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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Gin

    Movember 2016

    As payday has come round I've thrown my coins in.. Though I was tempted to wait and make it a payment to remove the accursed thing! .. Poor Mandy...
  2. It's a video game that has had a lot of toys released in it's name, so to start off, work out whether they want the lego style toys, or a copy of the video game. If it's the video game, pick the console they most frequently use.. Personally Minecraft is best on PC rather than xbox etc just because that's what it was designed for and gets all the updates first.. In terms of Why Bother: So my friends and I tend to start up a server between us at which point you all start with nothing. It falls nicely into the "survival" genre of games that are getting really popular at the moment (Like being stranded on a dessert island and trying to live with resources you can find). So you start with nothing and build cave-man simplistic tools to get better resources to build a safe home to get better stuff to get better tools to... You get the idea. As Ollies said, when I was working on an electronics module in uni the simplistic electronics you can built with NOR, AND gates etc really helped get my head round the principles!
  3. Have you got any links to specific ones you're looking at at the moment?
  4. I've been given exercises to do to strengthen my ankles.. This includes me standing like a flamingo for as long as I can before transferring to the other leg and doing the same.. I envy those bast*rds who make exercise look stylish and easy.. Cos I look like I've lost my marbles right about now
  5. Gin

    Secret Santa

    Hullo! As Hoggs said, is me indeed I am still missing addresses from: Any more to join in Would be awesome to at least break the 20 participants mark
  6. Apologies.. So one thing I keep thinking in this thread is that this is way more than what should I / You do.. So my mum was working at the BBC when Jimmy Saville was a prominent star and I talked to her about how it was then. She told me "Well you would go to the lunch hall and get your bum pinched, or a comment on your legs. It wasn't abnormal and was just part of the culture. I think this is why it's taken so long for this behaviour to come out of the wood work, because it was far more acceptable then for men to hit on the young intern or secretary and they should be grateful for the attention" I do think this sort of hits the nail on the head. It's all about the culture of the time. Then it was all about having the hot bird on your arm to show how well you were doing in life... If the culture at the time deemed "Hot" to be pert boobs and a fresh face, then it's only logical that younger and younger women would be the "Prize" I agree that just filming something awful and putting in Youtube can be cowardly, callous and cold but equally a side effect of this is that with social media and the internet connecting the whole world, we're able to bring light to injustices that otherwise people might never have known about. It's all about the culture of the time.
  7. And why would that be? Where were all the "alpha males" of the previous generation? And if the fathers ran out because they weren't alpha enough, who was responsible for messing them up? I'm sorry but the more I read this the worse it gets: "Only two come close to the traditional portrayals of strong, men. One is Captain America. And even he is a super hero, not a real man." This is such a ridiculous statement to make. You don't have to be any where near a comic book nerd, you literally have to watch the first film, to know that: He is a real man. In fact he's a short, weak Runt who gets beaten down at every turn because he's not 6'4" and built like a Stud. There's a point in the movie where he gets the stuffing beaten out of him but a mucho masculine Bad boy and yet he Still fights for what's good and right! He IS the androgynous, in touch man that this article hates so much. He is chosen, from a line up of handsome strong men, to be "Captain America" because he threw himself on a grenade to save other people. Nothing to do with Brawn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v620E6ozrKI He is the very opposite of the "Real Man" this article is bleating about and yet they're holding him up on a platform, because they think he's a hunk super soldier. If that isn't missing the whole bloody point, I really don't know what is.
  8. Just started reading this and no offense XTreme but holy heck what a load of crap And why would that be? Where were all the "alpha males" of the previous generation? And if the fathers ran out because they weren't alpha enough, who was responsible for messing them up? Seriously though, yeah the world needs strong people to help overcome the challenges our society inevitably faces. But that article makes the assumption throughout that it takes a Y chromosome to be strong, and that's the kind of mentality that people are really starting to have an issue with. The concept of masculinity has just been caught in the crossfire. And side note: Aren't the "wolves" alpha males within their own civilisations/cultures? Alllll Thhhiiissssss ^ ^ ^ Coming from a younger generation, I have watched boys grow through their teenage years fighting to be "The Bloke, One of the Lads, a Real Man". No wonder that suicide rates in the uk are over three times higher for men than women. XTreme, I like you... You post some funny things and you make me laugh with your videos but I can only hope this is another joke of yours. If not then yes, your generation may have felt that way, but I'm really hoping mine doesn't.
  9. Gin

    Not guilty

    I despair! This is so crap!
  10. The gym I don't find too bad cos I put headphones in and listen to an audiobook.. Swimming I enjoy but get bored just listening to the inside of my own head
  11. I do get your point, though that rebuild will bring in revenue from dignitary visits and tourism, I agree it's a lot.. However that is 0.021% of our national debt. We have far bigger fish to fry! Nothing's been right since the clocks changed This did make me laugh
  12. Gin

