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Treading VERY carefully...


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Class that Mark...lol

I'm staunchly working class. Irrespective of how many bedrooms my house has.

How many vehicles in family. ( 2 cars n a bike)

Wages or anything.

We ( friends and I) were brought up thinking to be labelled middle class was an insult.

Most of us failed the class test on the BBC a couple of years back and have been mullering each other over it ever since.:-)

Right off to chippy n then feed me whippet

Ha ha! Whippets are very trendy now, you know...

Anyway, I'm definitely middle class - I get out of the shower to have a piss :lol:

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Personally I think all Anglo Saxons should be sent back, to Germany and Denmark where they came from. Norman French too..

If you can't trace your lineage back to AD 400 - then you're a bloody foreigner. go back where you came from the lot on ya.

And even if you can trace that far back.. if you've a trace of Rome in your DNA.. go back to Italy and take your toilets, running water and stupidly straight roads - with you!!

oh wait.. that means me too. my line goes back to William the Conquerer so that makes me a Norman frenchy. Mon Dieu.

need to rethink this foreigners go home thing.. maybe. :roll:

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The funniest thing I ever heard was:

From a parent in our kids school playground waiting for them coming out. Refering to the asain population.

"They will be wanting their own schools next"

We were in a RC school yard which was founded n originally funded years ago by iirish immigrants! !!!

Words failed me:-D

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Personally I think all Anglo Saxons should be sent back, to Germany and Denmark where they came from. Norman French too..

If you can't trace your lineage back to AD 400 - then you're a bloody foreigner. go back where you came from the lot on ya.

And even if you can trace that far back.. if you've a trace of Rome in your DNA.. go back to Italy and take your toilets, running water and stupidly straight roads - with you!!

oh wait.. that means me too. my line goes back to William the Conquerer so that makes me a Norman frenchy. Mon Dieu.

need to rethink this foreigners go home thing.. maybe. :roll:


My Surname is De Ste Croix. My line must have come over with your lot. lol

Back on topic....

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Mrs BMWdave used to work in the office of a primary school in charge of admissions (for 37 years). Siblings take priority always because of the difficulty of getting your kids to 2 schools, only exception being if older child about to leave. She says appeal immediately to local authority, and school must have published admissions policy, now commonly found on the school website or local authority website. Drawing lots is not legal. The rule for Manchester LEA was siblings, starting with those closest to school. Therefore the only way for your kid not to get in is if all the places are filled by kids with siblings who live closer to the school than you. Different rules apply to faith schools. Did the application form ask if there is a sibling at school, and did you remember to tick that box. Reception classes are allocated by the LEA in Manchester but they do make mistakes, this may not apply in your area. Feel free to ask any questions she's happy to help if she can.

PS I intend voting UKIP

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1. Siblings take priority always because of the difficulty of getting your kids to 2 schools, only exception being if older child about to leave.

2. Drawing lots is not legal.

3. PS I intend voting UKIP


1. NOT "always" since priority is determined solely on the admissions authority's published criteria. For example, 15 places, 16 applicants are statemented, siblings take a hike :wink:

2. Since when? If all priority places are filled and the school still needs 20 places filled to reach PAN from a pool of 40 possibles, how will you determine who is offered a place?

3. In what way is that relevant?

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If you can't trace your lineage back to AD 400 - then you're a bloody foreigner. go back where you came from the lot on ya.

My father-in-law's xenophobia extends beyond people to include trees, plants, animals and insects. If it isn't UK native then it doesn't belong here and should be eradicated. Surely this means that the only things that 'belong here' are what was left immediately after the last ice age retreated. :scratch:

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At least the easten europens work/look for work.

They wash cars and other crappy jobs for a couple of quid a hour then go home to eat own brand food and sleep 6/7 people to a room.

Unlike our lazy, oxegen theiving job dodging bums who sit on there fat lazy arse moaning that they dont get enough handouts, play the system drinking there super strenght larger and 20 a day habbit. They only look for work when their benifits been threatened.

So i know who who id rather give my taxes to.

The media has turned the majority on the easten europens when our real problem is home grown.

At my sons school his class is split into 2 groups because theres so many children attending.

My daughters will be the same next year.

One job doding bum has 8 kids. 8!!! To 6 diffrent men. Shes butt ugly to.

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Lets stick to the issue.

The middle class feelings of guilt and paranoid tendencies...lol

Only kidding Mark.

Did you get anywhere yesterday with the school?

We've just gone through it all with the twins moving to high school.

Had a choice between 2 (easier for us because one was a faith school and the other we are in catchment area) so we were pretty much guaranteed which ever we chose.

Still very stressful time.

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At least the easten europens work/look for work.

They wash cars and other crappy jobs for a couple of quid a hour then go home to eat own brand food and sleep 6/7 people to a room.

Unlike our lazy, oxegen theiving job dodging bums who sit on there fat lazy arse moaning that they dont get enough handouts, play the system drinking there super strenght larger and 20 a day habbit. They only look for work when their benifits been threatened.

So i know who who id rather give my taxes to.

The media has turned the majority on the easten europens when our real problem is home grown.



exactly. and the jobless eastern european women are way hotter than their uk equivalent. you rarely see a fat ugly european bird. how some of the ugly uk benefit scroungers manage to reproduce is beyond me! maybe they have nice personalities...

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Too many sweeping generalizations here I think.......but lets keep it on subject please.

Many schools these days are oversubscribed.......shortage of qualified teaching staff.....and a focus on image rather than education as far as I can see. Getting your kids into the local school is a lottery now......glad mine are past that stage now..... :roll:

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exactly. and the jobless eastern european women are way hotter than their uk equivalent. you rarely see a fat ugly european bird. how some of the ugly uk benefit scroungers manage to reproduce is beyond me! maybe they have nice personalities...


