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Everything posted by FallingDown

  1. Get a life you sad twat! What you make of this blatant suckholing @Six30? Ooohhh you get so touchy about the whole Spain thing. I'm sorry I offended you I didn't realise you were such a snowflake as you like to dish out a bit of stick I thought you could take some back. Is @six30 your Dad? Sure he doesn't need any encouragement from you to take the piss out of me I'd expect no less.
  2. Well it's been a month since I joined. In that time Ive had a lot of laughs, many due to [mention]Six30[/mention] 's deadly sense of humour, learnt a few things, mainly that Spain has better weather than the UK, and most importantly of all, not been booted off for being a bit of a twat, thanks [mention]Stu[/mention] , [mention]rennie[/mention] and co. Throw in a great deal on my bike insurance and membership of TBMF has been a really good experience apart from my wife thinking I'm having an affair because of the amount of time I spend reading all your posts. Now, someone said something about a different colour user name for subscribers so I can look down on all you "casuals"
  3. Unless it's the worst coincidence ever....
  4. That's a bit pricey even if you're a Honda dealer offering warranty. Maybe some pics will help. Location?
  5. I mean that was pretty cool until they fell off. Looks staged to me to be honest
  6. You are free to poo poo to your heart's content. Most of us will always advise a motorcyclist to ride within THEIR LIMITS so why is that different for drivers? I'd rather be stuck behind a slightly slower driver for a while that hit head on by some twat that took a bend too fast and ended up in my lane but maybe that's just me, I'm a bit of a wimp. if your driving limit is 30 in a car or on a bike, then you shouldn't be driving... pass bass or train ticket . Back on track for the title.... Knew you could do it
  7. Someone didn't see the petition post Dammit nope! Linky? https://themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=72089
  8. This is one of my biggest peeves with driving in the car too... approaching an island, someone is at the exit to my right, I slow down, they pull out, I stop and they take the first exit without indicating. Thanks f**ktard Someone didn't see the petition post
  9. Speed limit not speed target. Tut Tut i poo poo that tut tut.... its not a target but when they look in their mirror and can see an endless line of traffic behind them and not a car for miles in front of them You are free to poo poo to your heart's content. Most of us will always advise a motorcyclist to ride within THEIR LIMITS so why is that different for drivers? I'd rather be stuck behind a slightly slower driver for a while that hit head on by some twat that took a bend too fast and ended up in my lane but maybe that's just me, I'm a bit of a wimp.
  10. Or people who do 37 in a clear, wide 60 road. Makes me fume more than that time that someone almost hit my bike. Speed limit not speed target. Tut Tut
  11. Apart from the fact this could never be enforced, in a hypothetical world where it could there would be no drivers left including yourself. We are all guilty of this from time to time. Bikers aren't perfect motorists. Just look at one of the many helmet cam videos on YouTube of supposed "idiot cage drivers". Most of the time it's just the biker being an as*hole thinking he has some kind of superior power. Get yourself a POLITE NOTICE (W4#*er) vest and carry on going around shaking your head disapprovingly at people rather than using a bit of roadcraft to avoid bad situations.
  12. Mmmhmmm. If you haven't met this guy, you are this guy...
  13. The legends at the biker stops who pounce on you the minute you pull up to tell you about the 'Busa that they've got in the garage at home and how they couldn't own a bike like yours because they prefer something they can get their elbow down on.
  14. Woooowkay, pump the hate brakes there. What's wrong with beans and pork sausages!?? If you are referring to those insipid cat turds composed of liquidised pig scrotum that ruin a tin of beans with their lurking presence , as Pork Sausages , then you obviously haven't known the pleasure of a succulent Banger . I think the pleasure you received from a succulent banger should be reserved for a more "specialist" forum.
  15. This business plan is flawless! Where do i send my money? Just waiting for my bank transfer from the Crown Prince of Nigeria to come in and we are go go go!
  16. [mention]dynax[/mention] tried Heinz beens once, didn't like them so went back to Tesco value ketchup, watered down with a handful of gravel in it.
  17. I'm a big fan of international women. It's the local ones that get on my nerves
  18. Nothing wrong with it at all. I've seen a lot of riders put off riding for life, having emotional breakdowns at the side of the road because they've scared themselves past the point it's fun and makes you nervous giggle due to going out riding with the wrong group. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for riding in groups and done right it improves safety and the fun factor. I think it comes down to what bike you have. It not fun, in fact it's painful riding a sport bike at 40 or 50 mph. There's a reason you want to get to the next stop quickly and it's mainly so you can get off it and return blood flow to your whole body. When the small group (3 usually) I ride in started out we had cruisers and often went on 125/learner friendly rideouts because you can sit on those things at 20mph if you need to and still be loving it but generally the pace would be 40 to 50. You'd always get a couple of "heroes" turn up to the clearly advertised 125 FRIENDLY RIDE, because some people prefer to be the big fish in the small pond. They'd be givn the drop off job so they could "race" from the back to the front of the pack repeatedly or if they were a total weapon we'd just take the piss out of their clearly angle grinder ground knee sliders until they went on their way. When we switched into more touring based bikes, Africa Twin for me, we stopped doing those rides. It became a bit boring. We weren't going much faster most of the time but those kind of bikes whilst comfortable at slow speeds encourage a bit more enthusiasm. We we all be back on cruisers this year albeit slightly more nimble mountain road friendly ones so will look to organise some Sunday plods ourselves as some of my best motorcycling memories are from these. As well as being fun I think it's also nice to be able to include newer and less confident riders as I know I appreciated this when I first did my CBT. If you're ever visiting South Wales I'd be happy to trundle around with you.
  19. Exploring the local highways and byways today. Adding two teeth to the rear cog made a very positive difference and I managed the whole day without falling off. Found a cracking little playground. No I didn't attempt any of the widowmakers.
  20. Even the Spanish people don't wanna live there! Just kidding, great pics. I forgot the sky could turn blue
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