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Words fail me: Part II


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Yeah, but America is suffering from some pretty serious war weariness these days. That's a good part of why an America-first campaign worked so well for him, alongside the obvious economic issues. He'd likely have trouble getting the public support for starting a major conflict, both from the public but also the houses (who are both conscious of the public opinion because they don't want to lose their cushy jobs!!). That's why I'd say that nuclear war seems much more likely than conventional war in this climate, if of course the circumstances to warrant conflict on either of those scales were to arise. You don't need to deploy troops to launch a nuke! But you do generally need a pretty good reason to justify it. For example, an uninformed and idiotic nuking of Syria isn't a danger, even if he REALLY wanted to... because everyone around him is smart enough to remember just how many other nuclear armed countries would take that INCREDIBLY BADLY :lol:

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While he walked on stage to accept his win, the crowd were chanting USA, USA, USA...

I'm pretty sure he'd just have to go:

"Look folks, there's some bad hombres out there.. And they're trying to break this great country! It's a disaster.

We need to show them that we are not going to be cowed! We will stand strong! Hu Rah U S A!"

and that patriotic streak in Americans genes would kick in.. No politician would want to be the one who wouldn't want to keep America free! :lol: Clutching their fully-automatic machine guns to their chest..

Ok I'm being hyperbolic, but you get my drift.. If Trump wants to go after someone or somewhere, he will find a way to do it.

And I believe he has more thirst for revenge, power and anything to avoid humiliation. He's the school yard bully who will go to any length to never allow another kid to taunt him!

I can see him deciding to help out Russia in Syria, which in turn will piss of Europe.. Anyway we go from here is dangerous.

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There appears to be some assumption that you only need Trump to launch a nuke.

I'm fairly confident that both the UK and the USA will require 2 people to activate a nuke, therefore Trump sure as hell can't go cuckoo and let them all off on his own.

Neither option was great but maybe Trump will surprise us. Reagan was an actor who became president and he is remembered fondly from what I can tell.

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Yeah, I think Reagan is generally well received. His big legacy is of course always being the president that ended the cold war, I think his biggest criticism is usually that he was more of a public face than a genuine decision maker; he had a strong administration but he just let them make the choices while he delivered it to the people in a palatable fashion. I'm guessing we'll see similar stuff from Trump. He certainly earned his nickname "The Great Communicator", did a great job of building relationships with other world leaders... that's probably the area where the two of them will differ wildly!

On a global level, obviously there's the Cold War thing, but he does get a bit of criticism for withdrawing most American military assets from the middle east at a time when instability was on the rise, which didn't help. Oh, and his administration not-so-subtly set Gaddafi up as a sponsored scapegoat for all terrorist attacks against the western world, for all those occasions when it was inconvenient to tell everyone who was really behind it.

And finally, the now not-so-popular war on drugs was his doing. Necessary at the time, to be fair - substance abuse was crazy widespread at the start of his presidency. Shame the whole thing wasn't updated with the times. And he tried time and again to stimulate the American economy (generally being successful in doing so) while promising to return a balanced federal budget for the first time in years (and failing consistently).

Mixed bag! But not a bad one on the whole. Kept himself popular, had a couple of huge achievements, enough that people forget the rest! :lol:

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I am not surprised. People are saying "no" to politicians. In the USA the "no" was so big that they went for a businessman with no political experience. Americans are more mistrustful of their politicians than we are in the UK. Corruption in places such as Chicago is endemic. Lobbying means money talks, hence the rule of the NRA over gun control and the huge Jewish lobby meaning support for Israel and interference in the Arab states no matter what the public think. They had had a father then his son and now faced with a husband then his wife. The elite is tiny and people want to say no to them.

The UK has been doing the same and saying "no" to politicians. The Lib Dems got into power, dropped a key promise and then had a huge no vote at the next election that has pretty much wiped them out. The SNP got into power, asked for independence and were told no by the electorate. The Labour politicians did not want Corbyn as their leader and the party members said no to them, he is your leader. The majority of MPs wanted to remain in the EU, the people said no to them.

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yeah my Mexican, disabled and lgbtqi friends are scared shitless


Hah! :D

I almost started a "USA elections" thread a few days ago but was too worried it would cause friction!

