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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. So far forecast looking good Let us know what you're all gonna do. Wallie & I may go to Hartford Marina first just to see if we can hang out there/if not take a few pics and go on to Papworth after. I think Wolls is coming this week too *yay*!
  2. Bonnie & Tango - you both back for this Tues? So what's the plan then - we all still going to Hartford Marina grassy bit as no replies on tea and motorbike biccies at ours? Haha! Would be quite the picture, blackened building in the background
  3. Yay for the search on this forum and finding useful old posts. Didn't realise I could use WD-40 to clean my chain (desperately saving for ever-nearing honeymoooon and Ollie's bday) - has saved me some pennies!! Gonna clean and lube my current and old bike's chain now. Getting the Kymco Zing cleaned and sorted before MOT and selling her - putting most of the money in the pot for my big bikey test!
  4. Oh poop, sorry! See if anyone else is up for it. If not, maybe the week after? Enjoy Ashby - Leicester far too epic for us to go to & from on a work day unfortunately!
  5. Ollie's biscuits, I think you'll find! Lou's biscuits look more like this You mahoosive liar - totally not my biscuits there!!!! With Wallie help with the mixture, the biccies looked like this last time: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/P3160086-001_zps5fb6248a.jpg So seriously, who's up for Tuesday at ours for tea and motorbike biscuits?! Map: https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=longst ... a=N&tab=wl Wish we could tag people here: Roadrunner Darren, EAB Steve, KAren (AKA Tracy!), Neil, GOG, Roger, Yorbantit Roy, GuitarMan John, SeaBlueGal, Tango & Mandy, and all the people I don't know the names of/may not have met - all more than welcome . Btw, can you imagine Tango & Bonnie's convo in Greece: TANGO: "Mandy, the Hartford Mill has burnt down!!!!" BONNIE: "Mmm hmm, sure" TANGO: "no REALLY, it's gone, obliterated!" BONIE: "Just tell me if you don't fancy going this week without the tall stories please, love."
  6. Right - so I don't want to sound stingy and correct me if I'm wrong - but why a fundraiser for the pub? It's a big chain, highly likely to have had insurance so it won't cost them anything, the staff *may* get sent to work at other pubs...I care more for the staff living there and losing everything tbh. So I suppose could raise money for them? But I gotta say I only ever ate there once, only started going there a few months ago and didn't think much of the food, prices of soft drinks or service from staff - only went to sit outside on a bench and natter to the TMBF-ers really and can do that elsewhere. May mean more to others who went more and ate there and knew staff etc and obv a loss to the community. So me personally not really keen to fundraise for the pub .
  7. Shall we actually do that this Tuesday?! Seriously - well up for this!!! Can you all be arsed with a ride to Longstanton? Can go to Papworth afterwards - if the weather's good can sit in the garden: tea's free - would charge for biccies and make a forum donation from the collection! Beats a £3.50 or something Pepsi . RIP Hartford Marina though...are they gonna re-build? ANy news on why it went up? HOLY M00-LY!!
  8. Holy crap!!! This SUCKS! Alternate pub til they sort it out maybe? Suggestions?!
  9. It's 200 miles away - pretty damn far on a 125 avoiding mootorways . And working Thurs & Friday, Wallie is biking down South for more challenge 100 points, I may be visiting family while he's away. Bit too epic atm seeing as I couldn't even bike to London on my own on Saturday - thanks for the offer tho lovely miss you guys x
  10. Awesome, glad to hear it, and look forward to seeing the results
  11. Oh em gee, that's like a million miles away!!! Have a fab time though, wish I could come play too considering the awesome crowd going
  12. Tooth drill?!?!?! OMFG, I'd be hung, drawn and quartered for doing such a thing!!!
  13. I just went on their website and Facebook and could see no info on it. Where's it held out of interest?
  14. M00 not going tonight lovelies, have a good one and see ya next week
  15. Tonight's post-rain sunset: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/SAM_8384copyright_zps6eadc522.jpg http://littlemoophotography.wordpress.com/
  16. Does your bike have dihorrea? I'd stick a couple of immodium in the oil, should sort it right out
  17. Like everything alternative I've looked at - it says 'motorcycle boots' but then literally says nothing about being safe/reinforced etc. Woul be awesome to turn back time and get some New Rocks again tho! These are the closest to something a bit cooler I've seen, literally only for their buckles and the fact they aren't fugly or don't look like standard racing-type boots: http://shop.1stmx.co.uk/2013-thor-quadr ... 2540-p.asp and all those buckles must mean adjustable?! Cheers Boothy, will have to try some on. Will have to look into a better biker gear shop than our local one. Either way, I've recently realised I've got sod all money and using some of what I've saved for honeymoooon, so instear I've spent £5 on a bottle of superglue to re-fix my current boots haha!! I should prob stop loking online anyway, think it's best to be able to try on boots really. Cheers for the help, but I'll stick to the superglue for the time being - no real need to look cool when I've still got L plates!
  18. http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-signs154.gif I knew you'd post some
  19. Oh em gee...I bet the whole time you were itching to get home and post about it too . I've started thanking drivers who let me in too - always appreciated
  20. Just me for having my first big skid/wobble!!!!! Felt like a massive nobber. Otherwise, the roads were rather nobless today no cars having last minute lane changes on the A14, people leaving a good distance, a couple of other bikers out that nodded and everything!
  21. Cheers Martin, I was after biker boots cos I'd prefer them to be reinforced really, but will check out some army boots anyway, see what's about. Ideally I'd get some Alpinestars racing-looking ones but both times I've been to BMF now I've not fit into any cos my calves are too big! Either they asume bikers are all ppl with skinny legs or just mine are chubby - I dunno but it's bloody annoying!! I'd prefer something that looked a bit more alternative tho anyway . Just typed in motorbike boots laces and getting a whole lot more results - whether it's the same as typing in 'motorbike jackets' is another thing though (mostly biker-style jackets not meant for motorbiking!). I'll let ya know how I get on, cheers. You back from your travels with Rach?? How was it?
  22. Hello lovelies! My old motorbike boots are literally falling apart (bought 2nd hand) and I bought some others for £30 at BMF but I've decided they look stupid cos of the sliders being a bit big. I'm after some Doc Martens looking biker boots - or ones with laces that aren't the usual style but still waterproof. Not sure if anyone has spotted any that they can recommend please? My shoe size is 8/sometimes 9 (yep, clown feet!), and I would have bought these if they had them in my size: http://www.amazon.co.uk/energymoto-Street-Cruiser-Motorcycle-Boots/dp/B007K4W1PG/ref=sr_1_35?ie=UTF8&qid=1375358302&sr=8-35&keywords=motorbike+boots Would be gratedful if anyone's seen any to let me know where I can get hold of some...if they exist! Cheers
  23. Lol, even in Greece ya can't keep away Where were you posting this, on a sandy beach having a massage while slurping a Long Island Ice Tea??
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