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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. IT'S OFFICIAL, WE'RE GOING! Bought the tent, and me a sleeping bag, Wolls already has one. Ollie has a service in Bedford Saturday am-early afternoon, then he's heading to Cambridge and we'll set off, prob be there early eve. Cat: You guys will have already had a ma-hoosive journey, honestly it's fine - we will get there. May just need a couplea breaks on the way. Derek called moo and gave some advice and made me realise it's only just over 30 miles: 3 times my journey to work that I can bike ok-ish to! It's do-able. If possible, saving us a pitch would be awesome - if not no problem, we will meet up with you all can't wait!!! x
  2. Cat - Maybe.......I dunno. I really despise public transport and I miss biking so much. I think we should plan to bike it... I'm gonna go out with Ollie a couple of evenings this week, then on Saturday maybe bike somewhere completely different and quite far, see how it goes. I really am trying, I just keep having hardcore panics, then going so slow I put myself and Ollie in dodgy situations (cars dangerously overtaking the 2 of us etc). It really is bloody hard getting back to biking, despite trying to remain positive and really keen, the slightest things disconcert me constantly and I freak out and think I'm gonna come off (even sitting as a passenger in cars I'm shitting myself if I watch the road!). I'd love to go out on a ride with you - you'd die of boredom though as I chugged slowly behind on my 125 . Bonniebird - thankyou so much for the offer. How about this, if by Saturday I don't manage to do a 1hour journey somewhere away from Cambridge on roads I've not been on before, can Ollie and I take you up on your v kind offer. I wasn't hinting, I was more ranting...forgot you lived nearish! You star x Almost feel tempted to camp if we did come...I did my mock exam today and did really well, so I don't necessarily need the whole weekend to revise anymore. Would be less epic if it was spread over 2 days....hmmmmmm!!
  3. Looks like you all had a fab day - we'll join ya next year. What happened? Everyone met up, rode out somewhere, have a cuppa then back home after? *never been to a ride out*
  4. Bah, it's not all as simple as I'd have hoped. I can't bike there - I keep panicking and having to pull over in Cambridge, let alone an arse-about-face long ride to Peterborough and back (can't do M roads) with whatever we buy. SO we'd have to get the train...£20 return, then a 15min cab journey from Peterborough station to Peterborough Arena (£15 at least cab), £25 to get in...I'm not sure if the travelling, time and expense is gonna be worth Wallie and I going. I've got an exam which I need to pass for work (gets me a pay rise & more responsibilities) in less than a few weeks too. Humph. Not sure what we'll do...looking unlikely sadly. Loved it last year, couldn't recommend it enough would've loved to see you all there too!
  5. Aww, bless him. Sorry to hear that, nice that he got to go out for a final ride before he passed. All the best for the rideout, a bit too far for Moo - have a lovely ride remembering the best times x
  6. Moo does not know how big grab rails are. In which case, yay easier to collect than I thought Definitely calling her Maisie Moo
  7. Thanks lovelies - since the advice on different foot position I've had to emergency brake twice: once for someone who pulled out, once for some woman who decided all of a sudden she needed petrol! I'm keeping a safe distance - managed a rough 80/20 the first time, only had time to react for front brake second time! But getting used to it. I'd have thought bike could lift up if going fast and only applied front brake...tho bike is 25 stone and I'm an extra 9ish . Got a new way to deal with my nerves and keep arms loose - I grip onto tank tight with my legs when I feel a wave of nerves now! Geniarse! Rode to work 4 out of 5 days this week, getting back to normal gradually, bricking it less (Ollie hasn't had to come and rescue me for a week!), enjoying it a bit more. Hard getting back on after a big off. Moo loves her new motorbikey tho. How's Maisie Moo for a name? Or is that a bt too lame? It is a fresian coloured bike after all... x http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/P5030073a_zpsf091e1b8.jpg
  8. Will I be able to ride home with grab rail? I assume I'll have to remoooove top box and such before I pick it up from you. Fanks John, sorry to hear abou puncture - that's a bugger!!
  9. Moo has size 8-9's, Ollie's feet are size 14. If we ever have kids they're going to hate us!! I miss having my foot hovering over the brake, makes ya feel a lot safer!
