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EU... in or out


<t>In or Out</t>  

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  1. 1. In or Out

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this speech was made in 2010.. and has predictions. which can now be checked.

no prizes for guessing how well he did.

The video was uploaded by Russia Today... its always useful to know whose side Vladimir is on in this debate. I dont think its too far from the truth to think that he loathes and despises a unified Europe sticking its nose into Russias naughty goings on.. and what better but to get rid of the Brits with their irritating 'rule of law' and sense of fair play.. not liking bullies. etc.

The problem with Divide and Rule is that you have to waste time and effort with all that messy dividing. Happy days when they busily divide themselves for you.

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What, because he said that the problem with the referendum is that people aren't fully informed when making their decisions?

Are you saying that anyone who encourages understanding the facts properly must, by assumption, be voting in? That's an awfully mean generalisation to make about all the out voters... :lol:


I have been looking at the facts and this is what will happen if we vote to leave the EU


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What, because he said that the problem with the referendum is that people aren't fully informed when making their decisions?

Are you saying that anyone who encourages understanding the facts properly must, by assumption, be voting in? That's an awfully mean generalisation to make about all the out voters... :lol:


I have been looking at the facts and this is what will happen if we vote to leave the EU



Is that France or Germany :?:

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apparently John is comparing those who are sure about leaving.. with the millions who were sent to fight and die in World War One.. the vast majority of whom had absolutely no idea what was in store for them.

and fewer had any real idea of why they were there.. aside from to fight the Hun and give the Kaiser what for. and wont it be fun.

As in the photo.. they went over the top (or were shot at dawn for refusing) and most were cut or blown to pieces within minutes. and even now, over a 100 years later are being found where they fell.

the irony of such a comparison is really quite... remarkable.

Edited by Anonymous
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if that cameron moron can use scare tactics which aren't true so can I .


so.. that picture was a scare tactic... and not true.


is that the same for the other pictures you have posted?

Obviously you pay more attention to Cameron than I do.. heres a tip. ignore him. its quite easy.

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self castration my ass.

Sorry, but as far as my industry is concerned that's exactly what it would be: until the day we neither import nor export food with Europe we will have to deal with EU plant protection product legislation whether we like it or not, and the only way we have been able to make that work so far is by being an equal partner at the table, and being vocal. If we leave the EU we still have to deal with the same problems under the same legislation, but we will have lost all our influence.

Again, talking specifically about my industry, the idea that things will be fine if we leave, or that we will negotiate something better, is utter claptrap. Most EU Member States are sick to death of the British as it is. This was the gist of a conversation with my European colleagues at a meeting in Germany yesterday:

"Every country in Europe has its issues with the way parts of it are run, but the British seem to think they are special: that their borders and their sovereignty are somehow more important than anybody elses. It would be a shame if they left Europe, but in the long run it won't make much difference to us, so if that's what they want then they should piss off."

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Whenever I see this sort of thing, with its obligatory illiteracy, I can't help feeling that anyone who has reached voting age and is still mystified by the rudiments of their native language shouldn't be allowed to vote at all.

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think I have said enough on here :wink:

I'll be glad when its all over the in or out is all over the place and it starting to get my goat.

bottom line is I'm voting out.

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think I have said enough on here :wink:

I'll be glad when its all over the in or out is all over the place and it starting to get my goat.

bottom line is I'm voting out.


Don't go ... I agree with you.

When we joined the common market it was for trade not to make our laws and tell us what we can and can't do , and do the out brigade really think no one will trade with us if we leave :roll:

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think I have said enough on here :wink:

I'll be glad when its all over the in or out is all over the place and it starting to get my goat.

bottom line is I'm voting out.


Don't go ... I agree with you.

When we joined the common market it was for trade not to make our laws and tell us what we can and can't do , and do the out brigade really think no one will trade with us if we leave :roll:


This has absolutely nothing to do with the 'Common Market'. Nor do we have to accept any 'Rules' that are issued - We (UK) have a choice as to whether we accept or reject EU 'Rules' (example 'border controls'). To vote 'in' or 'out' on such misinformation is crazy!

