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Everything posted by cruz

  1. I may not have been post active but it was one of the topics I would always read. It was a 650 Matchless that got me into riding some years ago. So maybe I'm knocking on the door of 'old fart'
  2. Spent sometime looking into this, your initial outlay will be around the 15k mark and should have paid for it's self in approx 10yrs. You will of course never be without a lecci bill coz the sun don't shine at night, and therefore you need to use it from the grid, but you will not use all you generate during the day which you sell at a set price to the grid. The hope is that you will recieve more back per quarter than you pay. The ones who supply and fit for free are renting your roof for 25yrs, you get free lecci during the day but they get the mony for the surplus sold to the grid for the duration of the 25yr contract. after that time you will then get the money, so you get slightly smaller bills but no payback.
  3. Looking forward to it. Though not Welsh, I have always backed the Celtic Nations. yn dod ar Gymru !
  4. cruz


    Brillant stuff but stick it in with your composting first, far to strong to be used neat
  5. The Lion Sleeps Tonight - Tight Fit
  6. In a tent in the middle of an airfield on the top of the Cotswolds at The Ogri Rally. I might have an odd half of mild
  7. No worries Andy, I shall have one for you with Mr B.
  8. Not I, but still sunny and warm over here so prob still riding back ...............the long way
  9. Anyone going to The Ogri ? Green Divvi with odd silencers (very odd)
  10. RIP sir. Will hit the rest of the team hard, air and ground crew alike. But is a risk they all accept. It is a testament to the Teams skills that is is a very rare occurance.
  11. Don't see the problem. Ok not a Lambo but..................... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co-NRcJ_ ... re=related
  12. cruz


    Kept them till the neighbours started to moan, twats, happily took any excess eggs. Had ducks too, called one Christmas tasted great on the day too.
  13. cruz

    Bank theft

    I did mention that business need to make money in my OP My point is that when someone places any amount of their hard earned money into any charity tin/box they may not be aware that some of what they give goes to prop up the banks. I often ask small businesses to donate goods or services to my chosen charity and most if they can quite freely do so. They are not multi billion £/$ companies with massive profits, nor will they get a public bailout if through their own failings they go to the wall. I am a Member of a Branch of The Legion, we collect money on behalf of The Poppy Appeal and need to bank it in order to send it on to The Poppy Appeal. The last few years we have raised in excess of £50k each year, these monies are not kept in the account all year but this means a turnover of over 50k. So We as a Branch get charged for it, we send this money to The Legion throughout the year and they deposit it in a bank and they get charged for it. It is not me that is being ripped off but the child who gives £1 of his pocket money for a Poppy in November and the former Serviceman who is sat there unable to work in a wheelchair with missing limbs. They are the ones being ripped off !
  14. Don't believe a word the media say anyway, I have been misquoted more than correctly quoted. As for FB pages there are several out there talking about the route for UK Forces repatriations being through the 'back door', even when proven wrong by people who have been involved in the planning still pedal their poison.
  15. Andy, Got dates/details of BM for 2012 yet
  16. Branch Membership worth it just for the Rally, with Hobgoblin/Spitfire at £2.50 a pint Hope to make Hop & Barley next, but in doubt. Ogri is deffo on for the end of the month, anyone else got tickets
  17. cruz

    Bank theft

    If when you give to a registered charity you believe that all or most of that money goes to help the less fortunate then think on this. We Bank through the Lloyds Bank and I want to make you aware of their disgraceful profiteering attitude. The Lloyds Bank have informed me (Despite our account with them being registered as a charity and using our registered charity number, ) that because of the generosity of the public, the turnover of our account is more than £50k they consider us not to be a charity but a small business and intend to charge us an average of £50 per month. So instead of all the donations being given to those in need, they will siphon off about £600 per year for their profits. This is not the charity that I give many 100's of hours to but another, I have checked with my own Treasurer and it is confirmed to be true. My treasurer is working on a way around this if it is possable. So the bWankers have driven us into ressession, been bailed out by us the taxpayer, continued to pay bonuses and are now going to cream off money given by taxpayers to help the less fortunate. This will affect all charities. I make no apologies for this rant even to those who frequent The Branch forum and have seen it there. Business needs to make profit, that I can see. But this is greed from those who don't care about others.
  18. Sadly unlikley to make it again this year Just be careful out there, there has, sadly been some dubious riding in the past.
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