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Posts posted by Stu

  1. 36 minutes ago, Mississippi Bullfrog said:

    I wouldn't know where to start. I can fillet a fish but that's about it.


    In other news.. .you know how hard it is to get an appointment with a doctor. Well I've got two doctors wanting an appointment with me. Apparently they are both free tomorrow and would appreciate it if I could accommodate them. Amazing how they can be available when it suits them!


    Tell one that he is in a queue and he important to you and in position 1

    Then tell the other he is in a queue and he is important to you and he is in position 2


    Then hang up on them both :lol: 



    PS hope all is OK 

    • Haha 3
    • Confused 1
  2. Could either be air in the lines or sticking piston/s or slides 


    I would first bleed the brake and run new fluid all the way through and while you are at it remove the caliper and pump the piston/s out a bit and clean them up also clean and grease the slides 


    If this doesn't work then chances are its time for a full rebuild with seals on either the caliper or master cylinder 



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. What winds me up is how the headline reads! 




    Shocking moment motorbike crashes into car as driver gives way to women walking across road



    How about car pulls across front of motorcyclist because he never looked! 

    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Mississippi Bullfrog said:

    That is true. The battery will get some charge but it won't be fully charged. It is a common misconception because the old dynamos would fully charge a flat battery, but modern charging systems don't. 


    To fully charge a battery from flat you are better off using a charger. 


    It's not urgent as if you can get it started and give it a decent run it will get enough charge to restart the engine. Many people run their bikes this way all the time.


    I have seen you mention this a few times and I always pull the face of 🤨


    I am going to be that annoying kid! Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?


    I was always under the impression that the reg/recs job was to charge the battery fully and once fully charged pump the rest out as heat! so why won't it fully charge a battery? 


    Oh and to @thevoyager car not running if you haven't guessed :lol: 

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, bonio said:

    Sounds rough 



    It was! and still is! 


    almost 8 months off work with it! 


    Lots of nerve damage and muscle weakness in my face and as I say left with hearing loss of about 40% left in my right ear and also tinnitus in both ears although I do believe riding bikes has contributed to that too! 

    To be honest I have just got used to the ringing! at first it was a nightmare and would stop me sleeping but I am out like a like now :lol:


    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  6. Just now, Mickly said:

    I’ve not been diagnosed with anything related ( mainly because I haven’t mentioned it to the Doc ) but I have tinnitus that comes and goes, it seems to be definitely stress / hangover related, I can go ages without noticing it, although it’s probably there at a low level and suddenly it’s there with a vengeance.


    Ramsey hunt syndrome isn't related as such! Google what it is 


    But it causes damage to the nerves and hearing loss and causes tinnitus amongst other long term issues I've been left with :?


  7. I got something called Ramsey Hunt Syndrome at the start of 2020 which has left me with hearing loss and tinnitus! 


    Stress certainly makes it worse as does lack of sleep! 


    Being out on the bike does aggravate it a little but I have already learn to live with it! 


    Before all this when I had been out on the bike my ears always seemed a bit sensitive to sound after a long days riding and I would get a slight ringing in my ears but it wasn't anything to complain about to be fair

    • Like 1
  8. I have had 1000's 1300's and 1200's and always look for another gear! it never stops so stop using it as an excuse :lol: 


    You both want a 1000cc and are looking to buy one of the about! 


    My advice is ride them and buy the ones you like you don't have to justify the change to anyone :thumb: 

  9. 200 mile ride today on the bike! 


    Started off at brid for a breakfast which is where one of my mates told me he is under the thumb and has to be home by 1.30 to pick his wife up :roll: 


    Which meant I couldn't do the plans that I wanted to do! 


    From there we ended up going to look at bikes at Barrie Robson Motorcycles in York from there we headed to seaways for a brew and to let my mate go home and attach himself to the ball and chain :roll: 


    We then ended up in Grimsby looking at more bikes :lol: 

  10. 5 hours ago, teo63 said:

    I got an engine warning light for fault code 25 on the z1000sx. Still runs OK, it just lost the gear indicator on the dash.

    I'm guessing that means i need to pay lots of £££££ 😩


    Take some lube with you!!! 


    PS you haven't changed the front sprocket size have you? 

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