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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. I can take one of you pillion? *MEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! *
  2. Ollie just pointed out how far this is actually, and just the trip to Derby took him 4 hours and this is further. So actually we will pass rather than make the journey very slow!!
  3. Moo and I'm sure Wolls will be up for this when we get back from our holiday
  4. HATE! (joking!) Also, hello newbie
  5. How about 29th September at your place - that way you can have a lie in..... Weyyyyy, that'd be awesome!!!
  6. Ride home from haircut was NOT fun! But hey, at least my hair stayed dry...more than can be said of my feet . Shame it couldn't happen before we go away tho, gonna miss you all for 2 whole weeks x
  7. Don't apologise!! Haha, you weren't to know. Come along and we can talk Kawasakis - yaaaaay! Do you know where Hartford Marina is? If not, we can meet you elsewhere if it's easier and take you there? OH SHIT!! I just remembered I'm getting my bloody hair cut tomorrow night before holiday!!!!! CRAP!!!! I can't cancel it, I need it done. Poop. I will skip Hartford Marina and go on to Papworth hopefully depending on the time...it's only meant to be a trim and more shaved bits hehe...we'll see how it goes. God I'm useless... ...Wolls will head up without me . Look forward to seeing you both - may do that pub Jane depending on the time and such...not dead keen to ride in the dark and we still have a lotta stuff to sort out before we go away x
  8. I have clearance! So long as it's not lashing down I'll be there. Are you getting hitched then? Kept the quiet. Nah, you're just a year late on my accident and cancelling then rebooking the honeymoon hahaha!!! Ok, keep us informed - if at least 1 person goes we will head out
  9. Anyone going tomoz? Weather doesn't look great but our last meet before we go on honeymoooon for 2 weeks....
  10. Meanie!!! Liar liar - the ride to King's Cross was tame cos of heavy traffic! Hmmmm.....if That sounds like fun, I'll try not to trash it . I'll bike up next time hopefully and you can have a good laugh at how freaking slow I am!
  11. Not being mean Fozzie, but I don't think I coulda coped with the whole journey back to Cambridge haha! Almost crapped my pants enough on the back of your bike by that point hahaha, mighta had a heart attack . Thanks though . Nah, considered asking Aaron but by the sounds of it the boys were having fun whizzing along and I thought would be lame having me on the back kneeing to slow down! I didn't have my knee guards with me cos I hadn't expected a pillion ride anyway. Freaking fab afternoon - would be well up for an end of season-y thing. Wen we're back from hols
  12. Me, me - I'll do it! Add me on Facebook while you're there - LouMoo TrueMoo
  13. Love the lack of denial there - mwahaha! Moo still on the shaniah twain...zzZzzZZzzz...
  14. Oh f**k, forgot to give Jive my olympics stamp...another time, eh?
  15. Sure sure, we alllll know what you were both really up to hehehe!! Sorry to hear that Terry - sucks!! Wanted to see ya on your busa! Hope you're alright lovely. I had a freaking immense time on Fozzie's bike and with the Cambridge crew too. Love you guys, proper crack me up. Can't wait til i have a better bike and can join you all. Pics to follow - prob tomoz thoas we are entertaining our hamster babysitters tonight!!
  16. I reckon you and Mandy have got immense skills and won't learn a whole lot from it but enjoy the freebies, the rideout and the knowledge that you're both awesome bikers! Also, your can is quiet compared to Aaron's - I swear I have tinnitus after a couple of pillion rides with him . And he's been pulled by the police and let off for them before apparently
  17. Been up since 4am cos I'm SHOOOO EXCITED!! such a big kid...!
  18. I would say thats not a bad bet..... and ill get those photos to you hopefully later today or tomorrow, sorry didn't get them off to you last night Awesome, see you there - np lovely
  19. Vague ETA? Shall i meet you all there at maybe 12 do ya reckon?
  20. I meant to say 3 hours. I was very tired this morning! Yeah, doesn't make sense to Moo either!
  21. That's the problem, on a CBT you can't book Bike Safe police course, I tried to book it a month after I passed but couldn't on a CBT. Only option I could find was paying for extra training, but with CamRider who i did CBT with they wanted £100 for a morning, so i didn't. I coulda really done with extra help. When I got back on the bike after my off I booked with Euro Rider for £60 for half hour at a friends recommendation to help with nerves. It helped, but the guy told me not to worry about countersteering and didn't give much more help than "you just need to put the miles in". Most help I had with my cornering issues is from following advice on this lovely forum, putting the miles in, and my pillion rides and ride alongs with TMBF
  22. I've had massive issues with cornering since coming off after running wide last yr (I had a cruiser with bent handlebars that was a b*tch to control!). Firstly, as people say, if you run wide do not look anywhere rather than where you need to go...don't panic. Trust me, if you look towards a field in panic your bike will head towards it!! Try not to brake on the corner, slow to a speed you're comfortable with before you take it and accelerate out of it. Look at where you wanna go, not just 5 foot ahead of you. Wasn't til recently I went pillion on the back of a sports bike and the guy got me to (first stop crapping myself!) and look where he was looking (as he cornered at crazy speeds - waaah!)...I thought I'd been looking far enough ahead of me, but I hadn't and braked and went too slow before most of them. It's hard to work these things out on your own. Obviously evalute the road to check for dangers, but try to look right ahead of you where you want to go. Also, you're on a scooter, people expect you to be slower so don't worry toooo much but defo try and work on it. It'll get easier. Good luck with it, and welcome to the forum Look to the vanishing point of the corner
  23. Welcome to the forum! Nice to have a young'un on board We're all bike crazy, you're in the right place
  24. Yup yup - you might not want to carry a tail bag around with you - I had to one weekend, it looked stupid, and I wished I'd taken my Givi toss box (top box) instead as it securely locks to your bike and easily remooovable. I leave my helmet in there every day at work and when out and about as I am clumsy as hell!
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