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Everything posted by Steve_M

  1. I retrieved the SD card from our wildlife camera, and uploaded the videos. As ever, of mixed quality, but I’m rather pleased with this one. Deer oh deer...
  2. It’s tipping it down with a howling gale here. I’ll give it a miss...
  3. I’ve bought myself a table saw with the money my mum sent me for my birthday, so spent much of Saturday collecting it from Penrith and assembling it. It’s already come in handy for trimming pieces to size for the new airing cupboard.
  4. Report it to the police. It might be that they are aware of this group and it will add to their knowledge base which may help them catch the toerags, even if not for their attempt on your bike but for other crimes.
  5. Steve_M

    Tyre advice

    You can contact Bridgestone directly via Facebook messenger if you use Facebook. Bridgestone contact us page. Or there is an email “ask us a question” option on that page, too.
  6. Good morning. The car’s clock is right again, but the bike cloak is now an hour out.
  7. It should be made illegal to have chips without curry sauce. The battered butty should be illegal.
  8. My Friday night post scouts was incomplete without scraps. Birmingham 111th scout troop. Things must have changed in the last five decades.
  9. A friends (now ex-) girlfriend is about 5’ 2” and had a 1200 Buell at one point. She had it lowered to accommodate her bottom being close to the ground. The only issue she had was that, being slight of build, she occasionally needed help moving it around. While an exceptional rider, Joceline Snow shows that size doesn’t matter (as in rider height... ). Joceline Snow Youtube Video
  10. I fitted the panniers and did some essential click and collect shopping.
  11. Back in the 1960’s early 1970’s it wasn’t uncommon for a thief to nip round the back of a house and nick stuff while the householder was paying the milkman or insurance man (I worked for the Pearl collecting / selling insurance and we were told to advise our customers to be aware of this).
  12. Cleaning the house today. Removing several weeks worth of diy dust and detritus. I’ve had a quick trip to a Screwfix for essential DIY supplies today, and then it’s back to making a new airing cupboard tomorrow. I get to use my new table saw, too.
  13. I started riding at 38. IAM and RoSPA are, for all intents and purposes, identical. I’ve been a member of the IAM, and am a current member of RoSPA, I’ve been on the local group committees for both, and have been an observer for the IAM and a Tutor for RoSPA. Both work from Roadcraft as the basis of the system of riding. Key differences will be the organisation and membership of the local group. I found significant differences between groups and how they operate when I relocated. Not better or worse, just different. I’m not aware of ERS so can’t comment. EDIT: Ah, the Enhanced Rider Scheme (Google was my friend).. it seems this is really an introduction to advanced riding. I was encouraged into the local IAM group from a Bikesafe course... anything that makes you more competent and safer has got to be useful. I would recommend doing something to extend your ability as an ongoing exercise. Track training days (not track days*, but days where you’re taught cornering technique), trail riding, i2i courses... even Motogymkhana... it all makes you a better rider. *though they can be fun ... with the right organisation.
  14. I would advise skipping the 125 if you do direct access. It would be better to have a bike that can ride at the legal speed limit for extended periods, which few 125’s can. There are some good lightweight 300-500 cc bikes that would do that, allow you to get those miles under your belt and gain relevant experience. If it was me I’d go for one of the Honda 500cc range. Next step, join the IAM or RoSPA and get advanced training (other organisations are available). PS. You’re Lincolnshire? Have a look at the Lincolnshire road safety event at Cadwell Park. .This. Great fun, and you learn a hell of a lot.
  15. Fascinating. My apprenticeship was served in an Aluminium diecasting foundry and I spent several years designing dies for both aluminium and Aluminium Bronze. It was nothing like as sophisticated... the industry has moved on somewhat.
  16. Those aren’t the ones that look like giant dildos are they? These.
  17. I’ve just popped to Screwfix in Penrith to collect the birthday pressie my mum bought me (she doesn’t know it, yet. I’ll have to let her know ). Part of the trip was along the A6 which gives a view across to Blencathra, itself looking quite magnificent with a coating of snow. Photo taken with my phone, so not best quality.
  18. Ditto here in Cumbria. Though that’s expected.
  19. Altruism isn’t dead, but is in intensive care for much of the population.
  20. In which case, tonight I should have a couple of bookcases ...
  21. It can be useful. For example.I’ve created an album on there to share progress of our house and garden renovation work. I’ve restricted the audience to people to who (whom?) it would be of interest... family, a few friends who have visited us and a couple of people who have provided advice. I’m still in touch with a number of people who I would otherwise be too bloody idle to to email separately, and enjoy seeing what they’re up to.
  22. That route passes within about 3 miles of us. When is it happening - just want to be sure to be out that day.
  23. It’s a pointless exercise. Whose idea was it? Has overtones of “Conspicuous Compassion”
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