    Secret Santa

    As I've set the end of the submission date to Saturday the 10th it will likely be that night or early Sunday (11th) morning! We could do with a few more names in the hat and remember, we need your addresses guys!
  13. Have you got any links to podcasts or such TC? Would be cool to listen over
  14. I liked those... Until I looked into crash tests with them! Nice helmet Stu, keep it shiny and polished!
  15. There's so much like this though.. While Trump was elected, Virgin won a massive contract with the NHS.. While Trump was moaning about a few people in a crowd booing his VP, he settled a Huge lawsuit against him that found his University fraudulent and corrupt. While we worry over the Autumn statement, Trump is inviting foreign dignitaries to stay in his hotel, just down the road from the Whitehouse, while also stating he's not going to put his companies into a blind trust, insisting he can be both the president and a business man with no conflict of interest! Welcome to politics and the media.. This just Is.. Edit: Jeez Christ someone pass me a tinfoil hat! I sound like a Loon.. And that's the worst bit about all of this. If you try to keep your finger on the pulse of what's going on, you start to sound like a madman. Cos this really is just all bollocks..
  16. Hah! See African Greys can be right little shits..
  17. Oh she's So Cute! What's her character like? We used to have an African Grey who could be a real grouch when she wanted
  18. Gin

    Secret Santa

    Woo Hoo! Brilliant guys Added you to the list x
  19. Ohhh that's cool! How many hives do you keep? And beefy, they're adorable Hope they're settling in well..
  20. Gin

    Secret Santa

    Stu! You scared him off!
  21. Gin

    Secret Santa

    I was going to put a post in the newbie section specifically letting any newbies know they are more than welcome to join in! This is a great way for people to get to know one another and have a laugh with new and old friends I can't be arsed to PM everyone, so though I have a few addresses: Can everyone who wants to take part, please PM me your address so I can let your Santa know where to send the gift!
  22. All well and good but feels a little too late.. Though I do know that Bernie has been saying this for ages! This article (despite the headline) should be read people on both sides of the debate: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-could-replace-president-trump-with-little_us_5829f25fe4b02b1f5257a6b7
  23. I think comparing the election of Trump to a natural disaster that wiped out most of the population of Medieval Europe is perhaps a little extreme. That is only one example that the author gives and he only gives it due to the population impact after such a distaster. At least with sickness, humans are banding together against illness (for the most part) and when it's over will attempt to heal together.. With his other examples (World wars, political upheavals etc) the people are normally still bitterly feuding long afterwards and unable to look at the situation with an analytical eye. This is true at the moment, on both sides of the current political argument. It's very difficult to look at things with a calm and rational mind when those arguing loudest are using hyperbolic rhetoric instead of base facts. It's very easy for anyone who's interested or passionate about politics to sway facts to prove their own agendas and so it escalates; on Both sides.
  24. Gin

    Secret Santa

    Hullo All! It's getting to that festive time of the year again and so I thought I'd resurrect the Secret Santa. The Idea: If you've never taken part in a Secret Santa before, the idea is that you will submit your names into a hat (I.e. Post in here that you want to join or send me a PM) and everyone who has entered will be given a name in return. For this person, that you have been assigned, you must buy a gift and send / mail / deliver it to them before Christmas, labelled only "From your Secret Santa" (And any other gooey message you want , just don't give your identity away!) When you get your gift, post in here that it has arrived and what you were given! Pictures are also encouraged.. The Rules: 1.) All names must be submitted before the end Saturday the 10th of December. This gives people time to go out and find something daft or heart-warming or plain stupid. 2.) Money limit, £10 only on your gift of choice! You're more than welcome to spend less, remember this is meant to be a daft bit of fun with mates and if you want to go home made then go for it, just put some thought and effort into it! 3.) No telling people who you got before Christmas, the whole idea of SECRET Santa is the mystery! 4.) Most importantly.. Don't be a dick! Have fun guys! And remember, to keep this forum running Donations are always welcome ^_^ P.S. Depending on how this goes I may do prizes for "Best gift" Etc.. Please remember to PM me your address so Santa knows where to sent his [strikeout]coal[/strikeout] Presents! If you'd like your name added secretly to the secret santa, feel free to PM me that too! Participants: RantMachine Hoggs Glorian Grumpy Old Git Thomas J drzhooner NearOn Stu Lateralus Sleepy_RR Ricky Six30 bonio Liveware Problem JamBerryKing AleyJ Phooey Classickid21 Missing Addresses: Firebladewickers
  25. Sorry I can't help much, my biggest accident was pedestrian related. Hope someone on the forum can help out
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