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Newbie parking fine advice

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Hi guys. 

I am a newbie, i passed my cbt test two weeks. 

I would love some advice on a parking fine i just received. 

The insult here is that it is a free car park in a shopping retail park! But its a private car parking company. 

I parked in a section that was outlined on the ground in white, it was a large triangular shape. 

I was far from any lanes and pedestrian pathways. 

This caught me off gaurd as it appears the opposite ruling to public parking. 

I rode in and did not check parking signage as i did not seevit andit felt to distracting to look, so it appears I wrongly assumed parking off piste would be allowed. 

I shall atach a photo for you guys to see. 

Should i could contest this? 

If you think i have a chance what tactics should i employ? 

Thank you to anyone taking the time to reply with your advice and experience. 


Kind regards 




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My guess is you're going to have to take this on the chin. 

If you want to contest, google is your friend. There are sites telling you how to contest parking fines issued by public companies. 

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