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Hey all,

Figure I'd put a thread up for this as I'm pretty sure people are going to want to talk about it, while others are going to actively avoid the spoilers.

So feel free to chat in here and hopefully it will keep it a bit contained!

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Right, still going to wrap this one in spoiler tags Just in Case it can be seen from the main thread list! :D

How do people feel about the lead beloved characters seeming to have a little bit extra plot armor so far?

I think one of the things that drew people in to Game of Thrones was GRRMs apparent disregard for the norms of keeping key characters alive.

Is this the writers running out of source material and now finishing the story how they see it working out?

Or is this all a big ruse and the final three episodes will be a blood bath of all our favorites?


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Bloodbath most likely :shock:

Hearing a lot of complaints about the last episode but I enjoyed it.

Watching all the dothraki torches blink out one by one was a brilliant bit of work.

Arya hiding from the dead and then wringing out the jump scare until the last possible moment was great too


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Bloodbath most likely :shock:

Hearing a lot of complaints about the last episode but I enjoyed it.

Watching all the dothraki torches blink out one by one was a brilliant bit of work.

Arya hiding from the dead and then wringing out the jump scare until the last possible moment was great too


Yes! That gentle dagger press under the chin and then slowly laying the wight down! Really showed off her training well. This same scene as well, I loved what a point they made of her moving absolutely silently.

And yes, the torches were amazing! So powerful to see the reactions of everyone back at the keep.

I think anyone with a "True-black" TV would have really enjoyed the episode.

I can imagine if the black was really deep then then whole episode would have felt amazing (I know what you mean about the audience feeling the chaos and confusion of a war in the middle of the night) but I've had my TV for at least 5 years now and as good as it was when I first got it, it can't do the darkness this episode needed. :(

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Im totally hooked. Recorded the 2am screening and watched it at 0700 to avoid spoilers. Yes, it was confusing as mostly filmed in the dark. A lot going on , but couldn't see most of it. What an ending though. Some great characters are gone , but that's GoT. Wish i could work out how Arya appeared from nowhere, but she is a trained assassin. Sorry to lose Lyanna Mormont, but she was fearless as usual.

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I was sad to see Jorah go. He's been there since the beginning and was one of my favourites.

Perhaps thats the reason they didn't kill of so many and major characters seemed to have teflon armour as gin put it.

The main ones that are left have been with us a long time now and "deserve" a more memorable death if they are going to go rather than just cut down by swarths of the dead. It would be more realistic but not as satisfying. :popcorn:

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I was sad to see Jorah go. He's been there since the beginning and was one of my favourites.

Perhaps thats the reason they didn't kill of so many and major characters seemed to have teflon armour as gin put it.

The main ones that are left have been with us a long time now and "deserve" a more memorable death if they are going to go rather than just cut down by swarths of the dead. It would be more realistic but not as satisfying. :popcorn:

Yeah, I was thinking something along the same lines.

So Berwick Dondarion was brought back from the clutches of death time and time again, just so he could be there to save Arya and allow her to carry on into the fight.

Jorah was sent away into exile for his betrayal, only to redeem himself and come back to lay down his life for his queen.

I wonder if, in true GoT fashion, these main characters have been saved for now as they have to stay alive for the next fight; they are instrumental in the story to come in the assault on Kings Landing.

Also, other note, Tyrions gentle kiss on Sansa's knuckles before they stepped out into the Crypts was ridiculously sweet.

I love that even though all the Lannisters she's known treated her horrifically, yet he's always tried to instead show her respect and deference. Such a lovely act of kindness and affection in the face of almost certain death.

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All in a spoiler. Sorry in advance for the essay! :lol:

I struggled with the tv settings on last night showing too. Watched it on Now TV when we got home from work, and then watched around half of the "live" showing. Ended up messing around with settings on the TV and turning off all the lights to be able to see it properly.

The dothraki charge was intersting I thought, although I'm rather annoyed that seeminly only Jorah survived it (did Ghost? There was totally not enough direwolf action). I would have liked it better if a few survivers made it back.

Battle tactics seemed to be lacking, why not start with dragon fire to funnel the dead into the middle of the waiting army, rather than let them come full pelt at them?

I was sad to see Jorah go, but I think it was the ideal time. Especially as he died fighting alongside his Queen, and lived long enough to know she was safe. I especially like Drogon coming up at the end and "protecting" them. That was rather touching.

