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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. Despite the fact I've gotta be up @6:30am, I can't stop playing with photos! Hope you don't mind I had a play with yours? Not perfect, but eyes are blurry... http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/DynamoDelboyCBR-mooedit_zps1c570eef.jpg
  2. 31.07.2013; On my ride home from late night shopping after work, I spotted 2 allotments I'd never seen before - this was the 2nd one. I ride this way home every day and have done sine I moooved house last year, can't believe I've not noticed it before! So I hopped off the bike and took some snaps - was there for almost an hour in the end!: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/SAM_8209copyright_zpsc0158f27.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/SAM_8274copyright_zps25ae3bf7.jpg More pics @ http://littlemoophotography.wordpress.com/out-on-the-bike-july-2013/ http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/SAM_8251copyright_zpsc5bf9396.jpg
  3. 30th July 2013; Parted ways from EAB Steve and Karen (aka Tracy!) @ the Hartford Marina meetup due to pissing rain...before I got home the rain stopped, clouds parted and the sun was setting - beautiful lighting. Couldn't resist stopping and snapping . http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/SAM_8167acopyright_zpsb8b20b4b.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/SAM_8171acopyrightcopy_zps87ce0883.jpg More pics @ http://littlemoophotography.wordpress.com/out-on-the-bike-july-2013/ http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/SAM_8175copyright_zpsa469b852.jpg
  4. PM me with the specifications for the sort of camera you want. Budget, preferrable size and weight, what you want to use it for. Do you want something smaller for snaps but better than a standard compact? Or a very good compact (quality is getting better and better these days!). Or an actual professional SLR with expensive interchangable lenses? Or a compact DSLR, like what I take most my photos on; great all rounder - better than a compact, interchangable lenses but not really for everyday snappy photos due to size and not great in low light, and have to use a big detachable flash for. My hubby and I have degrees in photography, and hubby used to be a manager at Jessops; we're always up for helping with camera-related queries . Seems like such a waste to drive past and not capture the prettiest sights.
  5. Ok, so I am creating this thread largely for myself and any other photography enthusiasts. It has been so often that I am out on my bike and wish I'd have stopped to take a photo - and now I'm gonna aim to do it, and encourage others to do this aswell. The Rules: http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-signs004.gif > this thread is only for displaying artistic photographs you have taken when out biking. It can be of anything, just as long as it's actual photography (i.e not a snap on your phone of a funny sign or fat people sunbathing), and you have to have gone out on your bike or specifically biked there to take the photo. > it can include your bike, but doesn't have to. > it doesn't have to be obvious you stopped somewhere on your bike (i.e you don't have to have a road or your bike in the pic to prove you were on your bike when you stopped to take the photo. But please be honest and don't just upload random photos!) > short descriptions and no long discussions please - let's keep this to largely just photos. > don't bombard us with photos, a selection of your best few is great; link us to your flickr or other website you might have more photos on to show us albums. Enjoy!
  6. Steve's bikey!: http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-cool05.gif Can't get the youtube insert-y video-y thing to work!
  7. You're really not having a good week are ya, Goggy?!
  8. Hahaha! I am the worst person for names ever! So Craig is Greg and Karen is Tracy!
  9. WHAT THE ACTUAL f**k?! Where did I get Tracy from?? - I know her name is Karen!! Oh, Matty's wifey...d'oh. Don't tell her, she'll beat me up!!
  10. Nice one Catty, looks like you had a great time- shiny side up the whole time too? x
  11. I won't bother eating at Hartford next time - waaay prefer a Papworth veggie burger - a third of the price too! Steve (EAB), Tracy (Mrs EAB) and I got caught in the rain but was worth it. Nice seeing you all, esp Steve & Trace -big hugs to ya both, will pop by to Chatteris soon with Wallie for a cuppa and to meet your extendid lizard and canine family! x
  12. Oh christ almighty, enjoy those mega short services and niggling initial problems! Hope your dealer is nearby Other than that, Ollie/RantMachine's bike is pretty freaking awesome and he loves it. I had a little go on it, found it pretty easy to handle and I love the chugging sound it makes. I reckon it might help if he lists off a few issues he had so that you can avoid em too. Faffing with the choke and stuff, cables needing extra electrical tape to stop them rubbing etc. http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-signs003.gif And welcome to the forum!
