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Posts posted by Stu

  1. 5 hours ago, muddycrox said:

    if you have a car license on or after 1 February 2001 and you do a cbt that allows you to ride a moped 49cc under, for the duration of your car license, without l plates and you can take a pillion. You only have to do it once. Anything over 49cc will require cbt every 2 years or until you get your bike license.



    No thats wrong! 


    Its if you obtained a license before 1st Feb 2001 you get a moped licence 


    After this date you have to either do a test or CBT to ride one 


    16 minutes ago, Ewan Scott said:


    Some operators have stopped taking booking enquiries via telephone😒 quite frustrating


    That is a bit frustrating! 




    Hi are you looking at traveling with P&O or someone like that? 


    You can do one booking for one bike and rider with the cabin then the next booking with just a rider an bike and no cabin 


    I would advise ringing them up though as the systems don't always marry them up for the one booking and can be a nightmare to work with 


    We had the same when booking for 5 people and 3 bikes! 


    I went in locally and they booked all people on with one bike and the cabin and all meals then added the bikes separately it was a nightmare to do even for the staff 

    • Like 1
  2. 56 minutes ago, Geoff Wilson said:


    I ask a genuine question and I read that crap. Way to go fellas. Yet according to some on here I’m the troll. Righto.


    Seriously what do you expect from the previous dealings most have had on here? 


    And the fact that you have already stated in the thread 

    3 hours ago, Geoff Wilson said:

    I’ve read online that in the winter a cover isn’t good enough because of rain and moisture. 


    That to me says you have researched this and know the answers and if we don't agree then we know what's going to happen!! 


    Give people some confidence in that they can have a discussion with you on a subject without it turning in to a you know best thread 

    • Like 5
  3. 1 minute ago, dynax said:


    Yes, I remember going past the showground :thumb:

    As you come in to Bainton me and a mate was behind the car that was behind you! 


    I thought it was you but didn't want to risk overtaking everything to catch up as its well policed at times 

  4. 28 minutes ago, MikeHorton said:

    Even in the winter in crap weather its invigorating blows the cobwebs away 





    I went out with a few lads from work and when we set off it was 4 degrees and ice on the side of the roads! but it was dry! 


    I had all my textiles on and a few layers coupled with my heated seat and grips I was pretty toasty 


    As a result I forgot how cold it actually was until I went barrelling in to a corner like it was mid summer then realised the roads was covered in salt and it was freezing! 


    I got a little too carried away but by eck was it fun :lol: 

    • Haha 2
  5. 35 minutes ago, Pie man said:

    I get hours upon hours of enjoyment and good  mental health therapy for £39. Far cheaper than counselling 👍

    Don't count the miles 


    But the more miles you get the more counselling you get for your money :lol: 

    • Like 1
  6. I don't ride a bike for economy but the bike computer says 56 average :shock: 


    on average I am getting 240 miles to fill ups which never puts the reserve light on and I usually squeeze in around 20 litres 


    I have seen the rang showing 310 miles to empty but never tested that and never ridden steady enough either :lol: 


    Not bad for a 1200! 


    I say get a bigger bike not smaller :lol: 

    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Geoff Wilson said:

    When have I ever claimed that I could ride a bike?


    I never said you did :roll:


    But according to you the test isn't that hard as you have watched videos! It's just all about control and doesn't look that hard! 


    So if it's that easy why all the worry about doing it? Why the million and one questions to be then slated by someone who hasn't done the tests but thinks they are easy because YouTube says it is! 


    Why are you asking us what we think when you clearly just argue the toss with the answers and think you know better? 

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