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Everything posted by Steve_M

  1. Too right. Today I let my good lady wire brush and wash down the bricks above the fireplace. Just as a treat, I helped.
  2. General Data Protection Regulation. It superseded the Data Protection Act. In broad terms, it’s to protect you from having your personal information shared without your authority, or outside the bounds of a legitimate reason (I’m hazy on the details since it’s changed a little since I left full time employment). The employer in this case could define the person’s name as necessary for rota scheduling purposes. It might be that their phone number could be included. It would not be valid, say, to include their home address or salary for obvious reasons.
  3. It sounds to me like someone has misunderstood the U.K. GDPR rules. I’d be inclined to ask them to go check again. Define the purpose...
  4. No mud is definitely a bonus, though cold wind. Brrrr
  5. We’re just back for a bracing stroll around the nearby Woodland Trust site. Now recovering with a warming cuppa.
  6. Few of us get it right every time. An occasional fluffed gear change shouldn’t cause too much of an issue. Two of my friends own ex-riding school bikes, both used regularly, and neither seem to have reliability issues. If any bike is going to have an abused clutch / gearbox, surely it’s one of them.
  7. Yup. I’ve had two days with them. They’re very welcoming. The first time was a birthday present. I hired a little 125 from them. That was a hoot. The second time I went with a bunch of mates, we were all on our own bikes. It was a little more nerve wracking as I hadn’t long coughed up a sizeable wedge of money to buy the bike. Also, a R1200GS is not the ideal bit of kit. On the other hand, there were far less appropriate bikes giving it a go. Highly recommended as a cheap way of getting into a motorbike sport.
  8. In 1970, my parents moved to the village of Aldridge in the West Midlands. I was working in Walsall and had started making friends with a few lads. They suggested I turn up to the community centre on the weekend. I hadn’t had much of a social life outside scouts and judo, so this was a whole new experience, and not a bit unnerving. I can’t remember what I was expecting but it turned out that it was quite a venue for local acts. What an eye opener for a shy, nervous kid. One band that appeared was Slade. One question that gets asked is which band would you like to see (again?) at their peak. Slade, for me, are among the best I’ve seen. This came up on my iPod ... Cum on Feel the Noize
  9. They also raise tickover considerably. I’ve heard of one Japanese guy who has modified his ECU so he can flick from standard tickover to 6,000rpm tickover.
  10. Don’t do this on your Mod 1 ... Awesome riding.
  11. Calm day? This is Cumbria y’know. Calm is a rare event. Thanks for the advice. I’ll check all is good and compliant.
  12. Thanks, that’s useful information. I think the sleeve is plastic pipe. I’ll recess the plaster around it as it won’t be visible due to the boxing, and seal the pipe inside as you suggest. Smelling the gas outside might be tricky as it’s about 7m off the ground as it exits the building.
  13. It’s the LPG pipe. I’ll make sure it’s got a little clearance for movement. I’ll be boxing it in, mind, as it looks a bit rough and ready as it is. Holes filled ready for plaster.
  14. Good afternoon. What a glorious day. Shame I’ve been indoors making good a stone wall prior to lime plastering it.
  15. I’ve seen a few of those. I had a go at Motogymkhana on my GS. It’s bloody tricky. All credit to their skill levels.
  16. That’s fairly predictable. My good lady was looking at the possibility of a stay at Kylesku (probably her 2nd favourite hotel, and do-able in a day’s riding from the daughter’s house just outside Glasgow). Very few dates left, none of which would work for us.
  17. Yup. £600 is not a few quid. The EU solvency laws (which still apply. For the time being) provides a degree of security that they won’t go bust on you, as happened to me in the early 1970’s.
  18. As a former employee of an insurance company, I would consider reviews on how good they are at customer service when considering your choice. Not just price, nor whether they’ll pay a claim, but the service you get should you have to claim. Do they keep you informed on progress on any claim, how easy are they to deal with etc. In my view it’s worth a few quid for decent customer service.
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