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Everything posted by Steve_M

  1. Probably no worse than the colonoscopy I had last week.
  2. Actually, the shopping so far has been painless. We popped into Hexham and the woman in the shop was very helpful. She actually found some kitchen finishes that my good lady likes, not an easy task. We’ve asked them to help with the design and price the job up. I suspect I will need to lie down when the quote arrives.
  3. I’ll find an excuse to monitor the situation over the next couple of months. Riding around the Lakes is a sacrifice I’m willing to make on this occasion
  4. When we moved up here we had discussed “taking on a bit of a project”. I had in mind somewhere that needed an extension or a little remodelling. My idea of a little project and my good lady’s idea of a little project differ considerably.
  5. Thanks for the offer. We’ve decided to get the professionals in on this one to get it done and dusted while we tackle other projects - notably great swathes of garden, and so we have time for holidays and guests over the summer.
  6. Oh ‘eck. Now the completion of the en suite/bedroom/dressing room is in sight my good lady has her eye set on a new kitchen*. This afternoon’s task? Visit a kitchen showroom to discuss requirements. Wish me luck. *yes, it is in need of updating.
  7. You may want to update your AA box challenge. Dunmail Raise has been blown over by Storm Malik.
  8. Good evening. That’s the end of a pleasant evening of watching the Sherlock Holmes film and Death in Paradise, while sipping at the tot of Balvenie as a form of escapism. Oh, and the en suite is coming along nicely, supplier and logistical issues aside.
  9. Skinned my knuckles on it trying to reach all those inaccessible areas while cleaning the bloody (literally) thing.
  10. This seems measured… Guardian article
  11. A good friend of mine has the Honda (but, then, he would as all his bikes have been Honda ). He rates it highly, has toured on it, used it for local riding, and has done track days on it. I’ve ridden one for around 20 miles while leading a test group - it was a typical Honda. It does what it says on the tin, being quick, with a manageable throttle delivery, comfortable, and handled well as far as I could tell.
  12. I’ve ridden dozens of different bikes (I used to help out a local bike dealer by leading test ride days). I would suggest you try a few others. I had an FJR for three years and it really was superb for long tours and could be hustled along - i even did a day at Cadwell Park on it. However, it never inspired me nor really gave me much confidence ‘cos it was so slow to turn into bends. It also scraped pegs too readily when two up. I tried a BMW R1200RS as a replacement option (among others). A superb bike and may well have been the choice but then tried the BMW R1200GS which I bought because I preferred the riding position. As Stu said about his Beemer, I’m having more fun that you would expect on such a big bike. I’ve done Motogymkhana on it and will be doing a day at Cadwell Park later this year. It’s a world removed from the FJR. In a good way.
  13. You’re close to the truth than you know…
  14. Another spin out on the bike today, exploring more of the Scottish Borders. I’ve discovered that I really enjoy pottering around single track roads over moors and around hill country. Loving the GS’s glove warmers, by the way.
  15. Among the shopping this week was a humungous box of cornflakes. Is my other half trying to tell me something?
  16. Insurers attempt to provide cover for a broad range of circumstances, so offer these additional features. Imagine my situation where I do want to ride abroad, occasionally does ride someone else’s bike and does want no claims. They lose business if they don’t offer those options - declining them is simple…
  17. That was a Radio 2 favourite a couple of years ago. I’ve only just stumbled on videos of the Bands of HM Royal Marines on YouTube and have been chilling watching them while I had a few hours of enforced relaxation yesterday (don’t ask… it’s a short but not fun tale). Their range of covers is quite interesting.
  18. It came as quite a surprise to me when I stopped working for Aviva and cancelled my motorbike insurance. I never was much good at shopping around… as needs must, I guess.
  19. Nah, I got sick of caviar… the £20 notes would be useful, mind.
  20. Good. I have a vested interest - I didn’t get a dividend last year so I need Aviva to make shed loads of profit this year to compensate.
  21. Good evening. My good lady has been summoned to care for one of the grandchildren during tomorrow. I have a choice of tasks around the house and garden, including planting trees and putting up fences. However. Tomorrow I will be riding my motorbike. YAY!
  22. I understand that the law (FCA Rules?) is being changed to stop them charging existing customers more than new customers. Mind, that assumes a lot about individual circumstances.
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