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I play airsoft (mainly guys... OK all guys...) limited other hobbies. I have a full time IT career and a part time job that keeps me busy... Just would like the other bit to fall back into place :)


Jeez what a thread! :shock:

If nothing else, Igloo, where abouts are you based?

I starting going to an airsoft site in Warrick a few years ago, kept having a laugh and a joke with one of the marshals there. Got invited work for the site part time, which gave me more time to hang out there and meet people.

In just under two weeks, that marshal and I are celebrating 4 years together! Don't write off Airsoft, you just might be going to the wrong sites ;)

Depending on where you're based, would be cool to meet new airsofting buddies, specially as you're a biker too.. :thumb:


Which one did you go to Jin? I am from near Warwick so I know a few around the area!

All the ladies i've seen there have been with partners, I'll keep my eye open though!

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Their either stunning or complete rotters.

Stunning ones have no reason to be on a dating site 8-)


Depends as some are there to check someone out without having to meet them. We live in a world where everything is streamlined after all. Plus, some argue there's safety in getting to know the basics of someone to eliminate any obvious risks.

I have a few horrendous stories of these "predatory" girls I saw mentioned. Being a push over in my early 20s made things worse as I let the ideas in their heads go waaaay too far before I mustered up the courage to say "no thanks". Fortunately a thick layer of cynicism built and shut down any in their tracks early. But fortunately I've not had many instances like this! :lol:

I've never used a dating site so can't offer advice there. Mr Fro mentioned checking out the suitability of someone and I agree with that.

When it happens, just be ready to be open. After the initial buzz you will notice flaws, and they will notice flaws. Even if it's just eating too loudly work to find a solution. Is it a strong opinion, or are you actually doing something you never noticed before that could do with stopping? A relationship should see you both grow and change together if the main goal is each other being happy together.

Don't look too hard into them, I made this mistake and while it did no harm it did worry me for a while without any need. I was even worried my fiancee's frequent posting on facebook a lot was a sign she wanted to portray a perfect life either out of insecurity or showing off. I later saw her reminiscing over a bad event from one of these posts and it clicked. Her friends/family knew of any bad hardships so she wasn't hiding anything, it was her trying to just go forward without carrying the upset.

In other words, try to keep it real :lol:

Be yourself, keep a realistic and open view and you'll be fine.

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I was on match.com. I dated at least once usually twice every weekend for about 5 months, and turned down lots more I just couldn't fit in. I was then an overweight early 50's baldy in a middle of the road occupation and seriously bad romantic history. I only went on a second date with one woman, knew the first time I could get serious over this one. That is nearly 7 years ago and married 2 1/2 yrs now. My 3rd time around so never give up, you'll know when you meet the right one.

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shame you dont live anywhere near london. City pubs after work in the summer are an amazing place to meet new people - everyones very sociable, and nobody is driving home, so as the night goes on the alcohol fuels random encounters!

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I met my second wife 5 years ago on a dating site. But it turned out we had mutual friends so that helped and I couldn't escape :lol:

It gets harder as you get older, due to your circle of friends being in relationships. We have a female friend who is trying everyway possible to try and find ways to meet men as everyone she knows is [strikeout]happily[/strikeout] settled. So no wing man/woman to go out on the pull.

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Dating sites are a numbers game. Send out 50 messages get x amount replies. Talk to replies briefly. Propose a date. I seperated from my GF and within 2 days had 3 dates lined up. One has become quite serious...almost GF material lol

I've only used POF. I think using a paid site 'may' provide better people as you've got to pay!

I'm average looking and have kids (yes that does make things harder).



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I met my second wife 5 years ago on a dating site. But it turned out we had mutual friends so that helped and I couldn't escape :lol:

It gets harder as you get older, due to your circle of friends being in relationships. We have a female friend who is trying everyway possible to try and find ways to meet men as everyone she knows is [strikeout]happily[/strikeout] settled. So no wing man/woman to go out on the pull.


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I met my second wife 5 years ago on a dating site. But it turned out we had mutual friends so that helped and I couldn't escape :lol:

It gets harder as you get older, due to your circle of friends being in relationships. We have a female friend who is trying everyway possible to try and find ways to meet men as everyone she knows is [strikeout]happily[/strikeout] settled. So no wing man/woman to go out on the pull.


Tali-whoe old chap!

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Hi Guys,

Random question, I've been on dating sites and have gotten nothing more than 2-3 replies in 12 months...

I don't go out much (for drinking / evenings etc) and my friendship group is either fully loved up or I don't see them!

Just wondering what people have used / any tips? :lol:


It was the same for me until I discovered David DeAngelo. I went from 2-3 replies in 12 months to about 2-3 replies a day!

I know you've probably seen or heard of dating guru's before, and believe me, most of them talk out of their backside, but this guy is a genius. He does have a website, and it used to have a forum which if you read regular you'll get the jist of what women really want (He also explains in plain english why women can't actually tell you what they want!).

If you want his website address then message me, but just type his name into google and you'll find it really easy. Obviously now I'm married etc.. I don't go there anymore, so I don't know if things have changed but I seriously doubt it. Also you don't actually need to spend any money with him to find out where you are going wrong.

Good luck! :wink:

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FYI as a woman, the above makes me sad.

Not all women won't tell you want they want. Anyone who has met me can probably vouch for the fact that whatever I am thinking is probably coming out my mouth :lol:

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FYI as a woman, the above makes me sad.

Not all women won't tell you want they want. Anyone who has met me can probably vouch for the fact that whatever I am thinking is probably coming out my mouth :lol:


You've not been on his forum have you?