  10. Well Moo, many have already said the solution so I won't add to that apart from saying, I had the same issue when I started riding the darling. I soon learned to rest the balls of my food on the foot rest and that solved it. I doubt you have heavier feet than my size 10s. Have you named the bike yet? I'm glad your riding back to work again, don't forget I have those things I forgot to give you at the point of sale still in my office, waiting for you to collect. Give me call when you want to collect them. John Moo is awful and totally forgot. Will I be able to get the bit for my bike home - can't remember what you said it was now? I wish I'd have learnt to do the different tootsie position before now - I feel all anxious again not having foot on the brake anymore and I've had to mooove my arse back - I was happy with my arse closer to the tank! Oh well, I'll get used to it ! How is the Fazer with the funky rims, John?
  11. I saw your post late last night Abraxix - I'm still getting used to a completely diff bike, tho Ollie thinks he does the same too, must be a common problem!
  12. I'll just have to get used to it - suppose it made sense to me cos if I needed to brake immediately (& I had an emergency stop on Tues) it's quicker to react with foot how I had it. But obv unsafe for drivers behind to think I'm braking constantly! It's all good, I' will try diff positioning tomoz and make any adjustments if needed
  13. Thankmoo darlings! I couldn't get comfy on them when I found out the brake light was on, will let ya know how the experience goes tomorrow. Will get Wallie to follow me on his bike when I get home to check. Christ, I coulda been doing that for ages if Ollie wasn't biking behind me!
  14. LOL! Am I really that dozey?? It's a totally different bike to my last one, I've only just started leaning forward on it - must've looked like a tw*t riding it like it was my ole cruiser-stylee bike! Cheers Stu!! Moo likes simple answers!
  15. Darlings! Moo is currently enjoying her new bike (Honda CBF125) and slowly getting back into the swing of biking again -I rode to work on Monday on my own and everything!. But Moo is quite concerned - my hubby has been biking behind me while I've been gaining my confidence again, but he says my brake light is on most of the time - and since he told me this I have tried raising my foot to not touch the brake pedal but he said that will confuse drivers even more as it fluctuates lots instead. I have to semi-press the brake pedal for my foot to be rested at all, otherwise I am pointing my foot up as much as physically possible and still my light is coming on v intermittently at that point and I'm not balancing my weight v well riding like that. Looking at the brake pedal I assume the only thing I can do is somehow reduce the tension in the springy thing/buy a new slightly more slack one, or somehow raise the pedal a bit (tho I doubt that's possible). Any suggestions would me mooochly appreciated lovelies fankoo in advance. http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/P4300060_zps67ca0b6b.jpg I assume it's something to do with this spring... http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/P4300062_zpscb639ebf.jpg Also - if Johnwithah sees this, Moo still loving the bike I purchased off you thanks and not complaining, I just probably have bigger, heavier feet than you did or something haha!
  16. OH NOES!!! You need a sticker on your car like bikes seem to have .. saying "does this look cool or fun? No -so it's diesel!"
  17. I went camping several times in my younger days with my girlfriend at the time......so 2-up with camping gear and a weeks worth of clothes......on a Honda 175.....and tents weren't as light as they are now..... 125's are always welcome.......in fact last year there was a rideout that was specifically aimed at riders with 125's.....with a mixture of other bikes thrown in too......it worked really well and I think everone really enjoyed it..... Alright! i'll see what i can do, and try get ahold of a top box/camping gear! Ollie and I are going on our 125's!
  18. Coolios, we will likely head down for Sunday too. Stu - EAB Steve says the same, and entry fee is pretty expensive tbh, but Moo was chuffed with bargains last yr so money well spent for me . Tho I'm sure in a few years when we have most of the kit we want will be less interested!
  19. Was hoping to come this Tues as my first ride on new bike went exceptionally well yesterday, but today I absolutely bricked it cos of averse weather - wind made moo v nervous and hubby had to come get me and ride home with me! So maybe in a couple of weeks - on a perfect weather day! This Tues grey skies and a bit blustery...don't wanna meet you all the 1st time with skiddies!!!
  20. I got a shed load of gear last year, I can't wait to go again! So what's the day most people can go? I went Sun last yr and got good deals as it was the last day, but don't really mind too much whether we go Sat or Sun. And yay, Ollie can come this time as he wasn't biking back then
  21. What a brilliantly written reply, muchly enjoyed - when's your next book out?! Freaking LOVED the wasp one in particular - felt like I was there reading it! HaHAHAHA!
  22. Hahaha! The rally - after a few drinks and banter!!
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