And men I'd like to add :thumb: not that I find them attractive, just sayin :wink:

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I had the very great fortune to be born and brought up on a university campus, surrounded by people from every corner of the globe. In the houses immediately surrounding ours were people from the US, Japan, Russia, France, and most exotic of all, Wales. Walk around the corner and there were people from Germany, Holland, South America, as well as numerous African and Middle East countries. As an upbringing it must have been extremely rare, and I found it all fascinating. I am emphatically not anti-immigration, I just think we might go about it in a slightly more considered fashion.

What irritated me most about the school admissions system this week was how, in a town with a 9% immigrant population, the school has a 40% immigrant intake. Unless they are all living within 500 yards of the place that just looks like bad planning to me.

The headmaster told us that they are always at least 30% oversubscribed, and that he has long since given up trying to make sense of the allocation policy implemented by the LEA. He also suggested that we call the LEA to check whereabouts on the waiting list we are, which was helpful. Turns out we're second at the moment, but we can move up or down as things progress. Fingers crossed...

On the hard-working immigrants vs lazy British chavs issue, I can add this: My eldest boy's best friend since day one at nursery is a Jamaican lad. His poor mother is constantly knackered, and works her arse off to make ends meet. Conversely, my brother-in-law has recently separated from his wife, and she was nothing less than a parasite. She was morbidly obese, claimed every benefit going, scrounged money off family and friends which she never paid back, and never did a single days work in her life. Not one. Three kids by different fathers, and we're all paying for every one of them.

So, taking on board some of the earlier comments, I have devised an immigration policy that I think could work. Firstly, we should allow in anyone who is either going to work hard and contribute to society, or who is sexually alluring. Having both attributes would put you at the top of the list, but we shouldn't necessarily exclude lazy applicants if they are fit enough. Secondly, to ensure we avoid overpopulation and placing excessive strain on public services, for every person we allow in we should select one fat idle chav to be euthanised and rendered down to make candles.

Sensible policies for a happier Britain. I might stand for parliament...

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To be honest.

Apart from the obvious distress this has caused Mark, and I would not wish it on anyone.

I have enjoyed the last couple of days discussion surrounding immigration.

Interesting to hear peoples thoughts and opinions and not once did it deteriorate into an open slanging match.

Anyway keep the Estonian fitties in..

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Of course, if my policy is to work we'll need some sort of expert panel to vet the applicants for their err.. suitability.

As this forum seems to contain many people of discernment and fine judgement I think we could do a lot worse than to step up to the plate ourselves, and offer to [strikeout]ogle[/strikeout] evaluate the applicants. :D

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Hey,Before I start I must stress I am not a racist.


We live in Grimsby which I now called Polandby. Walking round this town you'd think you were in some Eastern European country. Almost every other voice you hear is foreign. At the school my son goes to more than 50% of his class is Polish, Romanian etc

My daughter is due to start primary school in 2 years time and we will also face the same problem. I can not tell you how annoyed I'll be if some polish etc child gets a place over my ENGLISH daughter. I've lived here all my life, worked since I could do, and paid tax for 14 years (I'm 30). I think I'll be more than a little entitled to be p#ssed off. A lot of, if not all, the foreign parents at his school don't work, claim benefits which they havent worked for and in my opinion contribute f#ck all to this country. Yes there's English equivalents but at least there bloody English!

Britain has gone to the dogs. We are slowly becoming a minority in our own country. If you speak out about it your racist.





Aha anything that starts with the words 'I'm not racist but...' Is flat out garunteed to be totally racist.

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1. Siblings take priority always because of the difficulty of getting your kids to 2 schools, only exception being if older child about to leave.

2. Drawing lots is not legal.

3. PS I intend voting UKIP


1. NOT "always" since priority is determined solely on the admissions authority's published criteria. For example, 15 places, 16 applicants are statemented, siblings take a hike :wink:

2. Since when? If all priority places are filled and the school still needs 20 places filled to reach PAN from a pool of 40 possibles, how will you determine who is offered a place?

3. In what way is that relevant?


1. In Manchester, as stated, siblings ALWAYS take priority at primary schools - may be different at secondary schools and other authorities. Suggest you read everything and keep within your own area of experise. Statemented children who have special educational needs are a very small percentage. My wife's school had a 90 pupil intake and she can't remember ever having more than 2 statemented children a year, so you are being totally facetious suggesting the entire year could be made up of these kids.

2. In Manchester there are sufficient criteria to put all candidates in order of priority, even down to measuring the distance from home to school by shortest practicable route, which my wife has had to do on occasion.

3. Have you read all the posts or just the first one or two?

And academies are different anyway.

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I hope this gets resolved and stops the bickering :lol:

I'm meritocratic, which means I find a system based on where you're from offensive as it starves the more deserving of opportunity. This system mentioned doesn't even seem to account for more impoverished families so I find it more limiting in opportunity and more a left wing pat on the back to itself. But that's about it really.

If your kid fits the bill, they should be taken in, especially at that distance. Schools should cater to people with siblings in the same place as a priority, and see if they fit the bill. It would promote more family values too.

Let us know how it works out!

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Part of the problem seems to be that the school has gained an excellent reputation for its ethnic diversity and inclusiveness, which in itself is great, but the upshot is that a high proportion of families from outside the UK want their kids to go there. The LEA seems all in favour, and consequently the school intake is 40% from immigrant families in a town with a 9% immigrant population.

When I have two small boys in tears and the prospect of several years logistical ball-ache because they are being sent to separate schools, whilst knowing full well that an only child from a Polish family living considerably further away has got in, I get cross. There is a distinction between equality and preferential treatment, and the LEA gives the impression of being unaware of it.

Still, we are on the waiting list and our appeal is in, so we'll keep our fingers crossed!

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