"What did the Romans ever do for us?" :popcorn:

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think I have said enough on here :wink:

I'll be glad when its all over the in or out is all over the place and it starting to get my goat.

bottom line is I'm voting out.


Don't go ... I agree with you.

When we joined the common market it was for trade not to make our laws and tell us what we can and can't do , and do the out brigade really think no one will trade with us if we leave :roll:


Furthermore, using your analogy, you obviously do not accept our Goverment imposing laws on you that you do not agree to! The EU process is 'democratic' albiet not completely 'fair' - Is Malta complainimg? They only get 0.9% of the vote on any EU legislation! We get the smae as Germany and France.

No-one is stopping anyone from oving out of the Uk to live in a 'non-european' country (although that country may not allow you to stay!).


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Amused me that BoJo invoked Godwins law today.. in the real world too. and over a month left till the vote which makes it really quite remarkable.

You have to wonder why he did it? He's supposed to be clever.. Eton College and Oxford.

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made me chuckle :lol:


This is the simplest - and probably the most sensible - explanation, about the EU and the Euro, ever to see the light of day:

Baldrick: "What I want to know, sir, is before there was a Euro there were lots of different types of money that different people used. Now there's only one type of money that the foreign people use. Now what I want to know is, how did we get from one state of affairs to the other state of affairs".

Blackadder: "Baldrick. Do you mean, how did the Euro start?”

Baldrick: "Yes sir."

Blackadder: "Well, you see Baldrick, back in the 1980's there were many different countries all running their own finances and using different types of money. On one side you had the major economies of France, Belgium, Holland and Germany and on the other, the weaker nations of Spain, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Portugal. They got together and decided that it would be much easier for everyone if they could all use the same money, have one Central Bank and belong to one large club where everyone would be happy. This meant that there could never be a situation whereby financial meltdown would lead to social unrest, wars and crises."

Baldrick: "But this is sort of a crisis, isn't it sir?”

Blackadder: "That's right Baldrick. You see, there was only one slight flaw with the plan."

Baldrick: "What was that then sir?"

Blackadder: "It was bollocks."

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yes.. it made me think.. makes me wonder who he's supposed to be talking to.

"we have outgrown a top down, dirigiste construct."

An odd turn of phrase when later in his speech he actually praises countries that are run in this way... but they're foreign, so they obviously don't count.

He's speaking to the converted.. Spectator readers. so they probably didnt notice. :lol:

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Read an interesting forecast yesterday by one of the think tank groups.

People who think we should stay in aren't as passionate about it as people who want out. So when it comes to voting day, a larger portion of the voters that wish to stay in Europe, won't go out of their way to vote. Where the out crowd, due to their strong views on the subject will make the effort.

They compared it to the referendum, the No vote had a more passionate voter, even though the Yes vote had more support.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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So if the Out vote wins, what's to stop the government just taking a really long time to actually exit?? How long does it realistically take to get all the paperwork sorted out??

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So if the Out vote wins, what's to stop the government just taking a really long time to actually exit?? How long does it realistically take to get all the paperwork sorted out??

It must take years. And I can't see any of the laws/rules that are already in place changing either. Unless there is a very strong case against them.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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If the Out vote wins, at the absolute longest I would assume they'll have it done and dusted in time for the run up to the next general election. If they don't, all the folks that voted to leave will be mighty pissed off with the Conservatives, and crazy Corbyn might have a chance after all... :popcorn:

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Something that almost never happens.. a politician considers defeat BEFORE the vote. Today, Farage is talking about the mass hissy fit that will occur if the vote doesn't go his way.

He also says that he believes the leave vote is on course for victory.. but you have to wonder why he would even mention the remotest possibility of losing if that were actually the case. What is his own polling showing?

The vote hasn't even happened yet and he's already talking about a rerun. Because a loss will obviously mean the referendum wasn't fair.

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