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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. I was the same, never ever used it, but been trying to use it more recently since doing practice for mod 1 and 2...esp when I went for a u turn and headed toward a ditch which had the instructor laughing - said I shoulda steadied myself with my back brake. Using it occasionally in slow speed stuff (though most traffic situations I love the ole clutch control!)...but I largely use it in a more emergency-brake-ish situations now. Or, say, thinking I can get through some lights and the amber shows and it's like "waaah, front brake....aaaaand a bit of back. Awesome,no one noticed I was being a twat!"
  2. *Just seen this*!!! WTF! Fro - if you are registered with a dental practice, they absolutely HAVE to see you *that* day if you call in the morning for an emergency appointment - it's part of their duty of care to their patients. NHS rules - they cannot refuse to see you the same day if you give them reasonable notice (i.e. call in the morning). Ask to speak to their manager or you'll complain to the PCT (Primary Care Trust). That's something that would lose them points in their NHS contract, which means less business - or going out of business. Fools. Hope you are ok now lovely.
  3. No f*cking way!! She was a moron, we need Zod kinda drama - miss his hilariousness ! http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx302/BikerMooFromMars/alien_motorbike_postcards-r1e4294f207c247bcaa9d4aca0a22f115_vgbaq_8byvr_324_zpsee4fa0fc.jpg
  4. Hmm...maybe next year I'll buy proper winter biker gear then, cos it is maaaaajor hassle putting this all on and taking it off every single day! Forget the cow stuff...maybe I am part lizard?!
  5. Hokay so I thought it'd be funny to show why I look like a giant black marshmallow this winter, and see/find out what other winter riders are rocking. My jacket isn't particularly warm, as you can see... http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx302/BikerMooFromMars/LayersonMotorbikecopy_zpsbe826483.jpg That be 6 layers under the jacket - 3 of which are different thicknesses of jumpers (not inc back protector and bra socks!! ) - which keeps me at a happy temperature. 1 less and I start feeling the cold ! Can't do up my bike trousers with the jumpers tucked in - so I roll em up ifit rains...which makes me look even bigger !! Also have 2 neckwarmers... I wear stupid gloves for this weather - not warm enough with a separate thermal lining glove underneath (after 30+mins/on particularly cold days/nights I usually have to stop to warm my hands on the engine). But I've struggled to find anything warmer that I like, and the heated grips have proven impossible to fit due to the screws in my bar ends not wanting to shift! Also my new RST trousers + thermal lining are spot on (I wear jeans under them too), as are my new bikey boots which haven't leaked at all and I'm forever cleaning to keep the white bits white . Despite the hassle of the extra layers, I'm loving riding through the winter, but cannot wait for spring! Esp as I don't travel outside of Cambridge due to the cold - and I have been travelling to South London most weekends (via train - I head down in the dark Fri eves and back as late as I can on Sundays). Within seconds I am too hot on the platform/train - helmet is in the toss box, but I have to carry allll those layers, and a change of shoes and my stuff in my backpack haha! Must look like a loon even more than usual... What layers do you wear...Tshirt and leathers, right? Pics if poss too please...if camera shy, then just of your gear
  6. Try not to give any other drunk person who asks for water a bottle of gin then! Wondered why I'd had some facebook messages asking me if I was going - just not been on in a few days. Of course I'm going...you just try keeping me away! (nothing will...)
  7. The learner driver, or should I say instructor of a learner car (8pm and driving alone), who swerved out from the right hand lane almost straight into me sideways when he decided he actually needed to go left. Thank christ this bike has way more punch to get outta hairy situations like that than the last! Proper shat me up (not for long, rest of the ride was lurvely). Also, loving the Latin lessons and such Xmisteris, how the fudge do you know all of that?! Edit: just had to double check that was in fact latin...I imagined someone telling me I was a moron and it was in fact Portugese
  8. Have obv said this in person, but not TMBF - EPIC CONGRATS Wolls!!! You leg end
  9. Colours are just stunning, love the composition and lens distortion too Despite all the amazing landscapes, this is my fave pic. Made me wanna go to Scotland now!!
