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Visor Poll


<t>What type of Visor do you have fitted?</t>  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. What type of Visor do you have fitted?

    • Clear (Sun Visor within lid)
    • Mirrored (Blue, Silver, Gold etc)
    • Black
    • Clear
    • Other

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I'm just wondering what colour visors people have, as I am thinking about getting a black one for the sunny days, but I am not sure what the Police are like with them these days? I do have a sun visor within the lid, but isnt quite the same as a full black or mirrored visor.

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i use a black visor and have done for probably 2 months past several police cars and even the odd bike none have ever stopped me for it.

i think a lot of its common sense dont go out at night with a dark visor on.

i use mine on sunny days, cloudy days and even in the evenings before it gets dark.

if its raining or at night il use the clear one

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I got clear and smoked with my helmet and used them few times but the smoked one is not really dark enough so I don't think there is point to it. Recently I bought a mirrored gold-ish which I am using at the moment. I think it looks awesome with black lid but it's not really dark either, it's makes the world look very 'warm' :lol: . Went past some cop cars and they didn't care.

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You wanted or just butt ugly? Why you want hide your face? You a moslem lady?http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z28/Colin_the_bear/smiley-face-bouncing-008.gif


I look a bit like you so yeah I would say butt ugly :up:


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i've got a black visor, and since i got it i've not used my clear visor.

you can still see fine on cloudy days, it's fine for when it's raining, and it is brilliant for when the sun is out!

just don't use it at night (obviously!)

same as others, use it every day on my commute to work and had no problem with the police! i do keep my clear visor in my bag though.

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I use an Iridium visor all the time. Even when I finish my work at 11pm :roll: It is very lightly darkened and all roads here are lit so I can see fine in it...

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I prefer the built in visors, due to the ease of use, and practicality. It mean's I have to carry one less visor, spend less time swapping them over, as I ride day and night so wouldn't like to swap it over 8+ times a week, and it's one less thing for the plod to pull me over for. :)

And oddly enough I like the look, when I've got the shaded visor down, the front flipped up, a balaclava on and a mic at the ready. :mrgreen: (I usually have the front of the lid flipped up at speeds below 20mph. Above that and it's down because of wind noise.)

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Black, but carry a clear when i may be riding in the dark!

I should prob carry the clear more often.

Rode past plenty of police..... even got stopped by one, I was pillion and the ride got stopped for his number plate. The copper said i could do you both for your visors but i won't coz I think there one of the best bit of safety kit you can get!

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On my Arai, i've got a clear visor with a yellow pinlock.

On my track helmet, i've got a silver mirrored visor.

And on my work helmet i've got a clear visor because of night time use.

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Got a multi-coloured Iridium one and a clear one for my Shoei and have a silver mirror and a clear one for my AGV. Never had a problem from the police. Have chatted with a few whilst out and about with my mates and they have never commented on the visors.

Here are the guidelines from the ACPO. http://www.acpo.police.uk/

• Tinted visors, if used during daylight hours, advice only, if used

during the hours of darkness or conditions of reduced visibility

consider prosecution using ‘Tintman’ equipment where


It is acknowledged that there is much debate about this issue

and many variables and anomalies can be applied. Therefore a

pragmatic approach is necessary and only in cases where there

is an obvious danger should prosecution be considered.

The rest of it can be found here http://www.righttoride.co.uk/virtuallib ... gy2006.pdf

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Got a multi-coloured Iridium one and a clear one for my Shoei and have a silver mirror and a clear one for my AGV. Never had a problem from the police. Have chatted with a few whilst out and about with my mates and they have never commented on the visors.

Here are the guidelines from the ACPO. http://www.acpo.police.uk/

• Tinted visors, if used during daylight hours, advice only, if used

during the hours of darkness or conditions of reduced visibility

consider prosecution using ‘Tintman’ equipment where


It is acknowledged that there is much debate about this issue

and many variables and anomalies can be applied. Therefore a

pragmatic approach is necessary and only in cases where there

is an obvious danger should prosecution be considered.

The rest of it can be found here http://www.righttoride.co.uk/virtuallib ... gy2006.pdf

nice post :thumb:

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Well I got sick of carrying a visor so bought a caberg with an internal one!

I wouldnt care what plod thinks either as sometimes Id rather see than conform to a stupid rule like this one!

Afterall with most dark visors you can still see more than you can at night with a clear one!

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