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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. Genuinely read that as 'penis'! Moo can't wait! Getting to Cambridge train station for 9:30, train @ 10am & hopping on the back of Goggy's bike at Derby station @ half 12. Wallie setting off at 7am on his 125 with all the luggage, bless him!
  2. Oh yeah, and don't hold your clutch the whole way in and follow YouTube video advice like I did *I'm a bit special*!!
  3. Hehe! This immediately made me think of Zoolander and "I cant turn left"! I had a big off on a corner and have been really strugglig with corners and confidence as a whole ever since. The best advice I can give or have been given and may really help you is... > don't over-think it all/let it become a major issue for you > dont over anticipate the corner/ feel unhappy about it in advance or you may have a self-fulfilling prophecy of failing (not sure how to word that sentence better past midnight! Brain gone to sleep) > the bike handles like sh*t under 15mph > go into the corner in higher revs, you'll have better control > look into the corner Good luck, and keep up the good work. Practice makes perfect - you'll get there. Don't let the drivers behind you worry you too much (easier said than done - I've had the same problem as you, feeling more nervous and slowing even more the more they tailgate). Tho remember if you're going 60mph and drop to 15 mph on a corner cars will be up your arse - slow more in advance (with brakes as a warning to them). My corners are progressively improving, yours will too. Go out with friends if you can. You can do it!
  4. Ollie&I will do our best to replace them - I can easily do the drunken falling into tents thing, Ollie can re-tell some of Steve's great stories and find a recording of snoring and play it thru a megaphone on repeat!
  5. ??? why? Yammy missing unsure if any others are? Have people not paid up yet? Oh em geeeeeeee! By the way - what do people do for food at the rally, except for pub grub?
  6. Rally attendance list needs updating! Still gutted you're not coming Steve. Wallie & I will pop by for a catch-up in the week or 2 after the rally if that's cool? May even bring treats...
  7. Punching the steering wheel? What the actual eff? I haven't seen *that much* road rage tbh (tho barely been riding a year and obv not on motorways or anything), that's pretty mental! As are many of the other posts on here. I decided whenever I'm on the road, even if late for work, I would never let it affect how I ride at all, just safer not to and my own bloody fault if I haven't got out the house in time. People need some common sense...and to get a bloody life/anger management!
  8. You've met me, you know I'm actually quite reserved til I get to know people ...(and their boundaries) haha!!
  9. CRAIG!!! Oops! Having to remember real names and forum names is just too challenging for me. At least everyone can call me moo! Haha
  10. Oh my god I reckon every part of my body would go numb and lock into place for the whole weekend riding pillion on your bike the whole way! Lol! You have one very nice bike Bob but defo was designed to not have a pillion ruin its looks haha - half hour at a time is all good but I couldn't do a great deal longer methinks . It's all good, Goggy's picking me up on the back of his bike- we've been arranging it by email, forgot to let everyone know . Thanks too Nello. Also, guessing you're getting naked at the rally?? Greg- Moo's seen that pic before, hilarious! How the hell did they stop the wheels bumping and changing direction all the time like all my cases do?! Derek - I'm not that bad! Also, loved the Ollie having wind comment! He'd better get it all out his system before getting in the tent!!
  11. Yeah, Google Maps says it's 20mins away which won't be cheap. I'll buy you some bevvies or give ya some dosh toward petrol. Thanks muchly
  12. OOH OOH! LOOKIE WHAT I FOUND!: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/20130620_225738-001_zps75acf114.jpg This has been floating around for the past year - I haven't got rid of it and it keeps turning up in parts of the house randomly! It's a receipt I kept when my dad's sat nav ran out and I needed a wee and some grub on my way to the rally last year, before I got horribly lost and horribly wet! Good memooories, even if I didn't make it Apparently I had a veggie burger, a 'lol' (?!) with ice & was served by Mandy on table 2. 13th July 2012 @ 8:44pm I remember texts and calls from Cat and Matty lots checking I was ok, and Cat reminding me to do lifesavers etc. I had only been on the forum a week I think, and was so surprised by how genuiely lovely you both were . I still genuinely don't know how I made it to my mum's house, I must've had immense skills! Still by far the worst downpour I ever biked in and could barely see with the dim headlight and being blinded by cars in the opposite direction! I'm waaaay too sentimental...!!
