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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Gin

    Secret Santa

    Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas! First off to say a massive thank you to those who agreed to take part; it's obvious to say this wouldn't work without you and your support! If you check your PMs you should have the name and address of your poor soul who needs a little Christmas magic.. It's now up to you all to make Christmas fun and joyful! (Please ensure I haven't given you your own address in the PM.. I am sleepy this morning and frankly a bit of a moron most of the time! ) Ok so... What to do now: 1.) Sort the gift for your recipient and send it out before the Christmas post cut-offs. Recommended to wrap in christmassy wrapping... Don't just wedge a pair of socks in a jiffy bag 2.) When you get your gift, post in here that it's arrived and what you got. Feel free to post pictures of what you got, how it arrived and your guesses on who sent it!
  2. Aye but early indicators say Sam sings going the same way for their next release...
  3. RantMachine. Next question. Well damn, thread over! Joking aside you two Thanks for all your help, I feel I have a better idea of Android now than I did before and am less worried about making the transfer.. Seriously considering the pixel just because I Love New Tech! But am still looking at what will work best for me... I'm resentful about buying a whole new bunch of cables
  4. Cool, some helpful comments so far.. So Android users, what do you Like and Dislike about your OS? As I'm going to have to get used to a new way of thinking.. How do you manage your music and files on your phone as I'm so used to using itunes to do all this.. Is there a "HealthKit" style app that things like sleep apps and pedometres can all interface with? Also what smartwatches would you potentially recommend with your phone? At this point I really need to call up:
  5. Ok so it's come up to my upgrade time and I'm in the weird position of having no idea what I want to do. Now normally I would just stay with my current phone but it's not doing so great right now! So I've had iPhones for 4 years now, Blackberries before that.. My current iPhone was having crippling battery issues and now (Due to me removing the protective case to solve the battery issues) has a cracked screen.. The irony is not lost on me. So I'm not happy with Apple, but this may be a one off. I don't really like the iPhone 7, but I've heard the Samsung 8 may have the same headphone port issue.. The Google Pixel has some great toys and I've heard wonderful things but it's a new release, its a HTC build (that some people have warned me off) and it's stripped andriod (could be good or bad) So I really need some advice, cos I just don't know what to do if I'm honest.. Help me?
  6. Have a wonderful day!
  7. Gin

    Cracked my sump

    Look on ebay for a breakers yard, they will likely have one somewhere!
  8. (Damnit, the first time I take my German books home from work in a month!) Heya, Call me Gin, a lot easier to manage The Himalayas! I am even more envious now... I can't wait to travel more, when I can afford it; though Europe is my first goal, I have friends in Gibraltar and Sweden that I'm aiming for.. I know I have a lot more to learn about the different weathers and country regulations I need to learn about Got any good travelling stories or more pictures?
  9. This was pretty much my view on it too.. Only a little while ago we were all told to tone the banter down with Newbies, had this been an established member who was more familiar with your tone of text, I doubt it would have been an issue! However this is a very new member who was making a real effort to get people into a friendly discussion. Due to your posts it became distinctly unfriendly and that's likely why you had an 'Army' come to try and ease it out a bit..
  10. I'd love more global bikers on here as it potentially gives me points to aim for when travelling, where I could meet someone new for a chat and learn about some great local roads too.. I think if you look at the first picture he posted, it's pretty obvious that's not the UK.. Even if you look at those snow banks and think "Could be Scotland" then that means advising for those conditions i.e. Winter Tyres.
  11. ANYONE is more than welcome from any part of the world This is why I asked where OP was posting from... Equally I saw the touring advert on the forum the other day and would want to make sure I have my bike ready for a 'proper' winter if I manage to go travelling, not just the wet, cold and slimy conditions we have to put up with!
  12. Hey Frank! If you don't mind me asking, where are you from? You're pics in the first post look awesome and I'm jealous of your rugged bike In terms of the winter tyre argument, I have never changed to them on any of my vehicles but that's just because I think winters in the UK can be so mild compared to other parts of Europe that I've never seen it to be necessary.. However with snow banks like your first pic I can totally see why you would! I asked about at my work as I know one lass here used to work in the purchasing department of a winter tyre manufacturer in Romania, who's told me lots already about different tyres for cars.. The guy who sits next to me said that back in Poland his neighbour would ride in all weathers, but personally when the snow set in he said anyone would be crazy to go out on the bike I have to admit I'm not great with bike special treatment in Winter as I haven't had a garage for 6-7 years now, so I just do what I can with for a bike that spends so long outside. Though my Sprint is not in Jay's mums garage I rarely get out on her.. Though she's just had an optimate fitted to stop the alarm murdering batteries!
  13. That looks amazing! Hehe very cool
  14. I used to never "get" Christmas.. My mum hated it and would try her best to get away from it every chance she got, my father would use it as a way to play power games with the family and no doubt at some point I'd do something wrong, which would infuriate him and... Yeah sad family tales etc. To be honest this has only really changed in the last few years. I don't see my mum at all around Christmas and that's the way she likes things, we'll meet up after and enjoy a lazy day at her house watching films etc. Instead I spend Christmas completely with my partner and his family and though his family (like everyone elses!) will have their little bickering and imperfections, I adore Christmas with them because it's not about the expensive presents and posh food.. It's just having a lovely relaxed holiday with family and friends being merry.. I feel cosy and loved and I'm really very very lucky. I think when I wish people a merry Christmas, it's cos I want them to have that feeling of contentment that might not be easy to find in everyday life
  15. Gin

    Cracked my sump

    Well I'm just a top notch moron You're not at all.. We all f**k up at one point or another! Only yesterday I dropped the fecking battery bolt down into my bike while trying to fit new optimate leads Ended up having to go to the local Tesco to buy one of those extendable "magnet on a stick" thingies just to try and get the wee git out! We all have off days, it's how we learn.. Hope this gets fixed soon and just chalk it up to experience x
  16. Is there a 'special' forum for us older, Chinese bike owners to go to where we won't get the piss taken out of us & not be regularly told we should have known better at our age:?: Aww! You'll find Rant and Glorian are very good with advice for those who already own Chinese bikes, just pretty keen to put people off buying them in the first place
  17. Gin

    Last FM

    See! I'm the Only TOGS member who doesn't start crap on here! These lot are awful...
  18. Gin

    Last FM

    What's the benefits of letting people what you think on an internet forum? Absolutely none, same as tracking the consumption of my bikes. It's wholly irrelevant to life but I find the stats interesting. Oi Pair of you.. Hug and make up! Joe just cos your music taste is god awful
  19. Gin

    Last FM

    Didn't even know that was a thing! I tend to listen to Radio 4 most of the time..
  20. Gin

    Secret Santa

    Haven't received yours yet Give it another go, might have been stolen by the gremlins
  21. Gin

    Secret Santa

    I refused to let you! A Real Man never pulls out.. He stays jingle bells deep until the sticky end!
  22. Pretty colours! This was the first game I owned: http://lparchive.org/Pokemon-Blue/Update%2001/5-capture_02042010_121742.png
  23. Gin

    Movember 2016

    Haha to be honest I think a beard wouldn't look so bad with the tash, but I'm with Six30 on this one, it's very Boycie!
  24. Haha well I'm quite glad my generation refused to let go of video games, I'm 25 and still play with friends.. Including Minecraft! It's great fun and works well for learning to share resources, team building blah blah..!
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