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F**k It

Guest noob_biker

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not going into detail-you wouldn't believe it.

But yesterday I 'sorted out' [let's leave it there] a really obnoxious self-important prick.

.....turns out it was the manager's husband. I've never seen the dogshit egotistical ponce before.

I have NO idea what the fat self-important slag was even doing on the premises-he shouldn't be able.


No. Just,no.

I spent 12 years in 45,taking all KINDS of shit I'm not going into,so THAT fat ponce can be sarcastic to me,PLUS think he can touch me,push me,shove me- just because his gormless wife is the manager? ....NO. He learned the hard way,the painful way,THAT's not gonna happen!

'No action to be taken'....NOT because that fat cnut came 2nd when the physical stuff started,NOT because I'll go feral if they try to 'take action',Not because he 'got heroic' on me...but because SHE shouldn't have allowed the fat ponce on site,let alone given him a pass! And she KNOWS it.

So-I've decided to ask for my P45 and move on,before he wakes up in an ambulance-& I'm in a cell.

[i would just like to add . . .you have NO idea how many times I've re-written,re-phrased,changed and altered this,in an attempt to hide the white burning anger that even now is still like a furnace inside me. So,I apologise to you,who has NO idea what this is all about. I just feel better,a little bit,for getting it out. So,I proffer apologies to all/anyone who read this & is thinking WTF??

{even though this is the 55th version I've written,trying desperately to tone it down}]`

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GRRRR someone who I used to work with has annoyed me...

The term engineer is used by everyone from architects to idiots right out of college.

It's lost all its glamour because people these days brand themselves it as they had a job title or a piece of paper from a course they did that says so. It's almost like you don't have to work for it anymore.

This chap got sacked for gross misconduct, instead of changing his ways he actually got worse. He went up to Scotland, and then instead of starting anew claimed he left rather than being sacked as he was being held back. He now lays claim to being an engineer...

He was on the same uni course as me, I have worked my arse off to get a engineering based position, moved office, and while the pay is better this guy is now on 4 times more than me as he charges companies as an engineer :shock:.

To be an engineer the old boys say it is experience over education any day of the week. And so as I only have education and a few years experience I am not one.

So how does a fat, lazy, xbox addicted arse get to be one?

His uni project didn't even work, mine is a functioning fuel injection unit and his was a wind turbine that broke the gearbox on its first try :x :x :x

f**k it... No wonder the country is a mess

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Sorry Fozzie, architect don`t use the term engineer as it`s beneath them, :wink: :lol: :lol: They go to college for 5 years and then have to have 2 years in private practice before they can even apply to the RIBA

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Architects can use the term, they are the side that deserve it as the hard graft gets put in :)

It just annoys me some punks out there with no experience, and usually no real idea convince themselves they are one with no solid background :(

My only consolation is he is like 22 stone now and developing health issues, seems the bad really do get punished sometimes...

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A mate of mine left work and sold fruit at a wholesalers, he was on £40 a week whereas I was only on £20. I`m now on a hell of a site more than that and he`s still selling fruit. Things will change mate, just hang in there.

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A mate of mine left work and sold fruit at a wholesalers, he was on £40 a week whereas I was only on £20. I`m now on a hell of a site more than that and he`s still selling fruit. Things will change mate, just hang in there.

bet he hasnt got the same stress levels you have to put up with tho neil at times oh and f**k it ive got to go and get more fresh fruit we have run out

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fozzie,if I might interject.....don't hold grudges-hold your head up,mate!

What you've got,you've earned,it's on solid foundations,you have a future.

What your former buddy has is a paper house,built on bullsh1t.

The older I get,the more I see the truth of 'what goes around,comes around'.

I'm just a glorified dustman. I drive the roadtrains that swap those huge skips at recycling/amenity sites. I've done it for yonks. Since leaving the military,it's what I chose to do-I had my reasons.

Everyone I was at uni with thought I was a complete idiot to 'waste my education'.

But,I've never been out of work-rubbish/refuse/recycling just keeps on coming.

All but ONE of my uni mates are on the rock-n-role,as their various companies have gone down the pan,shrunk,'downsized' etc etc. All of them laughed at me when they discovered what I chose to do.

