clock and no plans of getting rid of it any time soon!
  3. You're all Gurt Panzies! I rode to the moon and back last night on a fazer with a knackered cam chain. That's 238,900 miles EACH WAY! Suckers!
  4. Just because it's summer and people think they can add 50% to the price, doesn't mean they can. If I was looking at bikes a couple of weeks ago and they suddenly went up in price, I would be offering the original 2k for the ones that are advertised now at 3k. People know they are being greedy.
  5. AH hAAA! I can DO that costume! Ugly bald fat bast*rd! Job done!
  6. Don't give me a hard time. I had various ideas for fancy dress, and have been looking all over for costumes. You can only buy fancy dress costumes if you are 'normal' size. Frankly pissed off with being told I am too big for costumes, so will not be bothering. I happen to think I am the right size for me, and don't agree with the costume makers. Baaaaaaaaaah!
  7. Loving it! It's quite frankly terrifying. As you watch I can't help thinking all the time, if they come off 'now' they will die! Bravery is not the word (well, maybe it is) One thing, if I hear the phrase 'rear tyre deflection' or 'So fast' again I will chuck something at the tv! Sorry-now you will all notice how much they say it.
  8. Yes but it also looks like it has never seen any chain oil.
  9. Well, running it without oil will probably do it!
  10. Not that I'm aware of....but I'm sure something could be arranged......how about Midget throwing......all we need are a couple of midgets!....... What about Bonniebird Baiting?.....or Rebel Rach Ridiculing?...of course these are two extreme events and should be left to those of a younger disposition....us old un's may now know better and have the scars to prove it...I'm still carrying some shrapnel from the battle of the sexes... I think you will find these events need FAR more protective clothing than mere flimsy bike gear!
  11. I have had good results asking for low mileage discs from a bike breakers. got some for the fazer for £30 a side.
  12. My FZS600 has a worn barrel, you have to push the key forwards or it wont turn. Easy enough to swap for a newer barrel if you can get a pair. Agree with the others tho, WD40 will normally sort it.
  13. I have covers for my bikes and find the quick way is to hook it under the front wheel, and then it pulls up over the back, then a quick tug each side to make sure it's clearing the pegs and exhaust.
  14. Grab rails is just the little handles that you hold onto as pillion. x
  15. Yeah, thanks guys. Looks like I'll get EBC plates and springs. I was looking at the cheapie sets on fleecebay but was told its not worth the bother as they wont last as long. I don't normally use cheap bits for something like that tbh anyway, but it's just struggling to get all the bits I need at the moment, so wanted to know if it was ok to use budget or not. I know there are some bits you can get away with, but not going to risk it if they'll start slipping soon. Bike mechanic mate has said to check oil type as it did start just after I did an oil change, and he was a yamaha mechanic for a while, apparently they were told to avoid synthetic as their clutches don't like it (didn't-this was a few years ago now!)((as in a lot of years ago)) I did use bike oil, the right weight, but can't remember exactly what it was as it was on offer in my local car parts place. The clutch has much less travel from bite point to fully out than it used to have so I am just going to get plates.
  16. Hi peeps. Got a list of things I need to buy for the FZS600, just routine maintenance bits, but am pretty broke at the moment thanks to the vehicular mayhem recently! Now the clutch has started to slip. My first reaction was just get friction plates and springs and change it over, but I was just wondering, is it common for springs to go weak etc, but friction plates still be ok, or am I just being hopeful. As a general rule, if it can be shagged out, it will be on any vehicle I own, so I am expecting to get into it and find the steel plates are worn too! I just don't want to drain the oil just to look and measure, I only recently did an oil change. (yes I used bike oil)
  17. Move your body weight back, and use your rear brake. If you're only using your front brake, you will stop in a longer distance than if you use both. There are some videos on YouTube that demonstrate this well. There is also one video i saw that showed Americans who don't use the front brake and need to be trained how!! WTF??? I know some motoX riders who don't even HAVE a front brake that works, they don't know what it does. It's noticeable if you do a long gentle slow down on a motorway sliproad, you brake gently, then if you just touch the rear brake very gently you will find you have stopped about 100yds before the roundabout cos it makes more difference than you are expecting! Course, the obvious remedy is to go faster and brake much later so you don't accidentally slow down too much for roundabouts!
