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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. Nice to meet ya, see you again soon I hope *weather permitting for you, and confidence permitting for Moo!!*
  2. HAHA! Same! That's why I found the descriptiveness of it unbelievable! I don't use them for biking but I did when I worked as an entertainments officer at uni, often in the loud club nights by the speakers - I squeezed em and shoved em in, job done! Not this whole spit and stretching canal and rolling and wet and warm and hard malarkey
  3. Wallie officially in the bad books now! Also, never knew about man pee spray! Why don't you just sit then?? And er...rally! Yeah uh...bikes n stuff Back on topic!
  4. £110?!?!?! That better shag you and make you tea in the morning for that price! Bloody hell!!! *pics/vids or it never happened*
  5. Exactly! Bob (Tango) shook his head at me riding pillion with my backpack last time, I'm sure he will find this much more to his liking!
  6. Last time I pee'd in the wild was when Ollie & I got separated on our bikes in Peterborough along some epic A-road...I pulled over and went in some bushes - still managed a minor fail *wet wipes and bog roll ftw* ! Maybe practice makes perfect; never tried doing it like this before: Hahahaha!!! Many blokes spend their lives getting it on their feet/bog/trousers anyway (not Wallie I have to mention!), and they've got a proper aiming device
  7. It's definitely not. The proof is in the pudding. ...and I've got Haagen Daas!!!
  8. I think with longer lashes, a hoop thru its nose, some black and white blobby patches & horns and it could totally pass as a cow. Then I'd have it moo at random intervals instead
  9. BEST. BACKPACK, IN THE WORLD. EVER.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlxuQQOk7Js If only the speakers were louder!!
  10. Eh? Who? No! It wouldn't end well if there was no porta-bog tho...I pee more than any normal person as it is and fail with the whole squatting malarkey! And that's without the added excitement factor of being around bikes and forum buddies, and drink. No portaloo = Moo pees in tents! And I won't wait til they're empty either! *I'm looking at you, Boothy*
  11. Heh. While I agree that bike can look good, I had a battered version of it, bought as a total non-runner and fixed up by my brother. Was never happy with it, and after he died I didn't have enough knowledge to keep up with the maintenance, so I got a Kawasaki Eliminator 125 (in the electric blue) that is in MUCH better condition, and even better looking! [album]676[/album] Ah, in which case you need to update your profile - says you have a Cougar still. That bike is also v nice, love the electric blue. I saw one just like that in Cambridge by King's College the other day - my head almost turned the WHOLE way round looking at it *Exorcist stylee - without the puke!*
  12. Just remember to get my best side Moo....thats the one with the vertical grin... And the clingons
  13. Just googled your bike - gorgeous!! I used to ride a Kymco Zing 125 and had this issue with both sets of mirrors I had - cruisery mirrors are a lot more flimsy than on say a sport bike methinks: i used to carry 2 spanners in my bag with me everywhere (then got a tool roll and kept em in there - looks fab on the front of thee bike!). I did buy thread lock but never used it cos I used to adjust my mirrors all the bloody time!
  14. Muchly enjoyed this, cheers - will be adding to a playlist on Spotify if they're on there. Thought I'd mention a band who are pretty chilled, awesome metal like this too; Karnivool. I missed the opportunity to see them in London a couple of years ago, still gutted!: Let Moo know what you think. Also, full albums on YouTube ftw - useful when on a computer at work on my own but not allowed to download Spotify!
  15. Aww, that's great!! Bet that's helped your confidence. Awesome people on this forum
  16. I've got the cameras - can't guarantee I won't leak the footage online tho...
  17. Ordered tshirts for Wallie & I earlier in the week. Sometimes I don't remember by names, rather by avatar. Like when I met Neil on Tues he said "I'm nman" and I was like "oh....er....yeah!" then saw Avatar that eve and remembered .!
  18. Moo only reads active topics, and that is oooold! Wallie needs updating from 'better half' (which is a lie!) to RantMachine now he's joined the forum and completely addicted... ..."one of us, one of us, one of us"....
  19. Me? Immature? Never!! http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/7518c807-4bd2-4180-8a4e-caf840c958c8_zps55a5b243.jpg
  20. I went to view a house with period features today. My wife hates it when I call her that!
  21. Me too...I can hang round in a nearby pub or something with a book and meet somewhere other than our house if easier, really don't mind. Let me know what ya both fancy doing looking forward to it. I won't hog all your coupley-time, I might bring a nice camera and float around taking pics and chatting to bikers there . Look forward to it
  22. Thankyou both of ya. Ollie is stuck at home cos he's got to stick within his mileage for the next service. May bike it with you both- not sure. You will be v bored tho! We'll see. I work in South Cambridge, can meet somewhere there or at mine- wherever is easier. Surprised no one else has said they're going
  23. Hahaha, not the bloody Stevie Wonder jokes! And no dead baby jokes either!!!!
  24. Ooh ooh!! Can we come too? I don't know whether to be cheeky and request a pillion ride or to ask to ride along with you and Mandy and whoever else joins please (we don't have to meet in Longstanton, can meet in town or anywhere that's easier)? Tho last time we were losing Wallie who was going as fast as his bike could possibly go - you'd lose me and honestly die of boredom waiting! But don't feel you have to say yes, we can make our own way otherwise . You going to the Marina/Papworth Tues too or just to the bike show?
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