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Everything posted by mattycoops43

  1. I mean this in the nicest possible way, but don't mess around opening brake calipers etc up, unless you know what to do. If you mess up your brakes, you're not in a good place! I am all up for people doing work themselves, but you need to start with things you can learn to do easily, and work your way up. Haynes manual or workshop manual essential, as there will be parts which if you take them apart, reassembly is critical for performance, AND safety. With the best will in the world, people want to help, but questions need to be specific. How do I rebuild my bike from the frame up, and by the way please can someone come and help me do it? is never going to go down very well!
  2. Hi. Don't you need to connect it to the indicator ground? You will have a live for each side so if you connect it to one of those, it will only work when one side is turned on! If unsure about colour, see if one colour has the wire for each indicator joining together locally, there is normally only one earth wire running to the front or rear indicators, then it splits next to the indicators to go to each one, whereas the live will be a separate wire for each light. Hope that makes sense. Matt
  3. Proper rubbery anorak type rubber plastic. None of this textile stuff. I had a one piece suit of it, and in the rain would get a 3" puddle between the nether regions and the tank, but still wouldn't leak. No particular make, I think it's just the right material, and double seamed.
  4. Oil pressure switches are normally a pretty simple on/off affair, if you can get it out, you should be able to test if it is a make/break contact.
  5. Hi guys an gals. I am in Newport, and fancy doing a run up to Tintern, along the river, and via Ross on Wye, back down through Coleford, and Sling to end up back at J24 again. Anyone fancy joining me? Just thought I would do it ona Saturday when the sun is out, and it's looking a bit better now generally. Nice bendy scenic route, so not wanting to go flying round, more interested in taking in the scenery, although if some others want to come more than happy to let others set the pace, within reason! Also happy to go with any new riders on 125's if you're interested. Sounding out the response so let me know if you're up for it and we'll plan it accordingly. I am right by the J24 roundabout, and there is a maccers there, so makes sense to meet here, but happy to meet somewhere else if it suits others. Matt
  6. I don't think you looked very far. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=p ... m270.l1313 hth
  7. Neither. I am just thinking that starting up a stinky old 2 stroke in a carpeted living room is not normal behaviour! I don't care what language you speak. Welcome to the forum, if you are a loony you should fit in well with most of us!
  8. Another genuine concern. You do not seem to have much mechanical knowledge, struggling to find the air filter etc, and yet you have taken this bike apart. I would not trust your life to it, safety wise, until it has been checked over by someone who knows what they are doing, Suss-suspicious. I apologise if I am wrong, but some of the things you are saying are a bit funny sounding, like you are pretending to not speak very good English. Again, apologies if you are genuine, and you are welcome here!but I am still a bit suspicious!
  9. Ok, call me a cynic, but I am starting to get suss here! is this a wind up? Hope you get it sorted!
  10. I will look and I expect they did have, but the new bars have no holes either so I'll try some thin rubber.
  11. No, not on there before, and the bars that came off are aftermarkwt anyway.
  12. OOO Inner tube! I got one of those knocking around! Thanks for the suggestions guys!
  13. Hi there Fitted new bars today, standard 7/8" fitting. The indicator switch gear was loose on the old bars, and now they are both loose, as in, will turn if you push them. In the past I have tried using insulating tape to take up the slack but it's too soft for the switchgear to clamp on, is there something I can use that will actually work? Thanks Matt
  14. If it's a pattern carb, as in a cheaper copy of a factory one, it will still have all the screws and adjustment in the same place, but some of the turns might be slightly out, the Haynes settings should still get you somewhere close. if by pattern you mean a completely different carb that just happens to fit your bike,then you are in a world of pain!
  15. Some carbs you screw in, and some modern ones you screw out. some have several screws. I wouldn't start messing with carbs unless you got a haynes at least to know what your tweaking.
  16. I may well be up for this, would quite like to come along and meet some of you reprobates! I would be camping, will have a proper read through to see what the score is, but can't guarantee if I can come yet as need to see whats happening with the missus and boy. (he's to young to come so would be just me). Matt
  17. How to adjust a carb? There's a whole book worth there, I suggest taking it to someone who knows how to.
  18. I wouldn't have thought a chin patch like that would do much to protect you? Not saying you have to have one, just wondering why you want that type of strap? what about a motorcross style helmet with proper chin guard but in black or white for road riding?
  19. Try not to spend any money until you know what's actually wrong, I hate to say it, but it sounds like you have been sold a duffer. Don't waste money on new parts that you don't KNOW are not working, in case it has a catastrophic fault somewhere. Saying that, everything is fixable, but it depends what it will cost to mend. I still think you need to get some big mates and go round to the house you collected it from to askl politely for your money back!!!
  20. If he sold it to you as working apart from a battery, he was trying it on, and I would go straight back round and ask for your money back as it was not as he described! Where are you based? Maybe someone local who knows there stuff could have a look? Matt
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