The arieal dragon fighting was a confusing mess. Possibly intentonally, but I really struggled to work out who was who.

Jon was pretty useless in my opinon. He should have had the foresight to burn as many wights as possible with Rhaegal before the Night King showed up. And what has happened to Rhaegal, is he ok after the crash landing?

I figured Melisandre might show up, she was a lot more pivitol than I thought she would be, I was glad they did not completely hide her weaknesses though. - The struggle to light the trenches.

Lighting the Dothraki arakhs was simply awesome. I also liked that she took her necklace off to die, and that Davos watched.

Sam fliting between being heroic and terrified was very well done. I really hope he is ok after this.

Poor miserable Edd :crybaby:

I'm suprised Breienne, Jamie and Pod all apparently survived. I expected at least one of those three to die, giving their life for another.

The Hound regaining his courage after seeing Arya still fighting was heartwarming. Really makes me hope he survives till the end. Beric dieing was not as emotical as it could have been, but seemed right. He had "served his purpose". Which I think reenforced Melisandre encouraging Arya.

Gendry surviving was definitly plot armour.

Lyanna Mormount went out in style! :crybaby:

The crypts becoming not as safe as they imagined was well done. I liked the moments between Tyrion and Sansa. I think it showed the mutal respect and gratitude between them very well. I wold have liked to have seen Gilly be a defender in the crypts. I don't image she would would have just ran screaming from the dead. She is a women of action.

Bran actually being rather Human towards Theon was very nice to see. It is what Theon needed, and I think everyone expected him to die. I do wish Theon and the Night King had at least traded a few blows before Theon was killed though.

Arya delivering the final blow was fantastic! Not what I expected at all! I did expect her dagger to play a part in the killing of the Night King, however I didn't think it would be quick that easy.

I suspect this Battle in the books will be much different. So I'm looking forward to finally reading it.

Not my favorite episode, but it was a good one.


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Just saw this online.

Episode 1 of season 8, Arya & Jon Snow are reunited. It happens in the godswood where the nightking was killed. And the first thing snow says to Arya is "how did you sneak up on me?" :shock:


[mention]Arwen[/mention] Both Ghost and Rhaegal can be seen in the trailer for next weeks episode :thumb:

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I honestly felt it was a bit of an anti climax, the night king and his army have been built up as a huge threat for so long and they were so overwhelmed I was sort of expecting a retreat and regroup.

Saying that though I’m not annoyed with how he ended up getting killed like some people are, I was actually quite happy that it wasn’t Jon or Daenerys for a change although I was surprised he survived a direct blast from Drogon.

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although I was surprised he survived a direct blast from Drogon.


Fan theories are he was a Targayren hence not being able to be killed by fire

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Final scene of the final episode takes place in a bedroom in Swindon. Jon Snow wakes up in bed and remarks. Bloody hell... What a dream!! Too many beers on top of a four cheese pizza. Big mistake.

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although I was surprised he survived a direct blast from Drogon.


Fan theories are he was a Targayren hence not being able to be killed by fire


Really?!? I always thought he was a Stark! But then, I guess there is more evidence that he was a Targayren.

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although I was surprised he survived a direct blast from Drogon.


Fan theories are he was a Targayren hence not being able to be killed by fire


I don’t think he could be though!, he’s meant to have been around for 1000s of years, the Targaryens have only been around for 300 ish.

I just thought the reason he could fly a dragon is because he bought it back from the dead, same as he rode dead horses and stuff?.

Him being made of ice and not melting into a puddle from getting a blast of fire that turned normal people to ash was a bit weird but then it was also pretty cool.

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although I was surprised he survived a direct blast from Drogon.


Fan theories are he was a Targayren hence not being able to be killed by fire


I don’t think he could be though!, he’s meant to have been around for 1000s of years, the Targaryens have only been around for 300 ish.

I just thought the reason he could fly a dragon is because he bought it back from the dead, same as he rode dead horses and stuff?.

Him being made of ice and not melting into a puddle from getting a blast of fire that turned normal people to ash was a bit weird but then it was also pretty cool.


I thought he was meant to be one of the Andals (sp?) who were in Westeros before the Targerians came over and conquered the land.

I assumed he was immune to the dragon fire as he has a thumping great shard of Dragon Glass shoved into the center of his chest which gave him the powers of the Night King.


