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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. I'm sure last year Stu or someone kept posting the updated list of names of ppl who have paid/confirmed they're coming to the rally? Can ya do it again pretty please? Moo is interested in having a nosey . We all need badges with our forum name on (and avatar)! That'd be awesome Also, to all the people who can't get time off work...aren't you all ill that weekend anyway??
  2. "Squeeze them together" "a little bit of spit on the ends" "pull the rear and straighten your canal so it goes in easy" "Squeeze and roll them in your finger" "its best doing it when they are cold too and be quick as if they heat up they expand quicker and makes it harder to get in"
  3. Everyone not going to the rally/can't get the time off need to be off sick that weekend!!!!
  4. Hah!! What an absolute cretin!! Can't believe she touched your tyre, I'd have gone ape sh*t whilst crapping my pants! About 2 weeks ago I was on the 30 section of a road which eventually becomes a national, and some bitchface in her unnecessarily massive 4x4 bibs me, then keeps her hand on the horn the whole time she overtook me. I screamed my head off (not that she could hear), flipped her the V's as she was overtaking & after, then pulled over cos I was shaking from anger and shock!! Grr! That road is 30 for a reason, it's residential and so knackered it's dangerous/impossible for a bike to ride on faster than 30mph!
  5. I don't think I'll notice much difference if I'm honest... It's just so huge anyway! Hahahahahahahahaha! You're gonna struggle to stuff it all into your trousers with that bandaged hand, aren't ya?!
  6. Oh em geeeeee hahaha!!! What did you see and are you scarred for life now?!
  7. My nobhead of the day award goes to the car whizzing along in the opposite direction to me in Girton today (I was riding along at the limit 30mph between 2 cars). Obviously just realised their turn had arrived sooner than they thought, the driver didn't slow down and indicated as they started turning right...into me!! Stopped within a foot of me then weaved back to the left and carried on straight down the road. Didn't see me methinks...can defo see the logic of not riding in the middle of the road, but nearer the right by the white lines. Will do in the future, had forgotton about it - that car either may have seen me sooner...or just hit me though lol!! Also, nobhead of the year award goes to the Iranian woman from work I car pooled with for our radiography course. Our exam a couple of weeks ago was in Norwich, & on the way home she asked me if that was our turning into Cambridge on the left (we were on A14). Remembering this happening elsewhere 2 weeks ago when she mis-read her satnav and frantically turned onto a slip-road at 100mph, I decided to tell her 'yes' when it was too late to avoid the same thing happening. So I paused and started to say 'yeeeeeeeeeee..........s', and being the nutjob driver she is, turned to the left @ 90mph, went across the white lines *that were covered in gravel and sh*t from the road*, wobbling over it, just skimming the grass - me screaming *flahbacks of my own accident!* and her son in the back yelling and the driver behind doing an emergency stop so as not to hit us as Zara clearly hadn't even checked her fecking mirrors! Thank god that course is over...never again!!
  8. I tried to be as un-annoying as possible (which is generally hard for me)!!! Hahaha! I know I said thankyou a thousand times - but THANKYOU and Mandy again. Seriously feel it helped to be on two wheels and proper loving it again. xx I think Ollie appreciated being able to go at decent speeds with other people too Owe you both some bevvys at the rally. Nice to see John again and meet Neil
  9. Nooooooo you major numpty! Get well soon and all that. Also, awwww you're so young!! Do you ever just assune or guess how old people might be on here from their comments if they don't have a photo profile piccie? I had you down as early to mid 20s but you look waaay younger! How old are ya? Hope they weren't your favourite bum scratching fingers! Scott oiler ftw! Ollie says "top tip: avoid salt&vinegar crisps for a while"
  10. We'll see how it goes Wollsy - if we do both bike it, it's prob gonna take us 10 hours to get there! Also, me put up a tent equates to booking a room at Travelodge!!
  11. Sounds like your kinda thing - have a good one! Go the A road way; much more fun!
  12. LOL! That'd be no issue for Moo - ever!! And as for the whistling sound - I think if it was a legs-open cuiser jobbie you'd more likely have queefing not whistling HAHAHAHAHA!!
  13. OMFG, this is the first time I've seen Rennie not chi in with "Please put your location in your profile" hahahaha! Good luck with the bikey testy-ness PS - my tip for before CBT is, if you can, to ask someone with a motorbike to explain clutch & throttle and changing gears before CBT - may help you stall less hehe! There are Youtube vids too.
  14. I'm not a lad Don't worry, just being a dick haha. Post piccies when you do do it! (hehe, do-do)
  15. I did introduce mooself and got chatting to people first it's not about mad, crazy people, it's about politeness
  16. Hahaha, genius!!! Should be made a rule when you join the forum!
  17. I feel exactly the same. Your solution is to marry a man who does like putting tents up (like I did haha!), or just get over it, and enjoy camping with a big group, getting rather twatted and having a real laugh ! We (and by we I mean my husband and likely some others who are camping!) will help you put your tent up and take it down for sure And dear god, don't forget the underlay like I did when camping at BMF this weekend just gone - SO....VERYYY....COOOOLD!
  18. Steeeeeve, I didn't know!! Wallie & I were seriously looking forward to having a laugh with you all weekend. Epic sadness x
  19. Also, was great to meet Bob & Mandy, Cat and Owen (after having chatted to them both so much over the past year) and Paul (Ninereeds). Oliver, a lovely scooter-rider Ollie & I know came too - was a nice little group. I look forward to the TMBF meet to see many more of you real soon - Paul you gotta join too!!
  20. Holy crap - Bob your bike is SWEEEEEET!!!!!! So much customisation - I looove it!! Gold everywhere, it's the bollocks! And Mandy's is very classic, v nice . I do have a soft spot for the Triples in neon green, looks like a bug! But like what you've done with yours a lot Also, check out the concentration on Mandy's face!!! Moo decided against getting a jacket and trousers in black and white to match my current bike in the end. I am not in actual love with my current bike like I was with my Kymco Zing, so gonna wait til I do my big bike test and upgrade til I do that - waste of money otherwise. Got perfectly good kit as it is. I did get new footwear - was after new boots but ended up buying some awesome in-the-style-of hi-top trainer boots instead; look like Alpine Stars almost, but not - only cost £30! Also got kevlar jeans and an Oxford backpack which I think was made for a 40stone woman with massive tits...the straps are immensely big even at their tightest!! Gonna have to get the sewing kit out and adjust em, will teach my to try before I buy!!
  21. It's kind of a shitty copper atm. I'm trying to wash out the red so I can bleach it and have it white to be black & white and match my new bike . PM me your phone no if ya like, we can all meet up for banter over lunch or something. Unless Ollie and I are struggling with choosing gear! We both want a lot of stuff. You after anything in particular? I want 1 or 2 pairs kevlar jeans, a new jacket, new boots (prob from the EVERYTHING'S A FIVER tent again if it's there!), possibly saddle bags, back protector...some stickers? Dunno what else
  22. Can't wait ! We will be ok buying camping tickets at the gates Sat won't we?! (We're likely to turn up early eve on Saturday depending on when Ollie's bike service is finished and how easily we get there!). No link to buy online now: http://bmf.skiddletickets.com/events.php
  23. Aww Mandy, you're awesome thanks! And Cat you should have my no, I have yours . Will text ya if I remember tomoz - hitting the hay now. Thanks girlies x
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