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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. I don't do this. I have spent money on both my bikes purely to return them to original spec (apart from exhausts on the Firestorm)
  2. Yes it does, if you slip a padlock through the little ring on the catch when it's closed... which is why the drawers are "locked" when the lid is shut.
  3. Bogof

    my new bike!:)

    Don't get that bike... it uses the wrong side of the road!
  4. Suzuki using Chinese engines? Whatever next... Whichever way you look at this, either you or a shop need to strip it to diagnose properly. If you can't do that, ask a shop to strip it, diagnose, and report their findings before they carry out any repairs.
  5. Direct Access is now over 24 only isn't it? https://www.gov.uk/ride-motorcycle-moped/bike-categories-ages-and-licence-requirements
  6. The law, as the saying goes, is an ass. Just 'cos it's legal, don't make it right. Personally, I wouldn't take anyone pillion under 13ish. But I'm maybe too cautious. Or sensible.
  7. Don't just go ahead and tighten it. Check the tension first. Refer to either your manual or the sticker on your swingarm for the correct tension, then check yours. Only if it's loose according to either the manual or the sticker should you tighten it.
  8. It's a Honda. It's in the fastest colour. The end.
  9. Use red diesel. Or heating oil. Both are way cheaper than paraffin.
  10. Firstly, CBT is compulsory basic training. It's not a test so it's impossible to "fail" as such, although teh trainer shoudl refuse to issue a completion certificate unless you reach the required standard to complete the training. The DSA didn't want CBT trainers to appear to be "examiners" so they fudged it! That said, the trainers have certainly failed in their statutory obligation in that they should ensure you have a minimum of 2 hours on-road tuition. 30 minutes is inadequate. Secondly, lifesavers (or shoulder checks) are necessary whenever you feel that you might come under "threat" or be a "threat" from overtaking or undertaking traffic, be it vehicle, bicycle, horse or skateboarding teenie. So to address your question, moving away from a crossing I would certainly want to know what's behind me and if it's trying to pass me.
  11. Bogof

    Mixing tyres

    172 results on an Ebay search for crossply. So that would seem to be an emphatic yes. any in a size that will fit a modern bike? i doubt it... they are all for old antique bikes! That wasn't what you asked but I think you'll find ContiGo will fit your bike if you really want to switch
  12. Bogof

    socket sets

    Is yours the standard set or the Pro which seems to be on constant special price?
  13. Bogof

    Mixing tyres

    172 results on an Ebay search for crossply. So that would seem to be an emphatic yes.
  14. Bogof

    Mixing tyres

    I always use black tyres front AND back.
  15. Never used brake cleaner. Just ride it, they'll soon turn all shiny again
  16. Take it off the stand and give it a hard shove forwards. Once the pads are free from the disc you should find the wheel works as intended. In future, just accept that leaving the bike standing for 2 weeks is likely to mean the pads stick Our works van doesn't move for the 6 months we're closed, so we have to drive it forwards and backwards for a good few minutes at the start of the season to free off the brakes! I imagine (some) fair weather riders have similar issues in the spring/summer.
  17. Depends what you want out of it I guess. Given that CBT's purpose is training, it seems to me to be sensible to train using the type of machine you are intending to ride. If you're intent on riding a geared bike then it might be considered obvious to make sure you're trained to ride it. Otherwise it'd be a bit like bus drivers starting their basic training on a skateboard... although now I think about it...
  18. If it were as simple as adjusting idle, it'd be happening with gear changes elsewhere through the range. Hope I'm wrong...
  19. Since you only bought the bike a little over a month ago, take it back to the dealer and get them to sort it out.
  20. Sounds like you're letting the revs go too low. Does it also do it if you change from 4 to 3? Or 2 to 1?
  21. Bogof

    Stupid Question!

    Wheel off? Really?
  22. Bogof

    Stupid Question!

    Leave it be. Fit Scottoiler. Job done.
  23. Practice. Then practice more. Watch others in front of you, follow them. Then practice some more. Time spent riding is worth more than watching a few videos on YouTube. Unless you watch mordeth13 or sven.
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