I will admit to some days being REALLY taxing-but,I own my home,car,bike,guitars...humble though they be.

OWN,not 'am making payments on'.

NONE of my uni mates can say the same.

Plus,I have never ever owned [or wanted] a credit card.

If I can't pay for it-I don't want it. That's just my personal ethos,but it works for me.

So you hang in there,let the solid foundations you built hold you in place-and watch the circle turn.

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Plus,I have never ever owned [or wanted] a credit card.

If I can't pay for it-I don't want it. That's just my personal ethos,but it works for me.

So you hang in there,let the solid foundations you built hold you in place-and watch the circle turn.

I'm sure if it weren't for my hubby, I'd have been in a load of debt by now. Not usually the sensible type, me! - I remember a good few years ago getting a credit card to buy a mootorbike with (yeah well I was young and didn't know about finance options etc)! It came in the post - I held it in my hands...and I started online shopping, adding things to carts, thinking of all the wonderful shite I could buy.

And then cut it into pieces!

I don't owe anyone anything either - don't have the most well-paid job in the world but I own my own bike and hope to own a home with Wallie in the future. I live within my means and comparing my life with my high-flying, selfish brother, I realise how much more I appreciate what I have, doing the cheap but still fun days out and nights in with friends and family, appreciate the sentimental more than the material.

Tis a better and more stress-free way of being :D

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And following on from mentioning my brother already tonight - we normally get on but he's getting more and more up his own arse as time goes on and he earns more and more money, as does his fiancee working in IT.

Ollie and I recently did a photo shoot *for free* for him. We both have degrees in photography, have an expensive studio set-up and decent cameras: we re-arranged our living room, set up the backdrop and lights, practiced before their arrival, took a few hours doing the shoot - on and off to give my nephew Teddy a break between photos for feeds and so he wasn't overwhelmed - had a nice day doing it. Spent a lot of time doing post-production on the photos in Photoshop, was really chuffed with the results. Posted them on Facebook a week later: My brother commented on one picture saying they were nice and wrote a thanks. Never heard a word about it since, his fiancee never thanked me at all, despite the fact we've seen them in person since.

I called him last night (because he never contacts me) - and he dropped in that they paid for a photo shoot last week, told me how fantastic it was and how I could 'really learn from that photographer's photos'. Wow, why don't you just slap me in the f**king face while you're there. ar*ehole.

Oh well, I got a paid job out of doing his photos. A previous manager of mine saw them and some of our other shoots and asked if we'd do a shoot for them (photos here: Louise Hickling ). Arranged for after our honeymooooon in October. Can't wait. Would like to rub the money in my bro's face afterwards and smash the canvases I had made from the shoot over his head. I got them printed for his birthday next week. He didn't even get me a card this year. I've decided to shove them in the back of a cupboard as I'm sure he would probably pick fault with them compared to the glorious photographer he probably paid a fortune for, and give him the same treatment instead and have sweet FA now. f**k it!

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What a Dick!

My god..

Your pics are ace hun! (If a little terrifying to go "Cute people.. Smiles.. SCARY TEETH :shock: ")

Family can really suck sometimes, stick close to friends and Ollie.. They'll keep that huge smile on your face :mrgreen:

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What a Dick!

My god..

Your pics are ace hun! (If a little terrifying to go "Cute people.. Smiles.. SCARY TEETH :shock: ")

Family can really suck sometimes, stick close to friends and Ollie.. They'll keep that huge smile on your face :mrgreen:


Thanks, Jin x

Hahaha, and I don't have the surgery pics on here from when I was a dental clinical photographer - the sinus grafts were pretty graphic in particular haha!

I just find it hard to relate to him anymore. In London atm to see my gdad as he's not got much longer left - too much of a hassle for my bro though! Meh!

Most of my fam are ace tho. Family over friends any day, but love em all to bits :love: .

Have a nice bank hol weekend x

Edited by BikerMooFromMars
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Great photos Moo.

I think the fact your brother felt the need to tell you he paid for a photoshoot following your free one tells you he loves money and felt the need to justify spending the money by telling you just how great the photos are. Have you seen any of them to confirm they are better than the ones you took ? I suspect they aren't.

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