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Everything posted by Blackholesun

  1. Bad luck ..failed mine twice and the cost does your head in !
  2. Got the gum gun stuff and tried to fill in the never ending holes in my 2001 downpipes
  3. Did my cbt in 2019 mod 1 aug 2021 mod 2 Aug 2021 mod 2 sep 2021 *take two mod 2 Nov 2021 *take 3 must have cost nearly a grand, failing is expensive
  4. Might be a bit late but heated gloves would be great as I did mine in the cold and I wanted to chop my hands off after a while
  5. Did mine with https://www.twickenhammotorcycletraining.co.uk/ they are based at kempton park.they have mostly MT07…really liked them as also did my cbt there
  6. I took my old fazer to Deptford and it passed no probs….I’ve heard that all bikes pass tbh
  7. Wear my leathers to work not a long ride but still feel warm
  8. Once you get 7 years you need to serve 2/3 in the slammer. With that kind of sentence it's a shame they didn't kill the bike thieves
  9. Bit odd…..maybe jimmy saville didn’t like bikes
  10. Congratulations that’s some first bike 270kg!
  11. Failed mine twice….since when did we have to pull over to the right on a one way street to turn right
  12. I’ve heard before they make you take a cbt even if you have a full licence
  13. Be a bit surprised if they asked you to stop there tbh
  14. I recall on my training it was always put left foot down and right on the brake.always felt odd to me so as soon as I'd passed I reverted back to right foot down and left on the peg.
  15. London isn't just central London ulez is the whole of greater London including loads of less affluent towns. On a side note one of the ulez testing stations offers a no pass no fee
  16. Yes you need the coc if it doesn't pass or take it to a testing station of which there are only 3 to see if it passes...real nightmare esp if you live outside of GL and work just over the border !
  17. Where is it located and Listed cheers
  18. In a split second you have to make a choice and you are safe so you made the right choice imo.
  19. I actually want a quieter exhaust but does a carb bike or a choke make it louder than usual?
  20. I'm surprised it was only a fractured femur as in slow mo it looked like his leg was hanging on by the skin below the knee
  21. Will bautista win every single race this season
  22. I think it often happens if you have an early test the practice bit is riding to the centre.i failed mod 2 twice and it's demoralising esp as it felt as if it was bankrupting me but keep going and it'll be worth it in the end
  23. I found the 125 easier as it was lighter but I've never done a u turn since I either keep going or use my feet !
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