  13. If I'm not there tomoz I can pop to yours or vice versa to try on the jacket if that's ok? Tbh not sure if I can be arsed to go this week, unless EAB Steve goes! Put a lot of miles in at the weekend and gonna be up late tonight finally finishing the last of my radiography coursework *and then I'm freeeee!* Ollie can't come cos of the usual bike service schedule lameness ! Good luck with your coursework I've just finished it! Compiling all the handwritten stuff now, checking everything is dated and in the corret order etc. At laaaast!!
  14. Keep Mega AWAY from the injections!!
  15. If I'm not there tomoz I can pop to yours or vice versa to try on the jacket if that's ok? Tbh not sure if I can be arsed to go this week, unless EAB Steve goes! Put a lot of miles in at the weekend and gonna be up late tonight finally finishing the last of my radiography coursework *and then I'm freeeee!* Ollie can't come cos of the usual bike service schedule lameness !
  16. Depends how late I stay up finishing coursework, but will most likely go if you do Steve! Bout time I saw you on a bike, seems more like an old wive's tale!
  17. I have no idea what a blanking cap is and haven't noticed anything different on it . Sod bothering with fuel taps and chokes - effort - also, I hope you don't mean you had a nest in there?!?! I hate tucking in that much, very uncomfortable! Hubby says it looks cooler when I do - but I prefer what's more comfy on a long ride, which is usually sitting upright. I'm sure you don't really look a nob when you do it!
  18. I got past 65 a few times when not crapping my pants on windy parts of the A11 and A14 (which turns out is most of it) - pretty sure it would've gone faster if I wanted it to but hubby would've been left in the dust, and he was leading the way tbf Yaaay, CBF 125 buddies!! How are you both finding the bike as a whole? I'm finding it a real confidence booster - I prefer the sitting position on it to my old bike, I find it's faster tho Lumor doesn't, it looks pretty good for a 125 - I like it lots and many full license bikers tell me it looks a bigger bike than it is (damn L plates!), no problems with it as yet either. How often are you meant to service it? Mine's 2 yrs old so didn't need an MOT - has had services in the past but it's pretty much out of the warranty period now. I do basic checks myself, tho I'm yet to open the Haynes for it...
  19. 1. Photobucket account is Ollie's, I just have an album on it http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-computer003.gif 2. We'd need powertools for that: all we have are a poundland saw, a multitude of allan keys, a cowprint stanley knife, some smallish spanners with a few missing, a £2.50 multi head screwdriver thing from Argos, one of those nut adjuster things that go clockwise and anticlockwise I got from Halfords, some pliers and a load of random nails from Ikea furniture! I only really wanna somehow cut out and glue a bit of plastic to the botom really so I could get rid of the pots and fill it with soil - maybe a few holes for watering, but the daily squeezing-a-waterbottle trick is working well enough so far to water em cheers tho. I reckon you should do what you suggested!! Go oooooon!
  20. Knob of the day goes to Wallie for not buying M00 an ice cream when we stopped off by a burger van on the A11 - he ordered himself a burger, asked what i was having and I said I only wanted a mint crunch ice cream. He proceeded to pay for his burger and walk away. I then had to ask for my ice cream - which was dead cheap! - and fumble around in my bag to get out my purse and buy it separately like we were still a couple of mates with hardly a penny to our name at uni, not a bloody married couple!! And you know why? Because he's a tight arse saving for a bloody Dullville, that's why! I'm gonna have to pretend he's not out with me when I eventually get my Ninja!!! But apart from that, he's been a perfect husband.... 9/10 today methinks
  21. Try to type the second word in my user name on its own, Matty!
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