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Posts posted by fastbob

  1. Probably not relevant today but I think Honda's got a bad reputation because in the early days they never got overhead camshaft bearings right . The issues I know about occurred with the K 1- 5 series of twins and with some smaller bikes such as the CD / CB 175 etc . The camshaft was set straight into the head and the journal was split so that the top half ran in the cylinder head cover . For reasons unknown , people used to remove the cover and put it back on using gasket sealant and incorrect torque values . Result , knackered cam shafts and engines .  With the CD/CB the camshaft ran in just two plain bearings , one at each end . Couple that with no proper oil filter and the general ignorance of first time buyers or ex Brit Bike riders and there is another recipe for failure . Then there was the " Chocolate Camshafts " fiasco with the VF engines . It turned out that they were turning faster than oil could lubricate them . ( Something like that ) These are merely personal experiences and things I've read but I've never been tempted to buy a bigger Honda for long term use . 

  2. On 16/10/2022 at 20:51, Mississippi Bullfrog said:

    Super glue is activated by a super secret formula. H2O. It won't stick anything that is dry. I got banned from a model shop who was pushing super glue activator, which was mostly just water in a spray.


    A modeller's trick was to blow cigarette smoke onto it. This works due to the high moisture content, but the side effect is the production of cyanide gas which is perhaps not great if your modelling shed is small and airtight.


    In the early days of electric flight when we had crap motors and heavy NiCad battery packs model aircraft frames had to be super lightweight I used to sand wing skins so thin you could read newsprint through them, then pour about a quarter of a pint of super glue over it and work it by hand whilst it set. The wings would smoke with the heat but you ended up with a very light wing that was as hard as steel. You did have to keep your hand moving though or you stuck to it pretty quick.


    I imagine most road surfaces will stick to skin pretty well if you add a bit of moisture with the super glue. Kids used to super glue 10p coins to pavements to watch people try to pick them up 

    Correct . 

  3. 7 hours ago, Six30 said:

    I stand corrected 

    Welcome back . What have you been up to then ? I've got a proper Harley now courtesy of Mr Frog and he's gone and got an even bigger and madder one . James in Brum appears to have quit motorbikes for now and all the usual old scrotes are still chuntering on ..

  4. You want my opinion ? Dress in whatever bike gear you are comfortable and safe in and then stick a set of " Outdoor " waterproofs such as Karrimor etc from Sports Direct on over the top . Buy big and be prepared to replace them every couple of years . I'm done with so called waterproof textile clothing . None of it ever works for long and everything except the really expensive stuff starts to fall apart from day one . And don't even mention waterproofing sprays because they are just a con . 

  5. On 08/10/2022 at 15:21, Ian Frog said:

    @fastbob Ooh the sissybar is back !

    Looking good sir I still think it`s a very photogenic bike.



    Ah well yes , I really wish I'd tried this before I went to Scotland . If I use the sissy bar in conjunction with my big roll bag it forms the perfect backrest for touring . I might even be tempted to try the screen next summer . 

  6. On 26/09/2022 at 17:22, Rudiroach said:



    Do not, can’t empathize enough, not buy with this dealership. If you have no other option and your a first time buyer or lacking bike knowledge, be sure to take someone with you that does. If you do buy, but you shouldn’t, get the extended warranty cause if something is wrong with the bike & you have to act upon The Consumer Rights Act 2015 (which bare in mind is in there own contract agreement) they will make it a shit show to do right. Customer service is piss poor; little to zero response to emails. You’ll find yourself talking to yourself. They will try shift blame on to you or the manufacturer, & if it’s a manufacturer issue they’ll try off load the work of getting in contact with them (manufacture) on to you to see if your chump enough to take on that burden.

    Take your chances I guess but approach with caution, take a knowledgeable head & keep your fingers crossed you don’t run in it any issues. 


    Don’t buy lexmoto; 

    Battery wasn’t fitted correctly(SBF) > AA solved

    False neutral > on going 

    Clutch lever screw fell out > AA solved

    Chain came off whilst riding > AA solved

    Engine ignition light > on going 

    Part of handle bar broke away > on going

    Gear/chain/clutch? Fault > AA recovery to house

    New radiator & chain needed. 

    Exhaust cover fell off 

    Side mirrors constantly change position whilst riding 

    I don't get any of this . You have all the time in the world to inspect the bike , Lexmoto or otherwise , before you buy it . And as soon as you get it home it's your bike and it's your responsibility to sort it out mechanically . That means getting a spanner and tightening up bolts . The clutch lever screw fell out because you didn't check it and tighten it . Same with the chain and exhaust cover and anything else that you have allowed to fall off because of mechanical negligence . Sorry mate but it's called taking responsibility ..

