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Well your not going to win them over sat behind a keyboard.

Get a taxi and a wingman and head out to town.

Hit on anything if your needing the practice, no point of going straight for the stunning blonde if your going to mix your words up.


Looks like I need to persuade a friend that they don't want to spend the evening in with their loved one that they want to come out with me :wink:


:thumb: and make her buy you a drink.

Some lasses are out for a free night round town.

One of the lads on site cant figure out why he spends all night buying girls drinks only for them to disappear later on.

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I appreciate your input Arwen, interesting to hear the other perspective. However, I think fq-craigus hit the nail on the head. I think ladies have so much "choice" now, I'm not a particularly attractive guy. So I will not pass on looks. Unfortunately someone would have to actually speak to me / meet up with me I guess. Why would they do that when they can just choose anther attractive bloke? They can complain about him being another "useless guy" then! [emoji38]

I think the game has changed. I was in a relationship a loooong time, I don't know how to play it anymore!


Believe it or not, girls who want more from a dating site than one night stands will normally by pass the "stunner's" from what I've heard. Make your profile picture interesting, not just the standard head shot. Put up a picture of you on your bike for example, or with a silly wig or hat on. Make it memorable, but not too weird.

Same with the blurb on your profile, try not to make it generic. You are into airsoft, a pretty uncommon sport so talk a little about that, explain briefly what you like about it - (dressing up like Rambo, pretending it's like real life call of duty, etc) Make it fun and sound inviting. You don't want someone to think you only enjoy doing these things alone. Say how you'd like a partner to team on on the bad guys with or something.

There are many shallow (and scary) women out there, probably more so than guys. But there are also a lot of women that go for personality over looks. They just tend to be a little bit more cautious. When messaging someone on a dating site mention things they have said in their own blurb that interest you. If they mention they are a massive Marvel fan then comment on your favourite movie, are you team Stark or Team Rodgers? etc.

When I was on dating sites I simply ignored any message that was "Hi, I'm so and so and I think we should meet up". Everyone likes things to be personalised. If someone can't take the time to make a good first impression with a message, is that someone you want to invest time and emotional effort into?

This all works for meeting in person too, so long as someone prompts the topics to come up in conversation.

Explain to your mates partners why you want them to come out and they may be able to help too (and more willing to let their partners out for the evening). :-)

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I think the time of going on the pull has diminished significantly - I don't think people expect it any more. I was in my late 20s when I was dating and only very rarely did a night out in Cambridge yield any results (funnily enough, one of my successes was when I popped along to meet a mate in my biking gear :-)).

Have a go on eharmony, the fact you have to pay means it's for people willing to put in the effort, not just for those who want loads of messages to boost their ego. BTW - if you register (but not pay) then wait 2-3 weeks, they will send you codes to get 70% off.

For your profile, don't have any "hilarious" pics of you pulling stupid faces, standing in front of monument xyz or on the razz with your mates - just have some natural shots of you doing everyday stuff. If you've got a few muscles, it doesn't hurt to discretely flash them a bit.

For the wordy bit - be conversational, you need to say how great you are without bragging. If you're handy at DIY then mention it - most of the girls I dated said they was a box ticker. Do get someone to run their eye over it if you can.

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If this dating site stuff was round in my day (my day is long gone now :( )......I think I'd cut straight to the chase!

Stick a macho shot up along with the tagline....




May be worth a try today you know! :lol:

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Don't young guys get smacked in the face by birds any more? Or do they just get "unfriended"?

The whole world's gone soft......back in the 70's I took more punishment than Richard Dunn when he fought Muhammad Ali!

Never did me any harm......made me the man I am today in fact! :lol:


:lol: yeh back in the day, mine was a bit later than the seventies., the drugs was just as good though :D

Just get yourself down the pub OP, or an over 30's disco ... go for the fat ugly birds they very very rarely turn you down and if you bull shit em that you own a cafe or a cake shop she'll be putty in your hands :thumb:


You'd think twice if they were wearing VR46 hats Six! :lol:


I'd just go in dry on the bitch :lol:

Then in the morning instead of asking her to leave politely I'd kick her out the door .

