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Everything posted by rennie

  1. I don't like it but each to their own
  2. gone off fuel is my bet, i had it on an old kwacker, really difficult to get rid of.
  3. i'm on my third shark, they seem to fit me better, the latest one is the air model and is light and comfy but a bit noisy.
  4. i voted yes, if you like it why not?
  5. called in here tonight on the way to work, still quite a few people there, got dark early though and a bit cool when i left.
  6. what about me? i am a midlander!not my fault you lot all come from the wrong side of the country
  7. tends to tail off mid sept. when it starts getting dark. should be ok for a couple of weeks though, couldn't make it tonight, won't be going for next 3 weeks as on hols. probably won't go again till next year now
  8. haha i'd forgotten about that, it's suppossed to bring good luck, did you get any?
  9. Suppose I'll have to wobble along at the back then, don't want any more of that orrible fish from Brid though am about to attempt to change my vote so don't blame me if the whole site crashes
  10. Maybe, will decide this week, Weds could be a big day, someone is due back off holiday then
  11. I don't want/can't afford to buy any bike tyres before Spain trip. Coming up there on bike would just about see them off, will have a look how they're doing might have to change them anyway in which case I'll think about it. Got my 2 man tent out today, it's knackered! so that's more expense
  12. there you go, i've voted no, don't do pillion way too scary , unless you want to take me on vfr, teach you how to wheelie lol
  13. just back, not as packed as last week, met gixxerguy and we went together, met aprilia gimp and mrs, parapanfan and garry there, also spoke to monsta moto, nice to see you all
  14. I think i'm coming to BBQ in car, so won't be doing rideout, do you want me to vote no?
  15. I think I'll recognise you mate, was absolutely packed last week though.
  16. I am definately going will be there about 7 8) will hang about close to the door to the lounge, near where monsta moto had their stand last week. will be displaying TMF sticker on helmet visor.
  17. I think they get it about right overall, it would be anarchy without them, I was at Bassett's pole when that woman got killed, I will probably be there again depending on weather. will make myself known to monsta moto if they're there
  18. where you put pics mate? can't find 'em
  19. can someone fill the missing name in sorry don't know who it is
  20. am back, top day, top people, pics in gallery
  21. unless absolutely peeing down will be leaving my house(meeting friends there) at 1030, going straight to ponderosa, say hello, straight back. will look on here at appx 0930 before leaving, let me know by then GixxerGuy.
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