  7. 15 hours ago, Davidtav said:

    I would love to have a ride out with FastBob up to Scotland. I’m a bit slow generally. I usually get overtaken. Just call me SlowDave

    I actively encourage and facilitate overtaking . I fail to understand why car drivers will come up behind another vehicle and then just sit there . Overtake or hang back but don't drive just behind me for mile after endless mile . It's just rude . And before all the Harley jokes get dusted off , I used to do this on my GSXR if it was raining . Why should I be pressured to ride 10 or 20 miles an hour faster than I want to because some nobhead dictates ? This is why every long route is interspersed with little convoys of 5 to 6 cars all driving nose to tail . They didn't set off together did they ? No , someone set off and after a few miles another car latched on behind them . It would be seen as crass to floor it to lose the second car and the driver of the second car does not have the inclination or the balls to overtake . So they drive along until car one becomes weary of the car following and slows down a little bit . It's not long before another four cars join on in the same manner until the whole thing slows down further because everyone is subconsciously interacting with each other . And that's why the open  roads are full of little processions of tin boxes . 

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Davidtav said:

    I quite like the nodding and waving. But today I was riding my bike in heavy rain from Scotland to Yorkshire … so I’m in the outside lane in traffic on the M74. And I get a wave from a bike in the outside lane coming towards me on opposite side of the motorway … now I understand the camaraderie etc. and there were few bikes out in the weather. But I thought it was taking it a bit far! … and no I didn’t wave back!

    Now that's exactly where and when I would wave . By the way , have you ever tried the B7076 that runs parallel to the 74 all the way ? 

  9. You've answered your own question really . There IS a hierarchy in motorcycling as there is in most things . I personally don't go about waving and nodding at everything on two wheels . I do nod or wave when there is a common experience to be briefly shared , like being  hundred miles from anywhere in the pissing rain or on a particularly wonderful piece of road in the sunshine . One thing I definitely wouldn't do is wave at scooter riders especially in my locality . I don't really want some coked up little Roadsman shoving a kitchen knife into me at the next junction because I " Disrespected him "  Ya get me Fam ? 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  10. On 02/10/2022 at 08:06, Mississippi Bullfrog said:

    A seasonal conversation I had the other day with a farmer. The crop he produces sells onto the end market for £4.2 million.


    He gets £200,000 out of which he has to cover all his costs. To find enough land to grow the crop he is renting fields all over the place, within a 60 mile radius. 


    Someone is making a lot of money. But it ain't the farmers.

    The Chinese are " Renting " millions of acres of Africa to feed themselves but I don't suppose that any of the farmers see much of that either .

  11. 3 hours ago, Trooper74 said:

    I bought this today .......



    That would be the absolute perfect bike for me . Practical , fast , light , red , a Suzuki , comfortable , good secure luggage , screen etc etc . Ideal for touring Scotland . Unfortunately I don't do practical  . 🤪


    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  12. In the meantime , just get some leather keks and move on . Unfortunately you're not the first woman to be treated badly by a motorcycle training school. You've got to ask yourself , why someone would want to be an instructor in the first place ? You can't tell me that a proportion of them  don't enjoy the feeling of power over others that it gives them .


    • Like 3
  13. 56 minutes ago, Davidtav said:

    In truth, and this is me being very honest, I think I can come over as a bit of a dick sometimes when dealing with garages … the first time was when I took my forks from my fs1e to be straightened. They weren’t any straighter when I collected them. A row ensued. In fairness, I was only 16 at the time. Dad took them back in without me and got them sorted properly … and then when I was 18 I had the windscreen replaced on my Renault 15. The new one leaked and some of the dashboard was broken. A row ensued. Again Dad, who was much more tactful than me, sorted it out. Couple of other incidents I remember from my twenties. Had the wheel bearings replaced on a Metro. And the garage tried to charge me double what they quoted. A row ensued. (I paid the original price by the way). … and there was a row when I collected my XR3i from a main Ford dealer. It had been in for accident repair. To the front panel. The insurance quote had been to replace the front panel. But they thought it was acceptable to knock it out and paint over the existing rust. I disagreed and wouldn’t take the car until it was fixed properly. Which it eventually was … I’m in my 60s now and I guess I have learnt to avoid the confrontation if it isn’t necessary. Because I’m probably not always the most tactful person. 

    I do agree that it might have been helpful for them to know the solution. … I do actually understand that car electrics are so complicated now it’s difficult for them to know everything about every model … I was just wondering really if I should try an independent Mini specialist. I might do



    Now please don't be offended but have you ever been assessed for Autism ?  I was assessed about ten years ago and found to have a paradoxical mixture of traits and an overall diagnosis of mild Asperger's Syndrome . Best thing I ever did . 

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