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Mississippi Bullfrog

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Everything posted by Mississippi Bullfrog

  1. I'm into sailing, I race a Laser and me and the missus sail a Graduate. And I'm a beekeeper.
  2. What parts are you painting and what facilities have you got?
  3. Many jobs now ask for details of previous convictions or cautions. It's not just about whether you are working with children or vulnerable people, it's also about the employer's responsibility and reputation. If they employ someone with a record for assault and that person then thumps someone in the workplace they are going to find themselves with compensation lawyers chasing them for employing someone with a history of violence. I inherited a member of staff taken on by my predecessor who had lied about her past when appointed, in the end she was prosecuted for having obtained the job (and therefore the wage) by deception. I think the charge was obtaining a pecuniary interest by deception - for which she was sent down for 2 years. So advising people to withhold the facts may not be in their best interest long term. Unfortunately a lot of us do things in the heat of the moment without realising the potential harm it may do in the future. Thumping someone sticks with you. So does applying for a job and withholding all the facts. I would suggest the advice of when you're in a hole don't dig yourself in any deeper applies. The advice to speak to someone like Citizens Advice is good. It might also be worth speaking with NACRO. I worked with them a while back and they do good things for people with a record that is preventing them finding a job.
  4. I have the following bits cluttering up my bench: http://i.imgur.com/UxjurcJ.jpg?1 2 Oil filters for Suzuki RV125 Van Van - £8.00 posted. (I have two sets of these filters) http://i.imgur.com/0xwS2xG.jpg 2 oil filters and 2 air filter foams - £14.00 posted http://i.imgur.com/bqCut6k.jpg Suzuki FI diagnostic switch - £10 posted http://i.imgur.com/BU1hO4G.jpg Indicator - unused - £12 posted I also have a Givi A660 screen and top box with mount plate as below - £35 each collection only (from Chester) - both have the instructions with them. http://i.imgur.com/R5TyS2Y.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9LneF5k.jpg Drop me a pm if you're interested in any of the bits. If you leave me a number I'll give you a call - just please bear in mind I work odd hours so I am often working during the evenings and weekends.
  5. What are they off? A lot of suzuki filters fit many bikes they could be useful to someone on here Suzuki RV125 VanVan. Oil filters (6 I think), Air filters (2 + virtually full tin of oil for them), diagnostic switch for the fuel injection and an unused indicator. I could pop them in the for sale section on here I guess. Oh - and a Givi 660 screen and a Givi top box. All sat on my bench because I'm not putting them on ebay.
  6. The best one I had was the guy who bid on a caravan I was selling and then rolled up to collect it in a car without a towbar. The most annoying recent one was a specialist boat trailer I sold - collection only - made perfectly clear in the listing, bought by a guy who lives in Devon (we're in Cheshire) who then expected me to deliver it to him! It's got to the stage where I have a load of Suzuki oil / air filters I am going to bin rather than risking ebay again.
  7. It's not upside down at all, I have no idea what you're on about..... Oooh...I see what you did there......and just when I'd remembered to disable the auto-rotate!
  8. 'Tis most unfortunate - being upside down and therefore unreadable. Or was it a test to see how many times I'd try turning my iPad over before realising that wasn't going to work?
  9. What kind of mileage is on it? First thing is the idle setting if it's stalling regularly. But if it's sometimes idling OK and just randomly dying then I'd take a look at the valve clearances. I assume it's pulling cleanly on throttle so it's not a carb issue? I'd also check the battery as a weak battery can cause interesting issues.
  10. A disconnected indicator shouldn't drain the battery. Check that there's nothing else loose. Have you got a multimeter? If so check the battery is receiving a charge when the engine is running, it ought to be showing above 13v. Check the battery at rest and when a load is put across it. You only need a bulb to put some load on it - see if the battery voltage is dropping under load. I had a battery a couple of months ago that read 12.6v at rest, but collapsed down to under 1v as soon a bulb was connected to it. Sure sign of a dud battery.
  11. Don't mention it - just doing my bit to help the community The snag with the puppies method is the 4% of criminals who will break in just to steal the puppies. A basketful of cats works much better. By the time the thief has rounded them all up the police have been, made the arrest, filled in the paperwork, had the trial and sent him down. Actually by now he's usually gone insane and been committed to a secure medical facility. Cats. Better than dogs.
