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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. I'm sure if it weren't for my hubby, I'd have been in a load of debt by now. Not usually the sensible type, me! - I remember a good few years ago getting a credit card to buy a mootorbike with (yeah well I was young and didn't know about finance options etc)! It came in the post - I held it in my hands...and I started online shopping, adding things to carts, thinking of all the wonderful shite I could buy. And then cut it into pieces! I don't owe anyone anything either - don't have the most well-paid job in the world but I own my own bike and hope to own a home with Wallie in the future. I live within my means and comparing my life with my high-flying, selfish brother, I realise how much more I appreciate what I have, doing the cheap but still fun days out and nights in with friends and family, appreciate the sentimental more than the material. Tis a better and more stress-free way of being
  2. Thanks, but it's a bit of a mission for me tbh from Cambridge/on a 125/on a work night. And Moo likes the socialising aspect - wouldn't get much time for a catch-up by the time we got there and had to head off. May do at some point though, thanks
  3. No Bumbag?! But WHERE will you stash your stamp collection?! That's what Bob said, GOG - I had a go at lunchtime but our work toolkit was missing the rotate-y nut screw thing remooover (Ollie tells me a 'socket set') and couldn't loosen the nut with the other turn-y device (spanner!) to check the positive connection. Will take a set with me tomoz and have another well-spent lunchbreak .
  4. So yeah, I got lost on the way home! I turned off some roundabout before the A4..something..8 ! Tbf it was because my electrics cut out (twice) on the way back and was a bit distracted by it and missed the sign! Ended up in....Childerly? Or somewhere? Chr*st knows! Will check connections and such in my lunchbreak tomoz - my Haynes is at work for my lunchtime reads, hopefully will be able to sort it out. Frst issue with this bike - sure I'll sort it ok tho. Nice seeing you all tonight - esp GOG. And really liked the social club! Had a much nicer feel to it - more character and really friendly - and a coke for only 75p!! Was awesome to have so many of us on th ride to Papworth too - was lotsa fun. Look forward to meeting you next week .
  5. Sounds good to Moo! Wallie doing lates, so just me on my lonesome - see you all there. You guys can have the bacon, I'll have the buttie!
  6. This is so very Ollie! Doing everything the most long-whinded, sensible and yet creative way round . Fnar fnar
  7. Well done lovely! I am now officially part of the jealous club haha!
  8. Would you prefer the cow to just die and be of no use to anyone...If they hadn't have been a food sourse the reality is that they would probably have died out...desease etc... Shotgun Derek-skin jacket!!!
  9. I had a hunt through the posts on here and couldn't find the leather alternatives thread. I'm SURE it existed...oh well! I'm a bit of a hypocrite, I LOVE cows, used to be a veggie for years, but I don't eat them etc, but I do wear a leather jacket on mild days and some cheapo £5 knackered leather boots. I just prefer the feel of leather jackets, they feel a lot more like armour to me...so the cows are protecting me?? Haha! I try not to think about the fact a cow died and made me a jacket...! *PS I don't want an argument about my bizarre life choices thanks anyone...not looking at Joeman of course*
  10. Oh well, you live and learn lol!!! 5:45 - and the video of the crash - HOLY MOOOOLY!!! Jay Leno - NOT annoying?! This was a good vid, cheers Joeman
  11. Have a little search further into the Clothing, luggage and Accessories section, there's been a thread on this not too long ago
  12. Moo knows this much - they are helmet stickers. Reflective ones and a cartoon skeleton face with a purple bow in her hair . Cheers - has put my mind at rest. So you're telling me the one I dropped last year I most likely didn't have to replace and is infact the most expensive plant pot I've ever owned (by a long shot)?! Hahaha!
  13. We rather enjoyed this...now listening to some of his other stuff on YouTube
  14. Awesome - thanks a lot guys! Saved me £80. Will check it before bed o'clock, hopefully all is well
  15. Well, approx this time last year I dropped my lid onto the floor and replaced it. I was in a bit of a rush this evening, washing my hands in some public loos *bleugh!* and propped my helmet and bloody annoying knee guards on the side. Trying to stop knee guards falling off, I knocked my helmet, caught it with my thigh but it slipped and made a nice ole crashing noise on the floor. I've never read any helmet instructions (I'm gradually getting better with this improtant stuff tho honest), but have heard from others you should replace it if you drop it. But...how much force can they withstand? Do you know much about lids? Should I fork out to replace it? Guessing the answer is yes, but just thought I'd ask . Annoying as hell, trying to be careful with money pre-belated honeymoooooon! And I looove all my stickers on it!
  16. Thought that was the sorta thing they'd be rambling on about while we were waiting patiently . Hope they have a veggie/chickeny alternative
  17. Has Darren hijacked your account, Neil? . I leave work at 5:40, will get there with Wallie for 6:30 as a guesstimate depending on traffic
  18. Also - I just Googled the Z750 .... NICE!!!!!!!!!!! What colour?!?!
  19. Not sure what the rating for my £80 Spada helmet is, but I had an off @ 30 and landed headfirst and my brain is still in tact (though others would probably argue it never was) hahaha! My huby's interested in getting a white helmet as meant to be safer (and he wants a sun visor etc), and I've just seen on the helmet safety site thingy that this white spada helmet is v cheap, got 4 stars, has a visor, remooovable lining, anti scratch visor, and costs approx £55! http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/testsratings/spada-evolution Also, buy my jacket - currently only 99p http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171100840978? ... 1555.l2649 I have size 8 newish Oxford boots to sell too haha *shameless self promoootion!*
  20. Nope, didn't do it in gear and I used a toothbrush and a hairdye brush, Ollie's old hole-y socks and new j cloths! I think I did pretty well with it! It's a bit like cleaning your teeth - chain running is a rush-job, having to do it bit-by-bit means you spend more time and take more care with the clean . There was caked on crud and white dried-on lube where I just sprayed some onto the chain after my off and left her covered up for the winter (this isn't the bike I ride anymore - it's the one I'm selling soon): BEFORE: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/P8100001-001_zps57039804.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/P8100002-001_zps7249474a.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/P8100003-001_zps5d9fc40d.jpg AFTER: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/P8100013-001_zpsf9b8f337.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/P8100017-001_zps21830619.jpg Not perfect but bloody good in comparison. I posted these pics on Facebook, aswell as one of the bike after a good clean and a TMBF-er is now buying her off me! Well chuffed - they're looking to mod her up loads, really glad she'll be going to someone who'll enjoy riding and beautifying her some more . We be sad to say goodbye, but onwards and upwards. Guessing everyone's first bike is mega special to them. http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/P8100025_zps3d9f0123.jpg Next will be my CBF's chain - look forward to doing it.
  21. We would but Ollie's parents are down for his burfday - we only see them twice a year so they are more important than biking (not many things/people are )
  22. This week we're defo going to Hartford Mill just to see it burnt down first then onto Papworth, but if from next week a good number of us fancy trying there, we'll be up for it. So who is out this Tuesday?
  23. Wow, fab pics Martin!! Stelvio Pass in Sweitzerland looks IMMENSE!!! Dad you both have fun biking that - what was the speed limit?? Also, what's the story behind the rifle set?
  24. Sounds like fun!!! Have you both done something like this before?
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