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Words fail me: Part II


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Donald trump will do anything to fulfil his own goals. No matter what it takes.

If you can find somewhere to watch it this is an insightful documentary into corruption and idiocracy .


Trump cares for nothing but himself. That is not someone who should be in charge of a country in my mind.

Yes he is different. So was Hitler.




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So apparently we're all f**ked:


BUT this means we get a chance to live in a post apocalyptic Mad Max type world. And as we all know, that means that bikers are on top of the pile.

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So apparently we're all f**ked:


BUT this means we get a chance to live in a post apocalyptic Mad Max type world. And as we all know, that means that bikers are on top of the pile.


I think comparing the election of Trump to a natural disaster that wiped out most of the population of Medieval Europe is perhaps a little extreme.

That said, I fully understand why non white people and particularly women are angry, in this day and age there really should be no place for sexism.

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I'm afraid I don't see anything good in having Trump as president. Setting aside his numerous personal inadequacies, he is a man who is blatantly anti-science, whose avowed intent is to shut down the Department of Education or at best drastically reduce its role, and who seems set to appoint Ben Carson - the potty neurosurgeon who thinks that God guides his hands when he's operating, who sometimes breaks off mid-procedure to have a quick chat with the almighty, who has a rather mind-boggling portrait of himself and Jesus hanging in his house, and who thinks that religion is the only way to interpret science because after all 'it might just be propaganda' - to run it into the ground. He also wants to close down the Environmental Protection Agency, and is thinking of appointing a brainless climate change denier (who is on record as saying that global warming is an elaborate EU hoax designed to harm the US economy) to run it in the interim.

Trump seems to be most comfortable in the company of low grade dickheads, and that's what he's surrounding himself with. He is a second-rate human being with a third-rate intellect. Hilary is pretty deplorable too, but at least she's not stupid.

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I'm afraid I don't see anything good in having Trump as president. Setting aside his numerous personal inadequacies, he is a man who is blatantly anti-science, whose avowed intent is to shut down the Department of Education or at best drastically reduce its role, and who seems set to appoint Ben Carson - the potty neurosurgeon who thinks that God guides his hands when he's operating, who sometimes breaks off mid-procedure to have a quick chat with the almighty, who has a rather mind-boggling portrait of himself and Jesus hanging in his house, and who thinks that religion is the only way to interpret science because after all 'it might just be propaganda' - to run it into the ground. He also wants to close down the Environmental Protection Agency, and is thinking of appointing a brainless climate change denier (who is on record as saying that global warming is an elaborate EU hoax designed to harm the US economy) to run it in the interim.

Trump seems to be most comfortable in the company of low grade dickheads, and that's what he's surrounding himself with. He is a second-rate human being with a third-rate intellect. Hilary is pretty deplorable too, but at least she's not stupid.


Would you Lke to see Corbyn in power ?

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Would you Lke to see Corbyn in power ?


Mark opined on Corbyn in a thread we dare not mention.. but his comments then were so entertaining, it took me less than a minute to track them down.. and its with deep joy I present them again below:


the man is simply far too stupid and slow-witted to be the Prime Minister. Two E grades at A level and an aborted attempt at a degree in trade union studies at North London Poly are not really the stuff British PMs should be made of, and whilst some people with similarly poor academic records have gone on to excel - Richard Branson being a good example - they have had some spark of drive, ambition or aptitude that Corbyn simply doesn't possess, as evidenced by his subsequent 30 years of low-level socialist buffoonery. He embodies the political sophistication of a 1970s student common room, and with a leadership that is remarkable only insofar as all his enemies are in his own party his support seems to come primarily from people who don't remember this claptrap the last time round, or who think merely not being a Tory is sufficient qualification for the job.
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Would you Lke to see Corbyn in power ?


