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Everything posted by rennie

  1. rennie


    Never done it but wiring should be easy peasy, just straight swap for standard one unless the new one uses loads more power than standard then you'll need to go through a relay.
  2. Went past on the way to work tonight, in the car, Lots of bikes about.
  3. Sounds good but too far away for me, have fun.
  4. and i just can't be bothered
  5. rennie

    cbr600 help

    Can't you just cable-tie them somewhere safe?
  6. rennie

    Lights off..

    I don't understand why you've got to disable headlight! most people I've seen on track just tape them up
  7. Was nice to meet everyone traffic was bad on the way back, I've had to come straight to work, oh well, only 9 hours to go
  8. right, I'm on the way, in the car 8)
  9. I've been watching weather forecasts think I'll be going in car( wimp I know)
  10. I've given up on the sleep, will have slow breakfast and shower then set out I think, sorry about your hand MarkChris.
  11. can't sleep, it's raining here but looks like it might brighten up, going to try going back to bed now
  12. i'm coming anyway!just hope somebody else is there, if not round to V's for tea
  13. if you see a fat bloke, on a r reg blade, looking lost, it'll be me
  14. Have already put it in my phone I'm almost definately coming now, if it's raining, I'll come in car
  15. ok thanks, I've looked at both, probably still get helplessly lost
  16. looks like i'm coming at the moment, so, remembering that I had to look at map to even know where Brid was directions to find this car park please
  17. don't worry about me, i'll decide sun night. if i go for it and there's nobody there expect a phone call
  18. If I'm going I'll have to leave well before 0930
  19. I will look on here Sun. night before deciding if I come or not, have looked at map, got to be at least 3 hours each way I think. I've got to work Mon night. Will make my mind up on Sun.
  20. Are you definately going to be in Bridlington Mon noon?. I might have a ride up, but!!! it's a hell of a long way for no-one to be there. I don't even know where it is yet, will have to get map out
  21. rennie

    Grin Factor

    I voted good, to be honest I was torn between that and mmmm not bad. I hope you put this on wanting some honest answers, if not I apologise. I thought it was overly " flowery", too much description. I enjoyed it but I am a biker, I'm not sure non bikers would have . I commend you for trying and wish you every success.
  22. I voted sometimes, I would always wear helmet when on the road but in a field, campsite,bike meet car park etc.then I probably wouldn't.
  23. There is a meeting this Sun. I can't make this one but it's a smashing day out.
  24. There's some strange pics on that link I recognise Vicki and Nicola on a few, which one's you Sandra?
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