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Everything posted by curlylegend

  1. The choice is yours, fresh bread, snacky bits or less fat on your body. It's up to you . Ditch them totally for a week and you'll see a difference. It won't be easy but it gets better within a couple of weeks. And put the exercise on the back burner for a while. If you're exercising you'll be hungry as a starving wolf and you'll find it almost impossible to resist fresh bread and even more snacky bits. Take encouragement from your daily weight measurements and better fitting clothes.
  2. Just make sure you've got a pot of tea, a packet of biscuits, a good novel and plenty of time.....
  3. Jings, that looks good ! Won't be any left on Thursday, will there ?
  4. Just read what Bender and S-Westerly says and you've got a workable answer.
  5. If you do the old traditional route which is about 2400 miles, you could do it in about 10 days. If you keep your daily mileage high. But it's not cheap ! Even in the seventies it was expensive. A lot of companies do organised tours for Europeans....including Brits !....9 nights motel accommodation and the hire of a Harley Davidson for around £3500. The other extreme is a 15 night guided group tour for £7000. Win the Lottery and go for it, it's an unforgettable experience.
  6. Round here they don't forget either. A Lancaster was on a mission to try to do some damage to the nearby submarine pens at St Nazaire. I was shot down with no survivors. Just a few years ago a farmer was ploughing an unused corner of his field when he unearthed remains of a WW2 bomber. A full excavation was carried out and so much information was gathered from it that when the monument was being consecrated the widow of one of the pilots was a guest of honour. When you read the memorial it is truly sobering to see the average age of these kids. Because of the St Nazaire submarine pens there were a lot of downed Allied planes near here, All of the recorded sites have an elegant well cared for memorial with a full list of the crew. Yes, they're not forgotten here. So much so that we now have an Rue de Lancaster in the village.
  7. That's not rabbit, That's a skunk gone negative.
  8. My old dad resigned his commission in the Royal Navy when they abolished the Rum Ration. Couldn't swallow the anchor though and tried many navies to see if they still had a rum ration. No joy. He became a pirate and retired to Cuba with the proceeds of a Dutch oil tanker taken off the Horn of Africa.
  9. You'd be better hoping to wake up with a Laverda Jota parked outside and the keys under your pillow.
  10. Now I get it. Thanks for that. In America some people are offended if you refer to The American War of Independence rather than The American Revolutionary War. I don't think this is the place to talk politics but I do recognise the huge losses to families everywhere caused by wars. They were all somebody's son or brother or husband or father.
  11. Sorry, a bit confused here, can you elaborate, please ? Or not, if it's a family thing and none of our business.
  12. It could actually be just coloured water. Will you ever know ? Stranger things have happened, and again I do genuinely speak from experience....
  13. Interfering busybodies. And even worse because they were only doing it for money. The Victorians did a similar thing in India when they forcibly stopped the practice of Sati. This was when Hindu widows tossed themselves onto their dead husbands funeral pyre. The Victorians did it out of sheer pompous ignorance. They had no idea how other cultures worked. To this day, in Hindu society in India, widows are treated like lepers and have to resort to all manner of dreadful things to stay alive. So never expect me to give anything to any so called CHARITY. Another bunch of parasites. Steady on, that was nearly a full blown rant !! Sorry about that, let's get back to motorcycles....
  14. Don't you carry waterproofs with you ? I know they're a pain in the arse but a fairly cheap set that you can put on quickly can save you getting soaked. I'm lucky enough to be able to more or less choose my weather but on a longer trip just having the added insurance of a set of waterproofs makes all the difference. When I lived in Scotland and rode every day my main concern was being able to keep dry, hence it was a waxed cotton Belstaff ensemble.
  15. Who on earth are they ? A pop group ? Enlighten me, please ?
  16. Just hit him on the head with a hammer. In the morning the result will be the same but your purse will be a lot happier. I speak from experience !
  17. There's no such thing as a NICE bottle of whisky ! It's full of alcohol which is a poison. Get him a nice bottle of mineral water or a good coffee percolator....or both.
  18. Or £4,280.00 Hard to believe any of these bean counting bast*rds !
  19. Yes, well, it is a bit of an underestimated art, isn't it ? Very useful in situations like dropping your moto....
  20. What's wrong with swearing ? Didn't hold Sir William Connolly back much .....
  21. It's very expensive and very difficult to obtain a licence to be allowed to drive a motorcycle. Similar with a car. Much more expensive and difficult to become licenced to drive a HGV. And flying an aero plane ? Indeed ! And nowadays it is virtually impossible to legally own a firearm. But for the price of a couple of gin and tonics and a line of white powder you're perfectly free to create a serial killing monster. No licence required. Early maintenance is courtesy of the State....
  22. I wonder how many people would vote for a tightening of discipline in schools ? For example bringing back corporal punishment ? Probably loads, but they would all say " But you'll not belt my kid !"
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