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As Arwen said joining a club will get you out to meet people, if you are sporty, badminton, squash or tennis is good, mixed partner games. Other than that look in the local papers for clubs that may interest you and would have mixed participants.

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Lol, well that blew up a little bit...!

My issue is I don't have any friends who go out. Nearest place for me outside of the small town is 10+ miles! Which is fine but being there on my own doesn't sound appealing :P

Also, I'm several years early for an over 30's disco!

I appreciate your input Arwen, interesting to hear the other perspective. However, I think fq-craigus hit the nail on the head. I think ladies have so much "choice" now, I'm not a particularly attractive guy. So I will not pass on looks. Unfortunately someone would have to actually speak to me / meet up with me I guess. Why would they do that when they can just choose anther attractive bloke? They can complain about him being another "useless guy" then! [emoji38]

I think the game has changed. I was in a relationship a loooong time, I don't know how to play it anymore!


Your only in your twenties :shock: this could be you in a few years


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Lol, well that blew up a little bit...!

My issue is I don't have any friends who go out. Nearest place for me outside of the small town is 10+ miles! Which is fine but being there on my own doesn't sound appealing :P

Also, I'm several years early for an over 30's disco!

I appreciate your input Arwen, interesting to hear the other perspective. However, I think fq-craigus hit the nail on the head. I think ladies have so much "choice" now, I'm not a particularly attractive guy. So I will not pass on looks. Unfortunately someone would have to actually speak to me / meet up with me I guess. Why would they do that when they can just choose anther attractive bloke? They can complain about him being another "useless guy" then! [emoji38]

I think the game has changed. I was in a relationship a loooong time, I don't know how to play it anymore!


Your only in your twenties :shock: this could be you in a few years


Fortunately my eye sight is 20/20 8-)


As Arwen said joining a club will get you out to meet people, if you are sporty, badminton, squash or tennis is good, mixed partner games. Other than that look in the local papers for clubs that may interest you and would have mixed participants.


My local badminton club is all middle aged + men, lol...

I'll look for a club to join though, That's definitely a good idea! (Thinking out loud, The gym spin class always has ladies in it...)

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Find a salsa club!!

I tried it once as a mate of mine didn't want to go along alone... Women out numbered the men and they were fighting over us as they wanted male dancing partners!!

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have a look on bikermatch might help you with a lady with similar interests

NOOOOOO Don't do it!

I made that mistake, and I have deleted my account and clicked "UNSUBSCRIBE" to their emails every month for two years and they still send me the damn things!

Had far more luck meeting people who were into bikes by having an OkCupid account with me on my bike as the main profile picture...

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have a look on bikermatch might help you with a lady with similar interests

NOOOOOO Don't do it!

I made that mistake, and I have deleted my account and clicked "UNSUBSCRIBE" to their emails every month for two years and they still send me the damn things!

Had far more luck meeting people who were into bikes by having an OkCupid account with me on my bike as the main profile picture...


Plus the majority of biker chicks look like they have had several bad accidents with no helmet and resorted to food for comfort.

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Find a salsa club!!

I tried it once as a mate of mine didn't want to go along alone... Women out numbered the men and they were fighting over us as they wanted male dancing partners!!

^^ That is a great idea.


Shame I can't dance for sh*t :lol: :oops:

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Find a salsa club!!

I tried it once as a mate of mine didn't want to go along alone... Women out numbered the men and they were fighting over us as they wanted male dancing partners!!

^^ That is a great idea.


Shame I can't dance for sh*t :lol: :oops:

Nobody can! That's the fun of it..

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Find a salsa club!!

I tried it once as a mate of mine didn't want to go along alone... Women out numbered the men and they were fighting over us as they wanted male dancing partners!!

^^ That is a great idea.


Shame I can't dance for sh*t :lol: :oops:

Nobody can! That's the fun of it..


What's the age ranges like at these...?

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I'm no salsa expert! Only been to one class, but I bet they do them for all age ranges...

Same as cookery classes, or any other type of class - all good places for interacting with women I would think.

