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Everything posted by mattycoops43

  1. They may say never bolt cropped, but these days you can have a lipo powered slitting disc that will go through any chain or lock in 3 seconds flat, almost silently. I use a chain, ground anchor and disclok, all insurance approved, but I am aware they can still get it if they want it. It's a deterrent though, and will stop casual joy riders and kids.
  2. Good call! Looks like mine will be getting a PROPER try out this week, it's absolutely torrential rain at the moment.
  3. er.... that's a bit personal! The sizing is quite roomy though, I am a 42" waist, 50" chest and 6' tall, a 3xl is roomy enough for normal clothes and even a fleece underneath, the legs are slightly long but only by half inch, it is a big ole thing though! I can physically get into an XL but not do the zip up, an XXL fits, but not with room for more than t shirt underneath.
  4. I damaged a two week old helmet and got money to replace from insurance. I found it half price in a sale online and saved myself £80. I would only ever do it for like for like, but I don't see the issue, others have said otherwise, but I don't see same model, same manufacturer being a different size.
  5. When I have had it for a few weeks I will update on whether it is holding up in the waterproof stakes or not.
  6. Hi there. http://www.spadaclothing.co.uk/productd ... Black/Grey Price £199.95 I just got one of these as I want to be able to commute in the grim weather as it is a lot cheaper to run my bike than my car. Have to say, absolutely impressed after 3 days riding in the rain, it is comfortable, warm, easy to get into and so thick and well made I think it will be good if I have an off. I was basically looking for ease of use, I have gone for a big size so i can put my work clothes on and then just slip this on over the top. I don't need to change clothes at work. I can fit my fleece underneath it, but amazingly I have found that just a t shirt underneath is plenty warm enough even on a frosty morning. I don't know what it will be like with the zip out lining out, but I have not really bought it for warm weather, I will just wear shorts and t shirt under my leathers in the summer. I expect it would be good for long distance, like up to the rally though as it really is waterproof. I am expecting the waterproofness to last well as I have had spada gear before and it was totally waterproof for months. The legs unzip right up to the knee so you can either put boots on first or just swing the whole lower leg away to make it easy to get boots onafterwards (I don't want to drag wet boots through the suit). Plenty of pockets on the outside that are waterproof. tightening straps and poppers all over to make it snugger if you like. There is no one doing it cheap, they are the SRP wherever you look online, but my local superbikes ordered me the right size for me to try on first and then knocked £20 off too, so it always pays to bargain. The only thing I am going to do is add some tassles to the wrist zips so you can do them up with gloves on as the sleeves are hard to tuck gloves into after they are zipped, meaning you have to get gloves on and then tuck them up inside the sleeves, this is no problem except the zip is quite small so hard to grip with gloved hands. Bonus I found last night, there is a card with the suit asking you to register it online for extra warranty, and if you do (for free) they offer an extra 12 months warranty so it has 24 months in total for free. Genuinely can't recommend this suit enough, I am finding it as comfy as my leathers, it has corrugated knee patches so shapes to you on the bike perfectly. Matt
  7. If the float is WAY low, there will be fuel in there but not enough to reach the jet? That's what I thought anyway.
  8. This will be our second year and I couldn't believe when the sun came out today I realised I am already really excited about it!
  9. I am agreeing with the others here, I don't really see how it can be anything other than float height or sticking if the bowl is getting fuel and jets are clear. Hope you get it sorted, it's always the same, it will be something really simple, but that doesn't help when you can't find it!
  10. Moo the stuff linked to in those posts looks perfect. I think if you had some kind of hinged knee brace you would do more damage than without in an off, it would probably damage you itself. You got to remember, one of those braces under an additional layer of good motorbike trousers is going to be pretty bombproof!
  11. Sorry, this is a common myth. Alternators are capable of putting a very high current into the battery when needed, the current will change depending on what is required by the battery, if it is flat it will whack high amps into it. I ride 10 miles to work everyday, lights on, heated grips on and I have never had a charging issue. in fact, I recently started it after a month sitting out in the cold and snow and it turned over for a while because the fuel had drained or evaporated out of the carbs, and the battery was completely fine. If you have a flat battery due to leaving your light on or something similar, and you bump start it, turn it off again after about 2 or 3 minutes running and it will start again as it will already have put a fair amount of charge in.
  12. I seem to be using the like button more and more!
  13. they flex less and grip more so faster cornering in general Slightly off topic, but I always laugh my head off when I see BRS (boy racer skips) with rubber bands on that are massive, normally cheap shite alloys that will bend the first pothole they see, and the original discs and calipers underneath. A simple understanding of physics tells you that if you make the outer diameter of the tyre/wheel combo bigger, but do not make the discs bigger you have lost a fairly hefty percentage of braking force. On a track car-yes, on your mums 1.1 corsa-NO. FAIL FAIL FAIL!
  14. That's not strictly true, I have spent years trialling landies in the snow and the mud. Rally cars have narrow tyres to cut through, but they are spinning up their wheels cos of the power, most snow tyres for normal vehicles are not designed to cut through to underneath the snow, they are designed to compress it without moving it and grip on the surface of it. Wide tyres WITH TREAD work very well in the snow if driven correctly. Once the top surface of the snow is dislodged from what's underneath you got no chance. Gently gently catchee monkey in this case.
  15. Back in the day (90's) people used to say running wet race tyres was the best possible for the winter, reckoned you could 'get yer knee down' (apparently) in the wet. Never tried it myself but it makes sense.
  16. Got no garage, they wont last long in my garden!
  17. The wear is the issue, if they didn't wear so fast I would just use them on my car as they are fine in the dry too, but a second set of tyres, in this country? really? for 1 weeks use a year? I don't think it's worth the outlay and the hassle of keeping a second set of wheels and tyres stashed! I used to keep a set of road tyres and a set of mud pluggas for my landrovers, and it works, but changing them over is a pita!
  18. mattycoops43

    M&P direct

    Wemoto are great, I have used both. Just use whoever is cheapest out of the two, they are both reliable.
  19. mattycoops43

    wont turn over

    I have no idea what that even means?
  20. mattycoops43

    wont turn over

    Frozen or jammed starter clutch. use something wood to tap the starter case or area of the engine where it is while cranking.
  21. Please don't take this personally, but I have to say, people going to try stuff in shops and then buying online are the reason the shops are all shutting. Where will you go to try on a helmet when there are no bike shops left? I know some are rip off merchants, but some are quite good and compete with internet prices, I am not saying pay over the odds, but find somewhere with reasonable prices and go there. Do some internet research on what prices are available BEFORE you go to the shop, then if you can find things at a fair price you can buy there, and if they are twice the net price, you can tell them and see if they will come down.
  22. Also, painty helmet no no no no! The paint can effect the integrity of the outer surface. You are not even meant to put stickers on technically, although most of us do.
  23. If the lights brighten or dim when you rev the engine that can indicate an alternator fault. (as in, from tickover, not non running) If your alternator is not working then a 12 mile run wont charge the battery either, but if it's not working at all the bike wont run for 12 miles as there wont be enough power to supply spark when it is flat. Have to agree with above, does sound likely to be the battery though.
  24. Well volunteered that man. Harah More than happy to give Moo a ride!
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