I can't quite believe they've done it to be honest, I mean I can almost understand why people would want to vote for him but... Wow! :shock:

The next four years are going to be f**king terrifying for anyone who's liberal, supports gay rights, enjoys having multi-racial friends etc etc..

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Interesting graphs on how the votes break down:


How each state voted:



88% Of black voters, voted for Clinton. She wanted another black person/police shooting incident to boost her campaign! As shown by her leaked emails. Do people just ignore their sources of information?

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Sorry Beefy, can you give me the link for this?



Number 22 on here, I was slightly wrong sorry - she was happy that it actually happened as it would boost her campaign.

Also have a peek at 36 and she's also racist.

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For balance though, this is Trump's victory speech in full:

"Now it's time for America to bind the wounds of division. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people and kick out the gays, the lesbians, the ones in between who aren't quite sure, the blacks, the Hispanics, anyone who looks a bit Muslim or eats funny food, women who have abortions, or worse - who don't let me fondle their tits - anyone with a decent education who isn't taken in by my f**king retarded bullshit - all of 'em. We're going to drain the swamp and make America great again."


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Sorry Beefy, can you give me the link for this?



Number 22 on here, I was slightly wrong sorry - she was happy that it actually happened as it would boost her campaign.

Also have a peek at 36 and she's also racist.

Ok so looking at the actual email chain that you're quoting, it's clear that:

1.) It was not Hillary sending the email quoted but one of her party members.

2.) The quote "This is great" is a comment on an article they were asked to give their constructive critism on. So 'dbalenger' is saying that the article is good, the article in question being:

"Marie Claire has partnered with Harvard on a study that looks at women and guns -- their attitudes, their experiences, etc.

3.) She then points out that one of the cases used in this piece is a racial story and therefore may not be appropriate for a piece on women and guns.

So.. No. This doesn't even slightly show "Hillary being happy" that a black man was killed to help boost her campain.

In fact it's two people on her campaign talking about whether it's right or not to use a racially motivated story, in conjunction with a piece concerning women and guns, when the Mother of the boy killed is now campaigning to have gun crime reduced.

I think the worst bit about this one Beefy, is that the main person in this email chain is actually saying that it would be insensitive to use this story because of the racial aspect.

I'll have a look at your other comment about the Racist bit later.

Edited spelling error! Oops..

Edited by Gin
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Well it was chaos on the trading desk today. Traders up all night hedging their positions and emergency announcements televised across the company from senior management.

Great fun for me to be so close to the action - we should do it more often :cheers:

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Ok so a peek at number 36..

The main email evidence is mass email from the email address "[email protected]" to a selection of people in the media, one of these in the list is the chief of her campaign.

Some more details under the spoiler to cut down the length of this post!

The email sent is Jewish - supremacist and very derogatory to other minorities. Feel free to read at your own leisure, I am not going to quote parts of it because it's Loooonnggg!

From what I can see from this link it was almost a spam email that was never replied to..

The other link they give is to a

from 1996, where she is giving an address on behalf of the president at the time (Bill Clinton). I may well be wrong but I don't hear her mention colour once in the clip they've shown.

In fact she's talking about interactive policing, to get more police integrating with society to prevent gangs and crime before they become an issue, however she states that those already committing crime, will need to be brought to heel.

Lastly I will point out that the website that you've linked for your evidence is a republican supporting website. It's sole aim is to sell Republican branded clothing to Republicans; so I'm not all that surprised they're a little biased.

Do people just ignore their sources of information?

In answer to your question. Yes.

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Lastly I will point out that the website that you've linked for your evidence is a republican supporting website. It's sole aim is to sell Republican branded clothing to Republicans; so I'm not all that surprised they're a little biased.


This! It's hard enough to know which new websites have a bias that they don't make obvious, if you get info from a site that openly aligns itself to one end of the political spectrum then you can be certain that everything you're reading is creative with the truth :P

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Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division; have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.

It’s time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important to me.


I nearly threw up when this came on the radio on my drive into work this morning. Had a complete feeling of slimy, creepy git of a leech who stands at the ends of bars chatting up any women who ventures to the bar on her own.


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