  12. I'll confirm this I find small FI engines feel fussy - like minor hesitation at light throttle setting. Then it pulls once you get past it.
  13. Working on the principle that nothing will stop a determined thief I go for deterring the less determined variety. First thing is can you make the garage door harder to open? Ask your landlord if you can install a better lock on the door - so long as you make it clear you will leave it when you move out they may be willing to allow you to do this. Next would be some form of alarm in the garage. Plenty of DIY systems available which you can take with you when you leave. Then the obvious of adding more chains and locks to the bike. If you can't lock it to a ground anchor you can at least have longer chains/cables running through the wheels and frame. You might also get a scrap car engine block and attach that to the bike. Anything that makes it harder for thieves works because most of them are lazy and only go for easy pickings. A wifi camera/alarm system is a good measure - especially if you can record it. It's less of a prevention but at least if the worst happened you'd have some evidence for the police. The last break in we had the clowns realised they'd been filmed breaking in so they stole the CCTV monitor leaving the actual recording system behind. We got a lovely shot of them in the office removing the monitor - the police who attended were wetting themselves at the thieves stupidity. We are not talking about the brightest of the species here. Hope your new home works well for you.
  14. Ha! I'd have got my own back by going and parking my bike in a car space. Preferable right at the front of it so it looked like it was empty.
  15. I had something similar recently. I got the leather warm and then worked at the offending area with my thumb. I was surprised how quickly and easily the leather gave a bit and they're fine now.
  16. Ladies poop! Blimey, you learn something every day. My world will never be the same again.
  17. That certainly does sound like fuel starvation. Has someone had the tank off and trapped or linked a fuel line?
  18. I tried them having worn contacts for years, then going back to glasses and then getting to the age when vari-focals were necessary. They didn't work for me - after a month I gave up on them because working on a computer or doing paperwork just didn't work. For driving and riding they were fine but no good for when I was at work and there was no way I was taking lenses in and out several times a day. So I'm back on my glasses and a full flip helmet. But it is a very individual thing, they may well work fine for you. (Actually I prefer wearing glasses when riding as when I used to wear contacts riding with the visor open even a crack was lethal. I always ended up with grit under a lens and that's painful. I had a few nasty moments at speed when something got in my eye and I had to pull over. With glasses it's much safer and with the right helmet not a problem.)
  19. Well I am certainly pleased to hear that. It means the roads will be nice and quiet for a little run up the Wirral that day.
  20. Motorists will respond differently to different bikes. A 125 with L plates filtering might rouse the ire of a frustrated cabbie, whereas they'd probably not take on the rider of a larger machine on the basis that a more experienced rider isn't going to be intimidated. You'll get the hang of when it's safe to filter and when to use some discretion. On video it always looks faster and closer than it really is so don't be misled by YouTube clips. When filtering make sure you can stop on a sixpence because things can change pretty quickly and neither motorists or pedestrians seem to expect a bike to suddenly appear.
  21. The fact that you've got two different bolts doesn't really matter in my humble opinion. They're not load bearing, just there to enable accurate adjustment. You've probably got it all to cock at this stage so let's go back to the beginning. Wind the two adjuster bolts out so that they aren't putting any pressure on the axle plates - the ones with the markers on that show where the axle is in relation to the swing arm indicators. Loosen the axle bolt just enough to enable the wheel to slide backwards and forwards. Move the wheel forwards until the chain is slack. Try to line up the markers / indicators both sides so the wheel is square. Now screw in both rear adjuster bolts until they start to pull the wheel backwards - do each a little at a time so that the wheel stays square. Do the chain side first each time so that you get an idea of when the chain is getting to about the right adjustment. When the chain is at the right adjustment, check, check and check again. Then tighten the axle bolt. As it tightens keep checking the markers to make sure the axle doesn't shift out of line. If you don't have a torque wrench just use a decent socket on one side and a ring spanner on the other. If you tighten up as firmly as possible with normal hand tools that's usually sufficient. That usually works for me.
  22. Yes, the plan is to charge for the old bridge as well, which seems outrageous ad it's been free for years.
  23. I know, I feel a bit of a divi. I nearly deleted it and then thought someone else might be wondering what the toll is. In my defence - it is first thing in the morning on my day off so I am not really in the land of the living yet.
  24. Oops - my bad. Just thought to check in case they'd put it up and there it is - bikes are free. Hurrah.
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