Mark opined on Corbyn in a thread we dare not mention.. but his comments then were so entertaining, it took me less than a minute to track them down.. and its with deep joy I present them again below:


the man is simply far too stupid and slow-witted to be the Prime Minister. Two E grades at A level and an aborted attempt at a degree in trade union studies at North London Poly are not really the stuff British PMs should be made of, and whilst some people with similarly poor academic records have gone on to excel - Richard Branson being a good example - they have had some spark of drive, ambition or aptitude that Corbyn simply doesn't possess, as evidenced by his subsequent 30 years of low-level socialist buffoonery. He embodies the political sophistication of a 1970s student common room, and with a leadership that is remarkable only insofar as all his enemies are in his own party his support seems to come primarily from people who don't remember this claptrap the last time round, or who think merely not being a Tory is sufficient qualification for the job.


That's a no then :lol:

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That's a no then :lol:

Yup. :lol:

Corbyn is one of those people whose parliamentary performance suggests would be hopeless at chess: he is completely incapable of thinking in anything other than a straight line, very, very slowly. And as for the rebarbative plankton he's surrounding himself with - from that gormless gobshite Diane Abbott to the sanctimonious Shami Chakrabarti - it's all thoroughly depressing.

And speaking of the referendum thread, our TMBF poll predicted the result more accurately than loads of official polls. Clearly we are more representative of the British public, and should therefore be forming our own political party. Who's in?

Anyway, I'm in Brazil at the moment where I have only one word of Portuguese: Obrigado. To make it more interesting I tried it out on the locals in a variety of accents yesterday, finally settling on Terry Thomas: "I say - obrigaahdo." Got me some funny looks but kept me entertained. :lol:

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So apparently we're all f**ked:


BUT this means we get a chance to live in a post apocalyptic Mad Max type world. And as we all know, that means that bikers are on top of the pile.


I think comparing the election of Trump to a natural disaster that wiped out most of the population of Medieval Europe is perhaps a little extreme.

That is only one example that the author gives and he only gives it due to the population impact after such a distaster.

At least with sickness, humans are banding together against illness (for the most part) and when it's over will attempt to heal together..

With his other examples (World wars, political upheavals etc) the people are normally still bitterly feuding long afterwards and unable to look at the situation with an analytical eye.


They think they’re right, they’re cheered on by jeering angry mobs, their critics are mocked.

This is true at the moment, on both sides of the current political argument. It's very difficult to look at things with a calm and rational mind when those arguing loudest are using hyperbolic rhetoric instead of base facts.

It's very easy for anyone who's interested or passionate about politics to sway facts to prove their own agendas and so it escalates; on Both sides.

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Here's another read for you, Gin - straight from the pen of Bernie Sanders, no less:


All well and good but feels a little too late.. Though I do know that Bernie has been saying this for ages!

This article (despite the headline) should be read people on both sides of the debate:


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I thought those were the normal way to respond to social media "news" stories :shock:

Apparently I don't use Facebook properly...

Seriously, people who share articles without actually reading them or comment based on the title alone should have their communication privileges taken away :P

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So apparently we're all f**ked:


BUT this means we get a chance to live in a post apocalyptic Mad Max type world. And as we all know, that means that bikers are on top of the pile.


I think comparing the election of Trump to a natural disaster that wiped out most of the population of Medieval Europe is perhaps a little extreme.

That is only one example that the author gives and he only gives it due to the population impact after such a distaster.

At least with sickness, humans are banding together against illness (for the most part) and when it's over will attempt to heal together..

With his other examples (World wars, political upheavals etc) the people are normally still bitterly feuding long afterwards and unable to look at the situation with an analytical eye.


They think they’re right, they’re cheered on by jeering angry mobs, their critics are mocked.

This is true at the moment, on both sides of the current political argument. It's very difficult to look at things with a calm and rational mind when those arguing loudest are using hyperbolic rhetoric instead of base facts.

It's very easy for anyone who's interested or passionate about politics to sway facts to prove their own agendas and so it escalates; on Both sides.


I know he gave other examples too but that was the one he gave the most time to.

Personally I do think Trump will be a bad president, I think Clinton would have been a bad president too, but I think his presidency is more likely to be uneventful and disappointing than resulting in WW3, I certainly don't think he's the man to heal the obviously deep divisions in US society.

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