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Posts posted by dynax

  1. When i was around 14/15 years old, i bought an old Gilera pedal and pop moped, eventually got it running, used to take up to my old junior school, the playing fields had a steep hill between the top and bottom fields, getting some speed up, i was able to gain air, and land on the back wheel and wheelie for a good distance, before dropping the front down, happy days, that was also my first foray in motorbikes :lol: :thumb:

  2. The main problem is, that these are regarded as victimless crimes, someone gets burgled, police issue a crime number and tell the victim to claim through insurance, because it is more cost effective, to put in a claim, than it is to track down the stolen property,and convict the perp's ( alway's wanted to say that :lol: ), but that is the current way of thinking, it will come to point, where people will just have as much as they can take, and take matters in their own hands :cheers:

  3. Unfortunately law is on their side, if I could shoot in the knee any thief that get on my property than they will think twice before doing something. But as of now we are not allowed to protect ourselves and our properties. Maybe one day.


    That is what really winds me up, the scum have the law on their side, but the victims have jack :twisted:

  4. Four cyclists near Oulton Park this lunchtime. They spread themselves across a rural lane straddling the dotted white lines so completely blocked the road. I'm looking to give them plenty of clearance when passing so why deliberately block the road so the room they want is denied?


    They might have mistook you for Geofferz, and wanted you to spank their bottoms :lol: :thumb:

  5. Ah, how did anyone survive those days? No helmet, no bouyancy aid, no safety boat, leaving contact with the shore before starting the engine, setting out on the water wearing boots that will fill with water in the event of a capsize....and the boat looks decidedly unstable.


    you should see some of the micro boats that are being built nowaday's :lol:

  6. Round my way, there was a nob, who had a sports quad, riding around all hours, over grassed areas, pavements, being very anti social, his noise levels were sky high, haven't seen him around for some time, probably been arrested, crashed, or no longer around, so relatively peaceful now :thumb:

  7. Hurrah indeed!

    It goes some way towards making up for the fact that that pointless piss-drinking poseur Bear Grylls has also been honoured. He has always struck me as a w**ker of the highest order. Give me Ray Mears any day.


    Ah, proper bushcraft, now you're talking :thumb: :cheers:

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