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Everything posted by Tankbag

  1. Happy belated Birthday Fozzie
  2. Harry maguire has been naughty in Greece Some one Putin does not like has been poisoned Government debt is now over 2trillion Do you need more news? I should have been more specific, any news on the Snoods
  3. I've bought this but not fitted it yet
  4. The worst film I have ever seen was Dead Snow, but I conned my mate to watch it, an hour & half of his life he'll never get back https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1278340/
  5. Annoyingly the missus clocked the inserted ' stooge ' immediately. [mention]Stu[/mention] Did your new mods pass any test on following basic instructions as I dont know whether [mention]Bender[/mention] Biker Boyz, is a good or a bad film
  6. I have to recommend " The Hunt " if you liked Hostel, this is hostel on safari
  7. I've never heard of anyone getting points without a fine. I have however, read about some monumental cock ups by DVLA. Good luck sorting it out.
  8. Yes, it does, the right one is slightly bend out of shape. Edit: I should add that it is stock bar end weights. Does your bike feel more vibey since the drop ? if it does the vibes are from that event, I'd check head stock bearings, front wheel bearings & anything that might vibrate in the air stream. Good luck
  9. Did the mirror vibrate before your bike fell over ? Or is it worse since ? If the mirror didn't vibrate before, I'd check the fairing mounts as you've already tightened the mirror mount bolt.
  10. Tankbag


    [mention]SometimesSansEngine[/mention] I didn't know about the road to nowhere, well apart from the Talking Heads track. The M49 is open to traffic
  11. Tankbag


    Has anyone here ridden around it ? https://uk.news.yahoo.com/m49-junction-bristol-unused-084345195.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=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&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAG66ih3UWLd6XN9NxSs3-i_xbWCsryCSlMQsiqBu3P4zl6Tyt_YoR0AmzTIysN6TOgfE5XYvTZNCuz_xF3g_UdAkfAUQFtLzfKGjp3GBpc7kCels0zVB3ZBA85M0fxKEezBEsjkRH1cZ2eA1dsrOgLpFDj_q--u7uJfW2TzbZkTE
  12. Why is Scotland home to the midge ?
  13. I've got a Monimoto, its accuracy for telling me where the bike is very good, within metres in fact. Plus as SSE wrote, it pings my phone if it detects vibration or movement. It's standalone & the batteries last about 12 months. The customer help is very good via the app & they have updated the app for live tracking. I'd have as a minimum, alarmed disklock, tracker, the biggest chain & padlock possible & a bike cover. MCN newspaper are doing a 12 page pull out report on the best bike security in this wednesdays edition
  14. Make sure you've got fuel before you reach Hull, for some reason the place is devoid of any petrol stations near the port Eh! There is two right round the corner Well we couldn't find em & I was on vapour, but then I still get lost with a satnav, just less lost
  15. You could pop in and collect them! Providing they turn up I just realised i could pick mine up save on postage and put the coffers back into the forum Make sure you've got fuel before you reach Hull, for some reason the place is devoid of any petrol stations near the port
  16. I am hoping so Can I 'pull rank' on the posting order we leave on the 31st to form a huge queue on the way to Barmouth ( if anyone here overtakes me I've got a think bike sticker in the rear caravan window, give us a honk
  17. [mention]Stu[/mention] I'm on my hols end of the month, will I be advertising TMBF ?
  18. I wondered where that idea came from... Not saying I was thinking same... https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/neck-gaiters-may-do-more-harm-than-not-wearing-a-mask-at-all-study-shows/ Interesting read, ok easy fix is standard surgical mask underneath my TMBF snood so I can still be trendy but not infect anyone
  19. Happy Birthday [mention]Richzx6r[/mention]
  20. That weld goes you're going over with the full weight of the bike on your leg! Saw a posting last week on FB......happened to someone on a CB500X. He was OK apart from bruising but the CB is a comparatively light bike. A lot of people do it.......and 99% of the time it'll be fine. But if you've got a big, heavy bike the consequences could be really bad if it goes. Good point, my bike has a notoriously crap sidestand for instance. Compensated though with an 800 mm seat height though
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