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Posts posted by fastbob

  1. 2 hours ago, Dawid126 said:

    Yes, but they are using cobras on the front and back and if I could do that, I would surely do because I have read the cobras are good. But the question is about mixing Roadrider MKII with Cobras.

    You CAN do that  , just stick some Cobras on it . It's one centimeter for goodness sake on a 535 Virago . You really need to stand up to this bike and show it who wears the trousers . 


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  2. 57 minutes ago, Dawid126 said:

    Yes, but they are using cobras on the front and back and if I could do that, I would surely do because I have read the cobras are good. But the question is about mixing Roadrider MKII with Cobras.

    How do you expect anybody to actually know the answer to your question ? I get where you're coming from , Avon recommend Cobra Chrome but you think that a one centimeter difference in the width of the front tyre will seriously affect the handling . Something I doubt . They offer a Road rider front for the Virago but no rear is available . So you want to mix them . To be honest , 5mm either side isn't going to make a bit of difference so BUY THE COBRAS and we can all move on with our lives . ( Cobras on the left , Road Riders on the right ) 


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  3. 6 hours ago, Dawid126 said:

    Looks great :D And what is your experience with those tires? Grip, handling, mileage?

    Grip . Difficult to answer because I've never lost grip . Handling . Well it's a Harley and despite the outdated name it's a cruiser with a high center of gravity and a long wheelbase . Mileage . About 6,000 and counting . But none of this matters when you've got a Union Jack , snakes AND snakeskin chicken strips . It would be a shame to spoil them by leaning over too much . 😉


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  4. On 15/12/2021 at 21:06, manxie49 said:

    You weren’t one of those three geezers on a ride out following a star into the East were you, delivering presents by all accounts?  😂

    No , I was the dickhead outside the Bolton Wanderers FC ground trying to find a shady bush so that I could get out of the sun to see my phone while shouting " Why isn't this f*****g place in f*****g Bolton !? " My mood  was not helped  by cooking inside my leathers and busting for a slash . Well at least I have discovered first hand why it's called Bolton Wanderers . It is NOT in f*****g Bolton !


    • Haha 2
  5. 23 hours ago, Pbassred said:

    The death of a motorcyclist - particularly a young one is heartbreaking.  Does anyone know what licence he had.  What type of bike he was on? Since he was 19, I suspect it was a CBT.

    Now please don't take this the wrong way but to get back to the original question . Can I ask why you need to know ? And can I also ask why you can't find out for yourself ? It has occurred to me that anyone Googling Harry Dunn is likely to stumble upon this thread and perhaps they might , at best , be a little puzzled by some of the content particularly if they have an emotional link to the subject matter . 

  6. I know where I'm going thanks . You can get an AA road atlas for a pound . The only time I got seriously lost was when I tried to go through Greater Manchester and they only had signage on one roundabout in three . In the end I just kept an eye on the position of the sun . 

    • Haha 2
  7. Just a thought . If you believe the Right Wing tabloid press we have apparently been over run by hoards of Romanian nationals . Given that all Romanians drive on the right , you would expect to hear of a much higher incidence of head on collisions but this appears not to be the case . It would seem to take an American to cause such a tragedy .  

  8. Invasion stripes painted . I decided to do it the hard way rather than use the supplied transfers . Next , the markings . I have chosen to represent an aircraft of the 144 Strike Group based at Banff , Aberdeenshire . This is a bicycle ride from where my Dad grew up and I'm pretty sure he would have spent some time there as a member of the ATC before joining up . When he did join the RAF he got transferred to the Fleet Air Arm and was stationed 480 miles away at Cleve Camp near Bude . So far away that he could not comfortably get home and back on a 48 hour pass . Left alone in the base he was befriended by the visiting pastor and his wife and taken into their family . Which is why I had an unrelated extra Grandma , and a bunch of Aunties , Uncles and Cousins who were all farmers in Devon . 


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  9. 12 hours ago, Bianco2564 said:

    @fastbob. Got my projector working after buying new drive belts and went through all my home movies.

    There were clips of Coventry air show circa 1978-79 showing Concorde doing a fly past and a Lancaster landing.

    Also there's a shot of us flying to Jersey from Baginton on what I think was a Bristol Britannia, there's a shot out a window and clearly showing a turboprop engine.

    I was there . Compared to today , Coventry airshows were amazing . 

  10. I had an ex who used to get pissed up and come round to try to sabotage my bike so I used to escort her back down the road by prodding her with a rather smelly floor mop . She didn't see the funny side being a morose type of alcoholic but I still chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all . 

    • Haha 6
  11. Right then . I was on one of my long haul trips to Scotland . I had timed it right so that I had avoided the Glasgow rush hour and there was plenty of daylight left to go  up Loch Lomond , across Rannoch Moor and through Glen Coe before camping at Fort William . Anyone who knows that road will know that there are very long straights where there is little else to do except crank the bike up to a steady 100 mph just for the hell of it . So that is what I did . Just  then ,  a full size Stag resplendent with enormous Antlers  decided to leap out of a ditch and casually saunter into the road before pausing to turn and gaze idly at the rapidly approaching motorbike . It was already too late . I didn't brake or even back off the throttle . My brain might have murmured something like " Oh well , that's that then ". There are less interesting and less messy ways to die I suppose but today was not my day . At the last millisecond , the Stag leapt out of the way with such force that I actually heard it's hooves go " Clop" on the tarmac . I was that close . I remember carrying on and trying to let the massive jolt of adrenaline subside then I started having the most absurd thoughts . There were no cars or buildings anywhere to be seen . The setting sun was lighting the mountains with a warm fiery glow and shimmering off the distant Lochs and the beautiful winding ribbon of road as it unfurled before me . Did I really miss the Stag ? Maybe heaven is very similar to the world I have just departed . So this is the Afterlife then . Ok , not so bad , in fact not bad at all . Then I looked down at my petrol tank and it still had Suzuki written on it . Oh well , I must be alive after all . If I was in  Heaven I'd be on a Harley . 


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