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Hi Guys,

Random question, I've been on dating sites and have gotten nothing more than 2-3 replies in 12 months...

I don't go out much (for drinking / evenings etc) and my friendship group is either fully loved up or I don't see them!

Just wondering what people have used / any tips? :lol:

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Personally I never had much time for actual dating sites. Just seemed to get messages from really weird folk...

Talking to random strangers on Twitter worked for me :-)

Do you have any hobbies that you could do by joining a local club/group? If not, any local activities interest you?

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Which site(s) are you using?

I was on eharmony which was pretty good longer term stuff and plenty of fish for the not so long term stuff.

My strategy (if you can call it such) was to go on as many dates as possible to triage the long term from the short term and unsuitables. I think it always helped when in the initial communication stages to write stuff that showed I'd read and contemplated their profile garb rather than a generic "alwite luv" type thing.

What was also handy was to have a female friend read through my profile and give me feedback and pointers on where I could improve it.

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Arwen random twitter stalking? Sounds... interesting? :lol:

I play airsoft (mainly guys... OK all guys...) limited other hobbies. I have a full time IT career and a part time job that keeps me busy... Just would like the other bit to fall back into place :)

Fro, I've tried POF, Match.com. I haven't tried e harmony though. My issue is getting to the date stage. I go through times where I can literally spend an evening reading profiles, sending interesting messages based on the information stored in them. I've had 3 replies in 12 months. I'm sure it's something i'm doing but i have no idea what ! :oops:

I would love to have a female friend read mine and comment. I might reach out to one and ask her to give me an opinion, good idea! :thumb:

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Lol it wasn't really stalking… I think! We started talking on Twitter in late 2012, as we both worked in IT and had the same grumbles and annoyances with it. Lived 550miles from each other but now we have been living together for nearly 2 years, so something worked :mrgreen:

The main thing to dating in my opinion is finding common ground to talk about. Hence the suggestion about hobbies and interests. Any local biking groups you could go for a run out with? Might be some lonely folk there, and it always helps to have an understanding partner when it comes to bikes!

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Trouble with most dating sites is the people........

Unless your smoking hot in your pic and create that instant attraction you will be swiped left and ignored. Especially if your a guy as women get flooded with comments and messages from all sorts of guys so they have to sift through the matches.

It's a numbers game keep sending messages if your going to continue on the sites and one fish will will bite

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Don't anybody just go to a pub or club and pull anymore? :?:

Course at my age now the only place I'd pull would be in an Old People's Home! :(


Personally I've never found this to be pleasant, never mind worth while. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind going to the pub with friends, but purely to pull, no. But then, maybe I just attract all the weirdos :-/

I find it much easier to talk to people over the internet/text than face to face or even on the phone. Especially "strangers". Informal conversations can lead to more if both sides are wanting it to happen.

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Don't anybody just go to a pub or club and pull anymore? :?:



This, and lower your standards :thumb:


Don't young guys get smacked in the face by birds any more? Or do they just get "unfriended"?

The whole world's gone soft......back in the 70's I took more punishment than Richard Dunn when he fought Muhammad Ali!

Never did me any harm......made me the man I am today in fact! :lol:

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Don't anybody just go to a pub or club and pull anymore? :?:

Course at my age now the only place I'd pull would be in an Old People's Home! :(


Personally I've never found this to be pleasant, never mind worth while. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind going to the pub with friends, but purely to pull, no. But then, maybe I just attract all the weirdos :-/

I find it much easier to talk to people over the internet/text than face to face or even on the phone. Especially "strangers". Informal conversations can lead to more if both sides are wanting it to happen.


Obviously I can't view it from the female perspective Arwen......but back in the day that's the only way there was.

And at least in real life you can get a fair idea of what people are like......cos on the net so many people are lying and bullshitting, and pretending to be something they're not.

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I think before the internet became wide spread it would have been fine. Because as you said, it was one of very few ways to meet people. Just as much lying, bullshitting and pretending goes on at the bar than online in my experience. You use similar skills to detect it in both situations.

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Don't anybody just go to a pub or club and pull anymore? :?:



This, and lower your standards :thumb:


Don't young guys get smacked in the face by birds any more? Or do they just get "unfriended"?

The whole world's gone soft......back in the 70's I took more punishment than Richard Dunn when he fought Muhammad Ali!

Never did me any harm......made me the man I am today in fact! :lol:


:lol: yeh back in the day, mine was a bit later than the seventies., the drugs was just as good though :D

Just get yourself down the pub OP, or an over 30's disco ... go for the fat ugly birds they very very rarely turn you down and if you bull shit em that you own a cafe or a cake shop she'll be putty in your hands :thumb:

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I think before the internet became wide spread it would have been fine. Because as you said, it was one of very few ways to meet people. Just as much lying, bullshitting and pretending goes on at the bar than online in my experience. You use similar skills to detect it in both situations.


