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Posts posted by dynax

  1. Put the stem in the fridge and the bearing in the oven . 😁


    How long before the stem sets?, and do you have to baste the bearing during cooking :lol:


    What's your preferred method of fitting bearings then ?


    Never fitted any, not had the opportunity, but i'm sure the day will come :lol: :thumb:

  2. I feel your pain. My street is nowhere near as bad, we have one car which goes on our drive and one bike that goes in the garage so we can always get parked just fine. Guests however usually have to go in another street. I normally have a large van outside my front window so I have recently planted some now bigger trees to block it out. It's parked perfectly legally but it's not really what you want to look out of your front window to see.


    The grass looks a bit patchy, needs some fertiliser on it, know anyone who does muck spreading :lol:

  3. Dog shit smells almost palatable compared to cat shit . Bob would be happy to oblige if it's in a worthwhile cause.


    Cat urine is pretty infuriating as well. Not sure how you could collect a tom cat spray though....

    Stick some fish in the grills? Fish anywhere that gets hot would be pretty inconvenient to him?

    .......Why is all my revenge childish?


    garlic is a good one too :lol:

  4. So got home and was armed with lube (he he he) and as I lean in to begin....



    Well that sounds slippery and fun :3some:


    I rewrote that sentence a few times but there is no such thing as talking about lube without it being one big innuendo! :lol:

    I didnt want to write 'lean over/bend over' etc etc, just makes it all the more worse....


    Lube innurendo, sound's just as bad :lol: :lol:

  5. :lol: :lol: , you'll be busy soon enough .


    Gonna be busy anyway fitting some extra goodies :lol:


    What extra goodies would those be may I enquire ?


    When all the bit's arrive, will be fitting a handlebar extender, which will have a camera mount, and a dual 12v/usb power socket, but the best bit, on the brackets for the extender, i will make a panel so i can fit the alarm led, a nice clock ( still looking for a nice one ), and a volt meter, happy day's :thumb:

  6. Totally pointless, try and fix it when it breaks , or by a Chinese bike your get plenty of practise fixing things .


    It is a Chinese bike :lol:


    :lol: :lol: , you'll be busy soon enough .


    Gonna be busy anyway fitting some extra goodies :lol:

  7. One good way to learn and gain confidence is to buy a project and tinker with that. The only downside is the silly money projects go for these days.


    I am looking for one as a winter project, keeping an eye on ebay for what they go for :thumb:

  8. My biggest fear is getting a puncture, mainly because it has tubed tyres, tubeless no problem, i was thinking about having a go, and see if it would be possible to repair a tube without removing the wheel,

  9. Repairs will come soon enough without going looking foe them. Haynes manuals and Youtube will give you an insight.


    Totally agree, but what if your bike has none of the above, no manual available, nothing online, even putting your reg number, into places like Halford's come up blank :lol:

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