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have a look on bikermatch might help you with a lady with similar interests

NOOOOOO Don't do it!

I made that mistake, and I have deleted my account and clicked "UNSUBSCRIBE" to their emails every month for two years and they still send me the damn things!

Had far more luck meeting people who were into bikes by having an OkCupid account with me on my bike as the main profile picture...


Plus the majority of biker chicks look like they have had several bad accidents with no helmet and resorted to food for comfort.

I was trying to think of a decent way of getting that across but you nailed it :lol:

Maybe fairer to include the words "on that site", though - I've never met people like that lot in the outside world!

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I play airsoft (mainly guys... OK all guys...) limited other hobbies. I have a full time IT career and a part time job that keeps me busy... Just would like the other bit to fall back into place :)


Jeez what a thread! :shock:

If nothing else, Igloo, where abouts are you based?

I starting going to an airsoft site in Warrick a few years ago, kept having a laugh and a joke with one of the marshals there. Got invited work for the site part time, which gave me more time to hang out there and meet people.

In just under two weeks, that marshal and I are celebrating 4 years together! Don't write off Airsoft, you just might be going to the wrong sites ;)

Depending on where you're based, would be cool to meet new airsofting buddies, specially as you're a biker too.. :thumb:

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NOOOOOO Don't do it!

I made that mistake, and I have deleted my account and clicked "UNSUBSCRIBE" to their emails every month for two years and they still send me the damn things!

Had far more luck meeting people who were into bikes by having an OkCupid account with me on my bike as the main profile picture...


Plus the majority of biker chicks look like they have had several bad accidents with no helmet and resorted to food for comfort.

I was trying to think of a decent way of getting that across but you nailed it :lol:

Maybe fairer to include the words "on that site", though - I've never met people like that lot in the outside world!


Their either stunning or complete rotters.

Stunning ones have no reason to be on a dating site 8-)

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I play airsoft (mainly guys... OK all guys...) limited other hobbies. I have a full time IT career and a part time job that keeps me busy... Just would like the other bit to fall back into place :)


Jeez what a thread! :shock:

If nothing else, Igloo, where abouts are you based?

I starting going to an airsoft site in Warrick a few years ago, kept having a laugh and a joke with one of the marshals there. Got invited work for the site part time, which gave me more time to hang out there and meet people.

In just under two weeks, that marshal and I are celebrating 4 years together! Don't write off Airsoft, you just might be going to the wrong sites ;)

Depending on where you're based, would be cool to meet new airsofting buddies, specially as you're a biker too.. :thumb:


but your a woman in a male dominated hobby....always got the odds in your favour. no disrespect jin...

i found most online sites wierd, met a few but found true love at work with one of my female colleagues. stole and hid her shoes while she dozed on lunch time.... i feel if you looking for it, it hides from you, when you stop looking it comes to find you.... as your just you, and not pretending to be a different you.

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Mmm my point Soll was more that I was doing a hobby I enjoyed and stumbled across someone great..

As others have said; join clubs/ a gym, get into sports, go on more ride outs..

God it's going to sound seriously cliche but try and enjoy yourself, enjoy your life and get out and have fun.. That's when you'll likely stumble across someone well suited for you!

I was asking about where Igloo is based because we've started up our Airsoft season and are looking for new sites to try out, so if nothing else would be cool to meet more members, in a non-biking environment.

We may then stumble across another female airsofter that takes a shine to his heroic acts in the field! :mrgreen:

I guess my point is, however rambling, is that yes I was a female in a male dominated game. But I wasn't there to look for a partner, I was there to enjoy the days. The girls who go just to "Scout out the talent" don't last long and I can see similar happening if Igloo joins a female dominated passtime, just to meet the ladies.

They'll realise and not be impressed that your not taking a hobby they love seriously, he won't be happy in a hobby he might not even like in the first place.. etc etc.

If a lady sees you really enjoying a hobby, that's far more likely to spark the initial attraction than anything else as well as giving you common ground to start conversations on!

*Shrugs* Sorry for the mass post!

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