You should, lots of women do, because they love what he has to say.

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because they love what he has to say.


Does he talk about green bikes? :love:

But in seriousness I have read some of the blog posts and basically he seems to say "don't be a dick". Which is good advice. I dunno how you can string that over a whole books worth of pages but maybe some of the sweeping generalisations make up some of the filler.

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because they love what he has to say.


Does he talk about green bikes? :love:

But in seriousness I have read some of the blog posts and basically he seems to say "don't be a dick". Which is good advice. I dunno how you can string that over a whole books worth of pages but maybe some of the sweeping generalisations make up some of the filler.


Lol, no he doesn't talk about green bikes.

He's never going to tell everything on his webpage when he can charge for it, after all that's how he makes a living. All I know is I've read articles from other so called guru's, and 99% of them say the complete opposite of what a guy should really do. This is the only one who actually hits the nail on the head.

Must admit I have not been on his website for many years, and after briefly looking at it today, unfortunately it looks like the forum part is now members only. Having said that there is still some very useful information on his site for free.

It makes me smile that your initial comment was negative, and now you've briefly looked at his website you've actually said "good advice", imagine what you'd be saying if you read his two page book of sweeping generalisations!

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My initial negative comment was directed at the sweeping generalisation of women not being able to say what they want. :wink:

But yeah thought I should check it out. There are parts that make me do a scrunchy up face though - there was one bit of "if the woman is unusually attractive don't hit on her too quickly because she is used to that". I think the over riding vibe is be more confident. I think watching Magnolia and hearing about that american guy (who is a massive dick) who claims to be one of these love guru people may have heavily tarnished my opinion of these people.

I am willing to admit when I am wrong (worst woman ever!). But I am still slightly put off by the whole idea of some kind of step by step guide to getting a woman as if we are all the same and if you just laugh at our jokes in the right way we'll marry you.

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Flip the generalisation around: Men just want sex, which is why they think women don't know what they want when they don't want the same.

There's a general statement in all flavours, shapes and sizes. I wouldn't stress over them too much :lol:

I think these love gurus just give confidence for people to go on and assert themselves. Then when they succeed they think it was the guide, rather than their own confidence and actually having a plan.

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because they love what he has to say.


Does he talk about green bikes? :love:

But in seriousness I have read some of the blog posts and basically he seems to say "don't be a dick". Which is good advice. I dunno how you can string that over a whole books worth of pages but maybe some of the sweeping generalisations make up some of the filler.


The thing is there is different ways of been a dick

You get the type of people who pretend to be interested in this hat you are intetest in let's say films for example!

You mention a film they go and Google it and study the information out there real it all off to you as though they know what they are talking about just to win you

Its this type of dick that's the hard ones to spot until it's too late :lol:

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My initial negative comment was directed at the sweeping generalisation of women not being able to say what they want. :wink:

But yeah thought I should check it out. There are parts that make me do a scrunchy up face though - there was one bit of "if the woman is unusually attractive don't hit on her too quickly because she is used to that". I think the over riding vibe is be more confident. I think watching Magnolia and hearing about that american guy (who is a massive dick) who claims to be one of these love guru people may have heavily tarnished my opinion of these people.

I am willing to admit when I am wrong (worst woman ever!). But I am still slightly put off by the whole idea of some kind of step by step guide to getting a woman as if we are all the same and if you just laugh at our jokes in the right way we'll marry you.


I see what your sayin but its more about a guy getting into the right frame of mind, rather than a step by step guide. Also like I said 99% of love guru's are totally useless, and Tom Cruise in Magnolia is a perfect example, so no wonder you have a heavily tarnished opinion of these people.

I also 100% agree that all women are not the same, some like Red bikes too!

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I think watching Magnolia and hearing about that american guy (who is a massive dick) who claims to be one of these love guru people may have heavily tarnished my opinion of these people.

I see what your sayin but its more about a guy getting into the right frame of mind, rather than a step by step guide. Also like I said 99% of love guru's are totally useless, and Tom Cruise in Magnolia is a perfect example, so no wonder you have a heavily tarnished opinion of these people.

I also 100% agree that all women are not the same, some like Red bikes too!


Ah, so it is a confidence/mind thing? That’s not so bad as then all it’s doing is showing off their character in a way that draws a response.

Hoggs, Never seen Magnolia, but sounds an unexpected name for a movie about a love guru :lol:

I've seen a couple of depictions on tv of people like someone who is amazing, but has a big hidden trail of enemies. As the show progresses more warnings of them crop up, while the bad egg provides a bad story on them. By the time it's noticed and they are outed, they will have branded them with all sorts first. Seen a good few examples of that in reality so I'm sure there are plenty of Tom Cruise in Magnolia's out there. You find them in nightclubs every Saturday which is why I suggest not going there to find a date :lol:

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Ah, so it is a confidence/mind thing? That’s not so bad as then all it’s doing is showing off their character in a way that draws a response.


Fozzie, if you understood what this guy teaches then you would never write a sentence like that.

If you really think that this guy just teaches confidence, then you have got it all wrong my friend.

Anyway, please do not forget this thread is for Igloo who asked for tips, and after reading David DeAngelo my online dating went from 3 to 4 replies in 12 months to 3 to 4 a day, and this wasn't even messaging any women, this was just women contacting me out of the blue!

So anyone can tell me that this guy has it all wrong, but from my own experience, and all the women that write to him asking if he "can teach their boyfriend some tips", then I'll be assuming you don't know what your talking about.

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Has Igloo got a bird yet? :popcorn:


Match.com got on the case and came good :thumb: get your best suits out lads we may have a wedding coming up .


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