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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. It's a shame I can't bike there with ya, I'm EXCEPTIONAL at getting lost when I reach London ! It's A10 thru Royston, then pretty much just follow the signs. Then when you get to the North Circular, get horrebdously lost (signposting is terrible...or at least was to SE London and Blackwall Tunnel). Simples!
  2. Hmm...there seems to be a mysterious glare from the sun, very conveniently on the speedo! Pillion ride 1 of 2 with acemastr. Freaking brilliant! Not that I was closing my eyes and swearing much...! http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/1stride-4CENSOREDHDR_zps59a6cee3.jpg (apologies in advance for the sloppy HDR - it's all I could be arsed with at 2:30am on a work day!)
  3. Right, I've decided I'm defo gonna bike to the station and get the Shaniah Train on Friday after work to visit my family for the last time before honeymooooon, as it will take faaaar too long biking there, and being lost in the dark won't be fun. I'll get all Sat with my family, and on Sunday I will get the Shaniah to meet you all at Ace Cafe then either train ride back, unless anyone v kindly wouldn't mind Moo hopping on for a pillion ride back (I wouldn't be cheeky and expect a lift to train station, I can bus in to work on Monday then bus to train station after work to pick up Ermintrude). Anyhoo, will chat more about it on Tues at Hartford Marina. Either way, Ace Cafe wooooooooo!! Finally getting to see it!
  4. cheers moo. i will see phil on monday at the bike club meeting so i'll ask him then. Bike club meeting? Is this in Cambridge? Is Sarcasm Hill near Cambridge then?!
  5. oops, can't work out how to delete this post!
  6. Very nice shot http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2859/9162661608_4f205e68d1.jpg IMG_1583 by tc1233 This may have convinced we need to go - hubby forever banging on about us doing a bikey ride in Switzerland! How was it? http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3698/9162660966_fb3597bca7.jpg IMG_1629 by tc1233
  7. Good luck - excuting times! I want to be where you are asap - mod 1 etc. Booking theory tomoz. .. What bike of theirs are ya riding?
  8. Ask Phil at Cambridge Motorcycles- I was gonna have my leather panniers' strap replaced but then had more important stuff to worry about and changed bikes so never did it! He v highly recommended someone to me, can't remember who, but he and his wife have had a lot of stuff tailor made and altered by them. Give em a call and ask.
  9. HAH! Awesome - knowing my luck I'd go the day your 12 year old son goes and he'd thrash me, hahaha!
  10. Wow, hats off to ya Rach!! Sounds like a grand day, did you all have the same bikes? Still manage to have fun on the gutless bike? And yup, it looks like a mini moto with you on it!!
  11. Btw Nienna - where were ya tonight? Was looking forward to meeting you And Steve! And everyone else *tut tut*! Ollie and I only have 2 more Tuesdays til we go on honeymooon and miss out on the last of the good weather! Just realised we may be able to meet at the Oct 1st last Papworth bbq...unless that's the day we get back? *Ollie, input please*
  12. You shoulda been behind me then, Roy prob shat a brick the first time I braked before a corner hahahaha! I didn't really mean to end up second in line, I just wanted to let Bob know that Wallie fancied a bimble on his own, then I was like *shit, I'm in front of all the speedy bikes*! Hahahaha! Was damn good fun though! And Wallie is limited by his bikey - except hardcore at cornering! When he gets his big bike he's gonna be whizzing past me laughing maniacally...all the time! *Til I get my confidence back, mind* Shoulda got my arse in gear and sorted out full license before bike season ended *sigh*. Didn't realise just how soon it's all gonna be over . Unless some of you will still be up for meeting when it gets a bit colder and darker? We sure as hell will be!
  13. In your KNITTING bag Don't be ridiculous, Panda Bag is far too cool for that crap!
  14. Yaaay, come on down and bring the Mrs with you Ollie's not seen the Harley yet!
  15. We'll defo be there - what about Holiday/Jayne/GOG/Darren/Jive etc? Actually didn't Holiday say he was doing shifts this week? Booo!
  16. Holy poop, really sorry to hear that Derek, hope you find something better - you never know x
  17. Your mum is a leg end! Also, I'm well jel! Being not freezing in winter will be the best thing ever.
  18. Would love to, but 1-2 days before our holiday and guaranteed will still not have packed would be good to have more dosh before it too. Enjoy!
  19. We're gonna pass on this methinks, not only cos of being slower but cos I don't wanna risk a big ride the week before our honeymooooon on pretty much the anniversary of my accident last yr that meant we had to rebook it..could be jinxed! We'll prob have stuff we need to sort out for holiday anyhoo.
  20. D'aww *massive hug*! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-hug008.gif . How is your back btw? When are you back on the bike? Does this mean I'm unlikely to have a Goggy pillion ride again? I'm glad I managed to have one at least, hope your back improves lovely, sad not seeing you on the Bandit. Tango - most of my fam in Kentishness too (Bromley and St Mary's Cray), I'm visiting more than usual cos of gdad being unwell. So nice to see them more. I still prefer Cambridge too much to feel tempted to mooooove though, tho dad always asks me to.
  21. Thanks, Jin x Hahaha, and I don't have the surgery pics on here from when I was a dental clinical photographer - the sinus grafts were pretty graphic in particular haha! I just find it hard to relate to him anymore. In London atm to see my gdad as he's not got much longer left - too much of a hassle for my bro though! Meh! Most of my fam are ace tho. Family over friends any day, but love em all to bits . Have a nice bank hol weekend x
  22. And following on from mentioning my brother already tonight - we normally get on but he's getting more and more up his own arse as time goes on and he earns more and more money, as does his fiancee working in IT. Ollie and I recently did a photo shoot *for free* for him. We both have degrees in photography, have an expensive studio set-up and decent cameras: we re-arranged our living room, set up the backdrop and lights, practiced before their arrival, took a few hours doing the shoot - on and off to give my nephew Teddy a break between photos for feeds and so he wasn't overwhelmed - had a nice day doing it. Spent a lot of time doing post-production on the photos in Photoshop, was really chuffed with the results. Posted them on Facebook a week later: My brother commented on one picture saying they were nice and wrote a thanks. Never heard a word about it since, his fiancee never thanked me at all, despite the fact we've seen them in person since. I called him last night (because he never contacts me) - and he dropped in that they paid for a photo shoot last week, told me how fantastic it was and how I could 'really learn from that photographer's photos'. Wow, why don't you just slap me in the f**king face while you're there. ar*ehole. Oh well, I got a paid job out of doing his photos. A previous manager of mine saw them and some of our other shoots and asked if we'd do a shoot for them (photos here: ). Arranged for after our honeymooooon in October. Can't wait. Would like to rub the money in my bro's face afterwards and smash the canvases I had made from the shoot over his head. I got them printed for his birthday next week. He didn't even get me a card this year. I've decided to shove them in the back of a cupboard as I'm sure he would probably pick fault with them compared to the glorious photographer he probably paid a fortune for, and give him the same treatment instead and have sweet FA now. f**k it!
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