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Everything posted by Bender

  1. For a one off payment I wonder what they would think of the dog being a motorbike instead. Would they call the rspca, his dog lives in a garage for 7 months then he drags it round the lakes at 80 and puts it back in the garage. https://www.pitpat.com/gps-tracker/
  2. Made by humans that's the problem Remember pentium CPU's ? Some clever geek worked out that if you gave it really complicated maths to do it went wrong, there was a bug in the floating point unit. Missing data in the lookup tables led to the algorithm winging it Sounds like nothing has changed.
  3. I've just driven down it, it's worse than I thought, cafes outnumber anything bike related by a huge amount. And thanks to the idiotic one way system and bus lane that the busses can't get to because of the congestion caused by the one way and the bus lane it took me 45min to cover 1/4 mile tossers.
  4. It's a mere shadow of it's glory days, couple of parts shops and a repair place that's about it, mostly cafes of various ethnic origins It was great in its day, still get a few bikes in the summer but nowhere near the can't find a spot to squeeze your bike into days.
  5. If it didn't fetch it back you can't technically call it a retriever
  6. Don't encourage the f**ker.
  7. Reading it the decision was down to northern rail not local council.
  8. The first little prog I made myself, all written and checked on paper first, compiled and run, hmmm that didn't work, checked and checked and then realised it was running so quickly it was just a blip, I had to put huge loops in it to slow it down, couldn't believe the speed.
  9. Looks very similar to basic, I used to do 6502 machine code/assembly. I should have stuck at it yes I'm showing my age.
  10. Ahh I can see the cuts on that one Looks good
  11. Did you have a peg board and a big steam boiler Thin kerf cuts not good enough ? Looks ok from here.
  12. Once upon a time the IMEI number could be tracked, now a 5yr old could probably dl the required progs and change it.
  13. Android has the ability built in, you don't need an app you just have to give Google permission to stalk you, you can log into your Google account on any other device and see where your lost device was last seen. Samsung have a very heavily modified version of android running on its phones, which personal gets on my tits so anything is possible with them.
  14. You need to have location finding turned on, make sure he does it with new phone.
  15. Snow gone here, replaced by rain and wind, great.
  16. Bender

    Data Abroad

    3 cover a lot of the rest of the world with the included data in your contract
  17. Bender

    Data Abroad

    I get that but most folk touring aren't in the same boat, literally
  18. Mate I wouldn't have finished your extension if you got me Garibaldi's.
  19. Bender

    Data Abroad

    I have my main SIM as e SIM and the physical slot I just buy PAYG SIM on arrival, just plug and go, can toggle between what uses date calls etc.
  20. It's driving standard / disregard for others and rules of the road that's the problem, it's certainly on the rise I see speeding, bizarre overtaking, non existent lane discipline and complete disregard for just about everything on a daily basis. Police unless you run one off the road or happen across a camera van or speed trap do bugger all. We followed a patrol car sitting in the middle lane of a motorway following another car for miles, they were too busy sat chuntering away to each other, after sitting in the left lane following them we eventually over took them both, I glared at them when we went past,just looked and carried on, they could fund a new patrol car every day on the A1 up north alone on one road in a 5mile stretch. Red light disregard is becoming down right dangerous.
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