  10. *Loving* the recent posts, seriously awesome!! Need to make the effort to take some pics on my bikey soon . Annoyingly have taken my camera a good few times on the way in to work - and the sun rises and looks stunning as I am borderline just-gonna-be-on-time for work! So leaving 20 mins earlier makes sod all difference, light is too poor/flat.
  11. Pretty sure I offered to write the angry letter but Wolls wasnt keen! Cba to go to Bedford ever really! ...had to go there long enough when my mum lived there/I went out with someone there in the past and my god it's a craphole!
  12. Soooooo....without making Wolls annoyed (this can be repayment for the MINGNG fart he just made me endure!!) ....can anyone else on here convince him to make an epic complaint to Lexmoto in the hope he can get his money back? I mean the main reason he bought this bike was because it was brand new and came with a warranty and thought that meant it'd be reliable, but clearly it's not worked out that way Ollie has a very well documented f**ked bike sold to him, he has been to and from Bedford countless times first thing in the morning and leaves in the afternoon...ridiculous amounts of wasted time, wasted petrol money, sitting around in coffee shops waiting for them to fix a bike they didn't put together well, is unreliable as f**k, he's not gonna get good resale on, and the c***s haven't even serviced it when he's gone there to have it serviced!!! One time his chain was so slack when he came back from there, the next day we heard metal on metal grinding when riding together (Tango and Bonnie kindly came and tensioned it) and they haven't even topped up the brake fluid - basic?? GAH! Makes me so p*ssed off for him.
  13. Moo is at my brother's wedding in Bournemouth. Looks like Wolls will have to improvise something from bamboo sticks and string again tomorrow... his big toe will reach!! Oh, he says he's going to Rick String-it-all-together with the Made Of Cheese on Saturday now anyway, as it's under warranty so the bast*rds should fix it for free. Poor sod, having to spend the day in Bedford - ugh!!
  14. Moo is at my brother's wedding in Bournemouth. Looks like Wolls will have to improvise something from bamboo sticks and string again tomorrow...
  15. *I reckon Bob should give Wolls a hand tomorrow if he is free and it isn't a hassle, and Wolls can give Bob his and Mandy's lil gifty wifty*! ...also Ermintrude would be less likely to go bang with Bob around
  16. Ewwwww, I don't want Ermintrude getting cheese all over her!!!!!! There'd better be a cup of tea and some ice cream in it for me...
  17. I'll take the first tear as a sign for me to start with the X Factor sob story music...
  18. Awesome, you're gonna be shoooo happy with it Btw, you have the *best* forum name!
  19. Which model Shark helmet do you have? I have one of the S700 models and it mists up like a bugger, no doubt yours was the same as the venting on these helmets is poo! I've been thinking about buying a pinlock for mine but haven't taken the plunge yet. I had to Google it...I bought it from Motorcycle Live pretty much cos it looked hella cool and will hopefully match my next bike! It's an S900 C, and it came with a pinlock. Also has a funky pump thing so it fits even better when it's on and looks hella hamster-cheek-tastic! Not sure what the vents are like cos it's too cold to have em open . *pic I took of it on the stand, not got a tinted visor for it yet tho...looks more green in real life tho!* http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/rq-20131129_133130copy_zps2900622e.jpg As everyone says - cannot recommend getting a pinlock more. I found it annoying the first day cos I couldn't see where I normally look (thru the top of the visor), but not an issue at all anymore. Can sing, cough sneeze and scream (probably) and it never mists up! Do it.....dooooooo iiiiiiiiit!
  20. User DeeJ used to make them, and maybe still does? http://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=36231&p=674665&hilit=tmbf+stickers#p674665 *WANT*!
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