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Everything posted by mattycoops43

  1. Link to my facebook pics, hope it works! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 845&type=1
  2. Is it a clean break? if so, might be able to get it welded up, shouldnt cost a lot.
  3. YAY! Bex! got a suggestion for a longer ride that takes in tintern? canwe do a big circle between newport and swansea? abergavenny way maybe?
  4. The forum rally this weekend, was awesome! I have got the rideout bug though, so well up for something now!
  5. Ditto! I have never ridden on roads like that, it was amazing, and I would be more interested in travelling to get somewhere with scenery like that, then just being close to me! Will be going WHEREVER it is tho!
  6. yes, we'll get this sorted. Lets get the rally out of the way first! Where's cross hands? Matt (and no, I dont want to commit hara kiri either. Got a son and another on the way! so I reckon we can have a nice ride. I have a friend with a trike who wants to come along too, so no silly speeds from that lump!)
  7. Bring a mug! Don't want to compete with Susi, so I am more than happy to make hot drinks for people and there can be the same charge to go to the forum from me? only if thats ok. Won't have biccys tho so maybe 50p a cup, and I'll let susi have it. That sound ok? should be there by 3pm.
  8. I did a greenbelt festival once where it rained like this. There was a big field that was sloped from one end to the other, at the bottom end we ended up with a 4' deep lake with a grass bottom! We all went swimming and took our shampoo in! Great fun. (then there was the mud sliding, but we won't go there)
  9. Said it before, I'll say it again. I am sitting looking out the window at torrential rain. I don't give a crap! It's gonna be awesome and getting wet is not a problem! Who cares! That's what waterproof suits are for! Atmos is gonna be great and we'll be warm and dry in the pub! See you all there guys!
  10. surely someone can lend you one or share? We got one for someone else, but dont have another.
  11. shes pillion only, thats why I want to take her for a ride, especially as she is coming in the car
  12. Tracy is coming for a ride, and I will be doing route two as she is up the duff and i want to be a bit careful. My question is, are they running simultaneously, or can I go for another ride solo for a bit of a blast? or, will there be other people wanting to go out for a spin? Matt
  13. LOL! Camera on standbye? CHECK! NO ONE mention the laminator!
  14. Well, I have mentally prepared. I am riding up from south wales, I don't give a stuff if it's wet or not. not criticising anyone for taking the car, being on a bike in the wet will never be particularly fun, but I just think it will be a bit of an adventure! if it's wet I normally drive the car to work, for the hassle of the extra gear as much as anything else. But like I said, I have just decided I am riding, no question. I would quite like to know what its going to be like tho, weather wise, just so I know what to expect!
  15. I'll go have a look at mine and see what I reckon!
  16. I got that bike and manual! It actually says you can blow the filter out with compressed air as long as its not too far gone! It is a bit of a headache deciphering which bits are for what bike.
  17. Haynes is pretty good to be fair, more likely your idea of 'oiled' and theirs are different! Glad it was something easy tho.
  18. I am 99% sure a fazer just ha pipes sticking out, take off the rubber covers and away you go. Should just fit a pipe
  19. LOL! I tell you something I might need, got a set of carb balancers? My neighbour has some, but he has gone into 'not answery door or phone' mode, which he does from time to time. I need to get a set, but probably not before next weekend. Would really appreciate a fettle!
  20. Great pics Cath, I am loving the way you make an R6 look like a ZX9! cute! I on the other hand make my fazer look like a DT50!
  21. Water in ignition switch would be my tuppence worth. Would explain no error code as it's not even turning electrics on. Bumping it will jar it to make the circuit, I have experienced it myself on bikes that live outside.
  22. However much you don't want to spend a fortune on a new swingarm, it's got to be cheaper than buying a new bike, I definitely wouldn't get another one, especially if you like the one you have. As has been said, get a swingarm, and get it fitted. I would run a mile from that garage you have been to and his 'friend' garage. Sounds like a pair of ripoff merchants to me! Changing a swingarm is not a huge job, and shouldn't cost a fortune. There must be someone local to you that can help?
  23. Hi there I am travelling from South Wales on the friday, (probably leave late morning) probably meeting up with Susique around telford area somewhere. Does anyone else fancy joining me? Anyone coming from further south fancy breaking for a cuppa and riding up with me? Matt
  24. Good call. plan on me at least meeting up with you guys. We can sort details nearer the time. Matt
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