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Everything posted by Steve_M

  1. If you've been a customer of the i2i Motorcycle Academy and are a professional videographer/sound recordist, Tom would like to speak to you. He needs some high quality training videos doing and would rather place the business with former clients than go randomly outside.
  2. To be honest I don’t know anything about him. I guy I did judo with many years ago, though, gives him credit and sings his praises every time something good happens in the W Mids. I’m surprise ‘cos the guy never struck me as a sycophant.
  3. Signed “Andy Street”? (Where’s that tongue in cheek emoji?).
  4. Heating working. There was a loose wire on a sensor. I did manage to get out on the bike to collect some stuff from Carlisle. The roads were filthy due to runoff from the fields so I hosed the bike off on my return. I’m awaiting the delivery of snow foam and a new lance so I can give it a good wash. I hate washing bikes. I see people who are into detailing and wonder about the mindset that makes them spend so much time doing that (they probably wonder why others don’t ).
  5. What a coincidence. I’ve just watched that on Route 11 bike cafe Facebook page.
  6. Fords seem to better at breaking their front springs. We’re replaced them on our Focus and on our previous car, a Mondeo.
  7. The rate we’re going every significant component in the boiler will have been replaced, so we’ll have a the equivalent of a new boiler in an old casing. I’ve just called Worcester-Bosch and they’ll be out tomorrow.
  8. I still had the Bandit when I met my current partner. I offered to sell the bike when we bought a house together to ease the financial strain of the F. Off big mortgage we took out (we needed a bigger house to home the four living at home kids). I knew I’d picked the right woman when she told me not to be so daft.
  9. But it had an almost new Suzuki Bandit 600 in the garage (about the only thing I owned after the divorce. Bitter, me? Nooo)
  10. Good morning. Or perhaps not for us. The bloody central heating has packed in. Again. It’s never really worked well since we moved in. We’ve had all new pipework and radiators fitted, but retained the boiler as it’s still under guarantee. We discovered last week that our problems with the heating were caused by the boiler, so we called out Worcester-Bosch to fix it. New pump, heat exchanger and air bleed valve later and the heating seemed to be working. For two days. time for another phone call.
  11. It would be a bit of a novelty, I guess. I paid £47k for my house in 1997. A small 3 bedroom end of terrace in a village in Norfolk.
  12. Last year we (mostly my good lady) dug out a pond in the hope that it would be good for wildlife in the garden. We particularly hoped for frogs. we have frogspawn, so that’s a start.
  13. There were quite a lot of people at Clapham Common, it didn’t stop them from picking a few out.
  14. It’s a little off topic but hopefully someone in MAG will be lobbying against the Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill about to be debated in the HoC. It, effectively, ties your hands should you wish to protest, and MAG has been instrumental in protests (eg. Attempting to bring Harry Dunn’s killer to justice). Anyone attending a protest with, say, a loud exhaust would fall under this legislation.
  15. I understand. My memory isn’t what it was either. I was an occasionally rail user, generally to go to London to see a show. London being the only large city readily accessible by train from Norwich. Bus fares were ridiculous in Norfolk. £2.60 single to travel two miles from the Newmarket Rd. to the city centre. When we moved to Dalston in Cumbria we found the rail service into Carlisle cheaper than driving, £3.20 return for the two of us. The connection to Birmingham International for the Bike show was a revelation, too, cheap and fast.
  16. My former employer has allowed their staff to work from home occasionally for some years, something I took advantage of on many occasions. Around 2005 I was given the task of seeing how they could reduce dependency on having office based working some years ago (none of my recommendations were adopted ). As a result of the pandemic they have now “normalised” working from home as for those who are able to. Many of my former colleagues are working from home as a matter of course and it’s looking like that will be embedded into their working practices. I know many are more than happy with this arrangement as it’s saving commuting time, costs etc. The downside being that many are working silly hours. The impact on city businesses will be significant as many pop out to the shops at lunchtime.
  17. The voice of motorsport has left gone. The world is much poorer for his passing.
  18. Good morning. Greeted by a light covering of snow this morning. A good test of the refurbished boiler.
  19. Good evening. It was a bright, sunny one briefly earlier.
  20. Steve_M


    I spent £40 in total. Given they live 250 miles from me, I can’t think of a better or more cost effective way of getting it to them.
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