  13. Oh noes, will be too late for brekkie then! Strawberry milshake? McFlurry? Chips....mmmm chiiiiips! *does a Homer Simpson-style drool*
  14. Buses are waaaay more demoralising than trains! Trains you're actually getting somewhere fast and are comfortable and around generally a nicer-caliber of people. Buses are generally full of stinking, horrible people, tw@ttish teens and young kids being larey and talking/playing loudly on their phones, drunks, chavs, old people bitching & moaning, homeless people or generally stinking horrible people in dirty clothes etc etc. And there's obv something about me that says "Oh, hi weirdo - please come sit next to me and tell me about your immense life story that is blatently 90% lies that I don't care about!". Tho tbf I've had the occasional nice chat with some people on the bus - my favourite convo was when I was on crutches carrying my new motorbike helmet with a nice old man who told me all about his biking days. Used to haaaaaaate getting buses, did so for many years and had to get a good few while I was off my bike...which annoyed me even more cos I was having to sit with people as described for about £6.50 for a return journey when I only wanted to go 10 miles into Cambridge...and 140/150 miles costs me a tenner on my 125! Oh, and to get to the hospital that is less than 10 mins away by motorbike took me 2.5 HOURS to get to EACH WAY! (bus times didn't coencide with eah other so had to wait in a cafe inbetween)! So I ended up paying £40 for hospital trips by taxi on many occasions (they charged me loads more cos they were coming out of Cambridge to our random village). Anyway, rant over; what are ya hoping to get? It's amazing how quick you can pull some dosh together when desperate and try reeeeeally hard. When Ollie & I got engaged I was still almost £2k into my student overdraft & managed to put aside £3-400 a month despite earning much less than I do now (not that I earn a lot, but you get what I mean). I was always bad at managing money before getting married tho. Selling stuff on fleabay and Gumtree was a big help too . Good luck with the scrimping & saving - you'll get there
  15. Aww, cheers Rennie!!! Shall I get you a Maccy D's while I'm there?! Don't worry, I wouldn't forget!
  16. I've finally got around to looking at my journey there. £78.50 return if I go in peak hours or £50.30 off peak. So Moo is going off peak which means the earliest I can get my first train is 10am to arrive at 12:30 - then I will get a cab or a bus if there is one from Derby train station to El Pubbo. NEXT YEAR I shall bike it!! Awful long journey from Cambridge on a 125 anyway without the added fear factor and the fact my bike is v uncomfortable for long journies! Poor Wallie travelling alone! Cannot wait though
  17. Moo gets a bit bashful around other bikers so didn't take many at all, just of a few cruisers I liked. Forgot to take some for my fugly bike thread too!!! I need to have a nap, barely kept my eyes open all day at work (we didn't get home that late, it's just that I cooked dinner then HAD to watch my other obsession: The Apprentice!). Been a busy week already- will edit and upload the pics when I get a chance. Still not started on editing the photo shoot Wolls&I did of my nephew @the weekend! And coursework to finish! Waahhhh lots to do! Why weren't ya there Neil? Was rammed - didn't know there were that many bikers in Cambridgeshire haha! Saw a few I recognised too Shame you couldn't come too John...next year
  18. Had a real good time, thanks lovelies and for putting up with Moo's slowness! Was helpful to ride shotgun, and glad to see Bob, Mandy & Darren again. Awesome peoples
  19. Hahaha! I was gonna take it down another tone but decided against it (for once!)
  20. Feeling grateful for Cambridge drivers where filtering is concerned, having read a few of the comments on here; genuinely never had a problem, people often moove over and give you plenty of space when you to squeeze in.
  21. Looking forward to it. See you and Mandy tomorrow - earliest I get home is 6:05 if I'm lucky Also; I don't see one 125 on the vid here http://www.roystonmotorcycleclub.co.uk/2012%20show.html . Maybe I should take my L plates off just round the corner from the show hahaha!
  22. I found these vids immensely good on advice to hardcore clean your bike btw, you may have seen them or not be interested, but defo worth a look. V in depth, good ideas + what to use to clean and how to do it etc. And I used Autoglym Motorcycle Degreaser (spray, not sure if they do anything in liquid form rather than aerosol) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Autoglym-Motorc ... m+degrease This is what I cleaned with it last... http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/RQP5250228copy_zpse525ca7d.jpg . This was just a couple of weeks ago; & that's a toothbrush holding an epic lump of greasy grim-ness!
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