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Hi Guys,

After going on a long ride today I found something that's bugging me - knowing where to position my foot to operate the rear brake. I've just been resting my foot on the brake but I'm worried that I may be applying pressure at points and braking unintentionally.

I've had a look around on the net and it seems to be a matter of debate, some people prefer to have the ball of their foot on the peg and shift the foot forwards to brake, and some prefer to have their heel on the peg and the toes next to the brake, shifting it left and onto the brake. Some just rest on the brake like me.

Is this just a matter of personal debate, or is their a "proper" way of doing things?


ball of your foot on the pegs it gives you better feel and can easily weight the pegs when needed :)

it can take some getting used to but you will do it automatically after a while


I ride with my toes just Next to the brake so when needed i can move them easily to brake.. :D

Each to their own really but think either option apart from resting on ( like you said just in case) is probably better..

Guest Mr Miller

I'm with Stu on this one fella, no offence Jin!

From the first lesson onwards, without being told to, it just felt 'right' for me! Plus the reasons that Stu mentioned too!

What I am conscious about is I seem to have my heels raised up as well!......give my calves nice definition but not particularly important when hidden under textile troos!

I now get sat comfy on the bike and then look at each foot - willing the heel to stay down and to try and keep my sole as horizontal as I can!

I've just read throuogh this and wish I hadn't typed the last bit about the heels!

Hey ho!



Np Mr.M,

On my bike i tried it but with the position of the pegs its just Not comfortable..

on my next bike may change :) all depends on whats more comfortable.

I've just read throuogh this and wish I hadn't typed the last bit about the heels!

Hey ho! :D

But still you pressed submit... lol :P

I think it's a matter of personal preference. A couple of instructors have told me to hang my heel over the peg and stick your toe out so it's next to the brake lever, but I'm much more comfortable with the ball of my foot on the peg. I then shift forward to brake. I think I started doing that to avoid using my back brake so much (at one point it was the only brake I used) and now it just feels normal. I don't like having my toe stuck out either as (stupidly) I feel like I could catch it on something.

If you want to keep your foot over the lever you could look at adjusting its position. If it's lower then you could keep your foot there and not worry so much about pushing it down constantly and 'braking' accidentally.

Guest Mr Miller

That's the thing, comfort - and I suppose safety but for this topic, if Mr. Bull is comfy with his feet where they are, he isn't worrying about where his feet are - he's concentrating on his riding!

I'm sure you have more free play in the back brake lever that you do with the front one - you certainly do with my bike....but you can alter it, I can rest my size 11 on it and the brake light won't come on until I want it to.

Plus, if his brake light shines a few times when he hits bumps, potholes, squashed cats etc, maybe it will alert the myopic car driver right up his jacksie to 'back off the mic' a bit!

(I can't believe I've made another reference to Mark & Lard! That's 2 in 2 days! I must be missing them more than I thought! :D )


Balls on pegs here too. :shock: :lol:

It may feel strange if you've got used to riding with your heel or instep on the pegs, but it does allow for better position/movement on the bike and applying pressure to the pegs in corners if needed. It also keeps your toes off the brake pedal, and out of harms way if you're really leaning over on the twisties.

It also keeps your toes off the brake pedal, and out of harms way if you're really leaning over on the twisties.


Hmm, Yeah with my pegs being so low, my feet are getting scraped a bit atm..

Along with :

I think I started doing that to avoid using my back brake so much (at one point it was the only brake I used) and now it just feels normal. I don't like having my toe stuck out either as (stupidly) I feel like I could catch it on something.


Im now seriously thinking of changing my riding style :P


I think it comes down to personal preference too. I personally ride with both my balls nestled resting on the pegs and just shift them when needed. However my uncle who's been riding for 40 years lets his balls hang by the side of the pegs and moves them across when needed.

The benefit of balling the pegs compared to going balls deep NEXT to the pegs is that like Stu said, you can weight the pegs easier. This helps when going through bends as it makes steering lighter, or when on the track so most of your weight can be on your feet and making it easier to get that leg over knee down. However, for general road riding just do whatever comes naturally. You shouldn't mess with your balls, let them go where they feel comfiest. That said, don't rest your balls on the pedal. You can break unintentionally like you said, but also activate the brake light too...and it adds extra wear to everything...oh and you'll soon get pains in your shin from holding your foot in that position (all puns intended).

I just let my right leg drag along the floor.


All Fred Flintstone-like? Only with less urgency.

...oh and you'll soon get pains in your shin from holding your foot in that position

I find in this position my balls ache when I'm on a long ride.

So much so I have to get my wife to massage them when I get home.

...oh and you'll soon get pains in your shin from holding your foot in that position

I find in this position my balls ache when I'm on a long ride.

So much so I have to get my wife to massage them when I get home.


Where can I find one of these "wife" things you mention? Do they cost a lot? I could sometimes do with a good ball rub, but they're in an awkward place.


I ride with the balls of my feet on the pegs in town, on A roads and when making progress :lol:

On motorways etc i put my feet wherever feels most comfortable at the time :lol:

I ride with the balls of my feet on the pegs in town, on A roads and when making progress :lol:

On motorways etc i put my feet wherever feels most comfortable at the time :lol:


Good point. Thinking about it I probably do the same on motorways, as it stops my legs being in the same position for hours.


ball of the foot on the pegs then moved for gear changes and braking, unless in town where both are more commmon.. also stops me grinding my toes when cornering..


Balls on pegs for me (oo-er) and then shift feet forward to brake/change gear.

I started doing this around two months ago and found I had a much better feel/connection with the bike... particularly around corners.


Since I don't know what the balls of my feet are :shock:

I rest my feet so they are pointing out at a 45% angle and move them in to change gears or brake etc

so my toes point outwards:

-( )-/


aerial view 8-)

Hope that made sense :?


balls of feet are the bits after your toes but before the arch and heel.. the big bit thats leaves a print in the sand after the toes


Where can I find one of these "wife" things you mention? Do they cost a lot? I could sometimes do with a good ball rub, but they're in an awkward place.


very expensive and take a lot of maintaining.. i mean it could cost you your house.. and if not looked after make an awful noise..


I used to have my foot sticking out beside the brake pedal...however, due to a slight mishap, the rear brake pedal is not a few CM higher than it used to be so now I have to move my foor more to reach it. I may get around to fixing it sometime :D :shock: :lol:


Balls of feet on pegs, move when need to brake... feels better :)


I'm with Jin on this one, though not very experienced I keep my toes to the side of the brake/gears and just move them across when needed. When I get through my test and go for a bigger bike that may change but on my sitty-up bike it works for me ;)

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