I honestly felt it was a bit of an anti climax, the night king and his army have been built up as a huge threat for so long and they were so overwhelmed I was sort of expecting a retreat and regroup.

Yup, I had expected a smaller force to hit Winterfell and the main army would continue to march down to Kings Landing.

Now Cersei never has to deal with the selfishness of her actions to not defend the realm that she's meant to be protector of.

The people of the 7 Kingdoms didn't get to see the Snarks and Grumpkins which they were warned were apocalyptic and therefore think the North men are whining for nothing.

Even the Glovers, north men in their own right, didn't see the horror of the Army of the Dead before it was demolished.

Agree I'm glad who ended it, but it feels weird having it end so suddenly after such a huge build up.

(Also, like I said before, with so many lead characters surviving.)

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Hands up those who think Bran is the most annoying character! I don't get the point of him at all. Oh I can see everything and warg and could be super helpful but instead I'll creepily smile and do NOTHING. haha have fun dying for me suckers!

At least the nightking has personality so if it makes him more interesting I'm all for it

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Fan theories are he was a Targayren hence not being able to be killed by fire


I don’t think he could be though!, he’s meant to have been around for 1000s of years, the Targaryens have only been around for 300 ish.

I just thought the reason he could fly a dragon is because he bought it back from the dead, same as he rode dead horses and stuff?.

Him being made of ice and not melting into a puddle from getting a blast of fire that turned normal people to ash was a bit weird but then it was also pretty cool.


I thought he was meant to be one of the Andals (sp?) who were in Westeros before the Targerians came over and conquered the land.

I assumed he was immune to the dragon fire as he has a thumping great shard of Dragon Glass shoved into the center of his chest which gave him the powers of the Night King.


I honestly felt it was a bit of an anti climax, the night king and his army have been built up as a huge threat for so long and they were so overwhelmed I was sort of expecting a retreat and regroup.

Yup, I had expected a smaller force to hit Winterfell and the main army would continue to march down to Kings Landing.

Now Cersei never has to deal with the selfishness of her actions to not defend the realm that she's meant to be protector of.

The people of the 7 Kingdoms didn't get to see the Snarks and Grumpkins which they were warned were apocalyptic and therefore think the North men are whining for nothing.

Even the Glovers, north men in their own right, didn't see the horror of the Army of the Dead before it was demolished.

Agree I'm glad who ended it, but it feels weird having it end so suddenly after such a huge build up.

(Also, like I said before, with so many lead characters surviving.)


I think quite a few people thought the threat of the Night King was dealt with too quickly.

I don't know how it's going to go forward now, Cersei will have some tricks up her sleeve that's for sure, I want to see more scenes with Arya and The Hound together and I want at least one of the dragons to survive the series.

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Am pretty sure the night king is a stark, i wouldnt quote me on this but im SURE the children of the forest mentioned it when they created him, and i know the starks were of the andals/first men doofers

Also, the last episode. Fml, seriously. I would quite happily have sacrified the entire cast to save Jorah, i dont think ive been as emotionally invested in a fictional character since 15 year old girl me watched titanic at the cinema. I bawled like a baby and then cried again when i read a random artilce on Jorah yesterday. I need to get my act together hahaha.

I thought greyworm and brienne were going to cop for it on sunday... though i think cersei may kill her instead now maybe. Im pretty dead set on jaime killing cersei at this point and ive thought this for a few years now

Reckon bronn isnt gunna make it as well

Its amazing how my opinions on some characters have changed. Ive loved jorah since day one, but i also loved Daenerys, though she's grown tiresome now and i just want her to go away, gone from hating jaime to really rooting for him now. Ive always loved cersei, i think i would be her if i was a fantasy/medievil high born woman. Angry and always pissed and smiting all my enemies

Yeh, good times

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Pissed me off to be honest how dark everything was.... Turned into The Walkg Dead Was expecting Rick, Darryl Maggie and co to come steaming in ,

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Pissed me off to be honest how dark everything was.... Turned into The Walkg Dead Was expecting Rick, Darryl Maggie and co to come steaming in ,


I have read loads that people struggled with the brightness of it, but mine was ok, dunno if its juat my brightness on my tv was already high but i had no issuea watching it

I dont think i am mentally prepared for next week as im sure jorah is going to have an emotional send off. Csnt cope #devo'd

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