  18. Did not know about any other previous issues! Take a pic of the 'leak'. One persons leak is another persons 'normal'. If you are expecting it to be bone dry throughout, it might look like a leak to you but not be, or it could be a leak. can't tell without pics, but bikes that are ridden and don't live in garages most of the time do tend to be oily dirty things. Did you check if it's in gear? also try starting it with the clutch held in. Some different bikes have different combinations of safety cutout switches that require different things.
  19. I do wonder how you know that you are 80% front and 20% rear....when breaking I have always felt the bike underneath me and used that as the judge? If either end feels like its begining to lock up then you ease of that brake .... simples...80/20 is merely a theory ....it's not a practical as you have no gauges on either brake except the feel of the bike... Seems like perfectly common sense to me? You apply a big wedge of front brake, you just judge roughly about a quarter the amount of braking and do it to the rear, OR If you brake really hard with the front, you brake 'a bit hard' on the rear, if you are braking gently on the front, you just give the rear a little squeeze, yes it's a guestimate, it's just 80/20 is a guideline.
  20. Morning, I don't think warranty normally covers damage from you beaching it. From your pics, no big deal, the wire as has already been said is the sideswitch cut off stand, I expect it has been crushed. Is it in gear? if it is, it won't start or run with the wire broken as when you put it in gear it will cut the engine. Just needs the wire repairing and as it's a crush, it should be either obviously damaged where the wire is broken, or it has pulled the plug hard and that's why it's not working. If it's got a damaged bit of the outer plastic shield , I would be cutting the plastic outer tube off there and checking the wire, first though, try pushing the plug where the wire joins the stand back in really hard, it could just be dislodged. It does sound like you have just noticed a small amount of oil because you are looking in that area, I regularly oil my chain and it drips down the sidestand as it gets flung off at the front sprocket. Just check your oil level, if it's normal, don't worry about it. It is worth phoning dealer, but don't go in demanding this and that as you have damaged it yourself, just be nice and hopefully they will help as it's something simple. If you are not happy mending a wire break PROPERLY (if you bodge it, it will go again while you are on the road and you will be stranded) get someone who knows cars or bikes to do it with proper connectors or soldering. It doesn't have to be a bike specialist, just someone who knows how to join auto wiring. We all know someone like that!
  21. My bus got attacked by a mentallist woman today, long story I have alreayd told too many times at work, but basically, I got caught in roadworks by a taxi, on the phone parking halfway through, and the cars behind took offense and decided I had held them up. Two tried to ram the front of the bus by pulling up in front, and then a woman got out, pushed the emergency door button and got on and gave me 2 minutes of torrential abuse. I just sat there and pointed to all the cctv cameras, and then rang the police. There's an area in Bristol where it is very 'ethnic' and they have about 4 sets of temp lights at roadworks, and people are absolutely at boiling point. Oh well, start again Monday.
  22. Its a well known practise amongst landroverers that use them in very cold climates, they add a gallon of petrol to a tank of diesel to stop it freezing up in arctic temperatures. It works too, I have a friend in the Highlands, and he was having troubles with his disco running rough and stopping after about 40 minutes of driving last winter, I told him to try adding some petrol to the mix and it was an instant cure. if you have a new car, and wrong fuel it, don't tell them as it invalidates your warranty. Just get it recovered and drained by someone that is not a dealer.
  23. Naughty Matty! [/color] Date, Time and place!
  24. Yep, but you said all the air was escaping from the exhaust, so I thought you were saying you were going to plug it up for a reading.
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