I tell you something that has changed due to interaction on the net......and that's predatorial women.

I've had it a number of times on FaceButt.......and obviously in my case these ain't young girls. There's no messing about with them......they go straight in for the kill.

I've got to be really careful because just innocently chatting away with some of them can quickly switch to something else.

A divorced mate of mine (same age as me) has had a number of really creepy stalker types homing in on him. :shock:

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Don't anybody just go to a pub or club and pull anymore? :?:



This, and lower your standards :thumb:


That naturally happens after a skinful anyway. We used to call these girls the 10 past 2's lol

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Don't anybody just go to a pub or club and pull anymore? :?:



This, and lower your standards :thumb:


Don't young guys get smacked in the face by birds any more? Or do they just get "unfriended"?

The whole world's gone soft......back in the 70's I took more punishment than Richard Dunn when he fought Muhammad Ali!

Never did me any harm......made me the man I am today in fact! :lol:


Never add them on facebook, then they have your name and your easy to find :thumb:

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This, and lower your standards :thumb:


Don't young guys get smacked in the face by birds any more? Or do they just get "unfriended"?

The whole world's gone soft......back in the 70's I took more punishment than Richard Dunn when he fought Muhammad Ali!

Never did me any harm......made me the man I am today in fact! :lol:


:lol: yeh back in the day, mine was a bit later than the seventies., the drugs was just as good though :D

Just get yourself down the pub OP, or an over 30's disco ... go for the fat ugly birds they very very rarely turn you down and if you bull shit em that you own a cafe or a cake shop she'll be putty in your hands :thumb:


You'd think twice if they were wearing VR46 hats Six! :lol:

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Don't anybody just go to a pub or club and pull anymore? :?:



This, and lower your standards :thumb:


That naturally happens after a skinful anyway. We used to these girls the 10 past 2's lol


Thats it, if the clock strikes 2 then pick whats left or go home.

He who hesitates masterbates :up:

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Lol, well that blew up a little bit...!

My issue is I don't have any friends who go out. Nearest place for me outside of the small town is 10+ miles! Which is fine but being there on my own doesn't sound appealing :P

Also, I'm several years early for an over 30's disco!

I appreciate your input Arwen, interesting to hear the other perspective. However, I think fq-craigus hit the nail on the head. I think ladies have so much "choice" now, I'm not a particularly attractive guy. So I will not pass on looks. Unfortunately someone would have to actually speak to me / meet up with me I guess. Why would they do that when they can just choose anther attractive bloke? They can complain about him being another "useless guy" then! [emoji38]

I think the game has changed. I was in a relationship a loooong time, I don't know how to play it anymore!

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Lol, well that blew up a little bit...!

My issue is I don't have any friends who go out. Nearest place for me outside of the small town is 10+ miles! Which is fine but being there on my own doesn't sound appealing :P

Also, I'm several years early for an over 30's disco!

I appreciate your input Arwen, interesting to hear the other perspective. However, I think fq-craigus hit the nail on the head. I think ladies have so much "choice" now, I'm not a particularly attractive guy. So I will not pass on looks. Unfortunately someone would have to actually speak to me / meet up with me I guess. Why would they do that when they can just choose anther attractive bloke? They can complain about him being another "useless guy" then! [emoji38]

I think the game has changed. I was in a relationship a loooong time, I don't know how to play it anymore!


Well your not going to win them over sat behind a keyboard.

Get a taxi and a wingman and head out to town.

Hit on anything if your needing the practice, no point of going straight for the stunning blonde if your going to mix your words up.

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You could try becoming a rock star like me, and then you'll be fighting them off with a stick. I did a gig on Friday night and had three people come up to me afterwards and try to get cosy.

One told me how much he'd enjoyed our rendition of 'A Little Respect' and then commented on what big hands I have (hmm...). The other two were female. One looked like she'd eaten Mama Cass and had breath that would stun a camel, and the other was in her late sixties and told me that despite being a wheelchair user most of the time she'd still managed to get up for a bit of a dance during our second set.

Yup, these are the rewards of being the bass player :lol:

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See a group of girls, don't go straight for the sexy one, always go for her less attractive mate as she'll be more greatful for the attention. If you pass her mates approval you'll get to talk to the sexy one as she starts to feel left out and wants to join the conversation...

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Well your not going to win them over sat behind a keyboard.

Get a taxi and a wingman and head out to town.

Hit on anything if your needing the practice, no point of going straight for the stunning blonde if your going to mix your words up.


Looks like I need to persuade a friend that they don't want to spend the evening in with their loved one that they want to come out with me :wink:

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